Buzağılamadan önce ve sonra ineklerde progesteron, östrojen ve kalsiyum değerleri
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmada gebeliğin son dönemi ve doğum sonrası 15 inekten (Holştayn- Esmer) alınan kan örnekleri östradiol- 17ß (E2), progesteron ve Ca degerieri yönünden incelendi. Gebeligin 8., 9. aylarında, doguma yakın ve dogum sonrası östradiol degerieri Holştayn ineklerde sırasıyla 87.83, I I 7.33, 592.50, 74.08 pg/ml olarak bulundu. Dönemler arasında istatistiksel önemde farklılıklar aptandı (P<O.O I, P<0.05, P<0.01). Esmer ineklerde ise östradiol degerieri sırasıyla 85.57, 105.57, 783.14, 80.14 pg/ml olarak bulundu ve dönemler arasında istatistiki önemde farklılıklar saptandı (P<O.OI , P<O.Ol , P<O.OI). Irklar arasında ise sadece 9. ayda östradiol ve Ca degerieri arasındaki farklılıklar önemli bulundu (P<0.05). Progesteron degerieri aynı dönemlerde Hoiştayniarda 10.78, 8.21 , 3.61, 0.61 nglml; Esrnerierde ise 10.24, 9.78, 4.38, 0.47 nglml olarak bulundu. Progesteron degerieri arasında da farklılıklar önemliydi. Holştayn ineklerde Ca degerieri 10.03, 9.98, 9.13, 9.91 mgllOOml; Esrnerierde 10.51, 10.40, 10.14, 9.57 mg/100 ml olarak bulundu ve Ca degerieri arasında önemli bir fark bulunmadı.
In this study, bood sarnples from 15 cows at the last pregnancy period and after parturition were examined for oestradiol- 17~ß (Ez), progesterone and Ca values. Serum oestradiol values in Holstein cows were found 87.83, I 1 7.33, 592.50, 74.08 pg/ml in 8 th and 9 th month of pregnancy, near birth and after parturltion respectively. There were statisticaly important differences among some periods (P<O.Ol, P<0.05, P<O.OI). Oestradiol valuesin Brown Swiss cows were found 85.57, 105.57, 783.1 4, 80.14 pg/ml respectively. There were important differences among some periods (P<0.01, P<0.01, P<O.OI). Only in the 9 th month oestradiol and caicium values were found to be statistically signifıcant between breeds (P<0.05). Respective progesterone values in these periods were found 10.78, 8.21, 3.61 , 0.61 nglml in Holstein, and 10.24, 9.78, 4.38, 0.47 nglrnl in Brown-Swiss pows. There was also significant differences between progesteron values. Calcium values were found 10.03, 9.98, 9.13, 9.91 mg/100 ml in Holstein and, 10.51, 10.40, 10.14, 9.57 mg/100 ml in Brown-Swiss cows. There wa5 no signifıcant difference between Ca values.
In this study, bood sarnples from 15 cows at the last pregnancy period and after parturition were examined for oestradiol- 17~ß (Ez), progesterone and Ca values. Serum oestradiol values in Holstein cows were found 87.83, I 1 7.33, 592.50, 74.08 pg/ml in 8 th and 9 th month of pregnancy, near birth and after parturltion respectively. There were statisticaly important differences among some periods (P<O.Ol, P<0.05, P<O.OI). Oestradiol valuesin Brown Swiss cows were found 85.57, 105.57, 783.1 4, 80.14 pg/ml respectively. There were important differences among some periods (P<0.01, P<0.01, P<O.OI). Only in the 9 th month oestradiol and caicium values were found to be statistically signifıcant between breeds (P<0.05). Respective progesterone values in these periods were found 10.78, 8.21, 3.61 , 0.61 nglml in Holstein, and 10.24, 9.78, 4.38, 0.47 nglrnl in Brown-Swiss pows. There was also significant differences between progesteron values. Calcium values were found 10.03, 9.98, 9.13, 9.91 mg/100 ml in Holstein and, 10.51, 10.40, 10.14, 9.57 mg/100 ml in Brown-Swiss cows. There wa5 no signifıcant difference between Ca values.
Bu çalışma Uludağ Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu tarafından desteklenmiştir.
İnek, Cow, Östradiol, Progesteron, Kalsiyum, Progesterone, Oestradiol, Calcium
Cengiz, F. vd. (2000). "Buzağılamadan önce ve sonra ineklerde progesteron, östrojen ve kalsiyum değerleri" Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 19(3), 37-43.