Sıçanlarda periferik sinir onarımında skar oluşumunu önlemek için Gore-Tex® (politetrafloroetilen) ve Contractubex® (allantoin, heparin, exractum cepae) kullanımı -deneysel çalışma-
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Sinir yaralanmalarında, çevre doku yapışıklıkları, iyileşmeyi olumsuz yönde etkiler. Günümüze kadar, bu olumsuz durumu engellemek için birçok cerrahi teknik ve malzeme kullanılmıştır. Buna rağmen halen sinir onarım sonuçları tatmin edici değildir. Bu çalışmada amaç; Politetrafloroetilen (cPTFE– MotifMesh™) biomateryal’in ve allantoin, heparin, “exractum cepae” jel (Contractubex®)’in onarılan sinir hattında skar gelişimi ve yapışıklıklar üzerine etkisini karşılaştırmaktır. Çalışma için; 24 adet Spraque Dawley türü sıçan seçildi. Sıçanlar 4 gruba ayrıldı. 1. gruba, hiçbir işlem yapılmadı, 2. gruba, sağ siyatik sinir kesildikten sonra primer onarım yapıldı, 3. gruba, onarım bölgesinin etrafına MotifMesh™ sarıldı, 4. gruba ise onarım bölgesinin etrafına MotifMesh™ sarıldıktan sonra Contractubex® jel ilave edildi. Perinöral skar dokusu oluşumu ve sinir rejenerasyonunu değerlendirmek amacıyla; makroskobik, fonksiyonel, elektrofizyolojik ve histolojik değerlendirmeler yapıldı. MotifMesh™ ve MotifMesh™–Contractubex® jel kombinasyonu uygulanan grupta diğer gruplara oranla perinöral skar dokusu oluşumu ve yapışıklığın daha fazla olmasına rağmen histolojik, elektrofizyolojik ve fonksiyonel sonuçların daha iyi olduğu görüldü. Sonuç olarak: MotifMesh™–Contractubex® jel birleşiminin periferik sinir cerrahisinde, yara iyileşmesi ve sinir rejenerasyonuna üzerinde olumsuz etkisinin olmadığı, epinöral ve ekstranöral skar dokusu oluşumu üzerine olumlu değişikliği olmamasına rağmen sinir iyileşmesi ve fonksiyon geri kazanımı üzerinde olumlu etkileri olduğu görülmüştür.
In nerve injuries, peripheric tissue adhesion affects the recovery in a negative way. However still nerve repair results are not adequate. For this reason, studies considering peripheral nerve repairs have been continuing for several years. In order to prevent this negative situation, alot of operation techniques and materials have been utilized up until now. This study aims to investigate the effect of Condensed– Polytetrafluoroethylene (cPTFE–MotifMesh™) biomaterial and allantoin, heparin, exractum cepae gel (Contractubex®) on the nerve repair line by means of scar development and adhesions. For this study 24 Spraque Dawley rats were chosen. Rats were grouped into four. No operations were carried out in the first group, a primary repair was carried out after resecting the left sciatic nerve in the second goup, MotifMesh™ were wrapped around the repair area in the third group and Contractubex® gel was added after wrapping the repair area with MotifMesh™ in the fourth group. In order to depict the formation of perineural scar tissue and nerve regeneration macroscopic, functional, electrophysiologic and histologic results were evaluated. Inspite of the fact that the formation of perineural scar tissue and excess adhesions are high in the group where MotifMesh™ ve MotifMesh™–Contractubex® gel combination applied, histologic, electrophysiologic and functional results are considerably better. As a result, in peripheral nerve surgeries MotifMesh™–Contractubex® gel combination does not have any negative effect on scar repair and nerve regeneration, although it does not have any positive change on perineural and extraneural scar formation; it has positive impacts on nerve repair and functional recovery.
In nerve injuries, peripheric tissue adhesion affects the recovery in a negative way. However still nerve repair results are not adequate. For this reason, studies considering peripheral nerve repairs have been continuing for several years. In order to prevent this negative situation, alot of operation techniques and materials have been utilized up until now. This study aims to investigate the effect of Condensed– Polytetrafluoroethylene (cPTFE–MotifMesh™) biomaterial and allantoin, heparin, exractum cepae gel (Contractubex®) on the nerve repair line by means of scar development and adhesions. For this study 24 Spraque Dawley rats were chosen. Rats were grouped into four. No operations were carried out in the first group, a primary repair was carried out after resecting the left sciatic nerve in the second goup, MotifMesh™ were wrapped around the repair area in the third group and Contractubex® gel was added after wrapping the repair area with MotifMesh™ in the fourth group. In order to depict the formation of perineural scar tissue and nerve regeneration macroscopic, functional, electrophysiologic and histologic results were evaluated. Inspite of the fact that the formation of perineural scar tissue and excess adhesions are high in the group where MotifMesh™ ve MotifMesh™–Contractubex® gel combination applied, histologic, electrophysiologic and functional results are considerably better. As a result, in peripheral nerve surgeries MotifMesh™–Contractubex® gel combination does not have any negative effect on scar repair and nerve regeneration, although it does not have any positive change on perineural and extraneural scar formation; it has positive impacts on nerve repair and functional recovery.
Sinir, Politetrafloroetilen, Contractubex®, Nerve, Polytetrafluoroethylene
Kahraman, A. (2009). Sıçanlarda periferik sinir onarımında skar oluşumunu önlemek için Gore-Tex® (politetrafloroetilen) ve Contractubex® (allantoin, heparin, exractum cepae) kullanımı -deneysel çalışma-. Yayınlanmamış uzmanlık tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.