Selülozik liflerin farklı şartlarda fibrilleşme ve yorulma davranışlarının incelenmesi
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmada selüloz hammaddesini içeren tekstil liflerinden, rejenere selülozik esaslı liflerin 5 değişik tipi kullanılmıştır. Bunlar konvansiyonel yönteme göre üretilen, Viskon ve Modal ile bunlara alternatif olan çevreyle dost, ekonomik, üstün mekanik ve fiziksel özelliklere sahip, NMMO prosesi ile üretilen Tencel Standart, Tencel A-100 ve Lyocell LF’dir. Deneylerde malzemenin lif formu ile çalışılmıştır. Bu çalışmada liflerin işlem görmemiş ve yaş-mekanik etkilerle fibrilleştirilmiş formları kullanılmıştır. Her iki formdaki liflere; sırasıyla çekme testi, 24 saatlik sürünme testi, sürünme sonrası tekrar çekme testi uygulanmış, kopan uç ve lif yüzey görüntüleri için SEM çalışması yapılmıştır. Yapılan deneylerde, liflerin her iki formunun kendi içindeki, kopma uzamasısürünme uzaması ve kopma yükü-sürünme sonrası kopma yükü değerleri ile her iki form arasındaki bu değerler karşılaştırılmalı olarak incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmalar sonucunda fibrilleşmenin liflerin çekme, sürünme, sürünme sonucu çekme ve yüzey özellikleri üzerinde önemli etkileri olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Bu liflerin sahip olduğu merkez kabuk etkileri yapılan çalışmada elde edilen sonuçlar üzerinde büyük bir etkiye sahiptir. Normal ve Sürünme sonrası çekme deneylerinde işlem görmemiş lifler, fibrilleştirme işlemi görmüş liflerden daha çok uzama göstermiştir. İşlem görmemiş ve fibrilleştirilmiş liflerden en fazla kopma uzaması gösteren lif Viskon’dur. Normal çekme deneyleri ve sürünme sonrası çekme deneyleri sonucunda en fazla kopma yüküne sahip olan lif ise, işlem görmemiş lif çalışmasında Tencel Standart olurken fibrilleşmiş lif çalışmasında Tencel A-100’dür. İşlem görmemiş liflerin sürünme sonrası kopma yükü değerleri azalırken, fibrilleştirme işlemi görmüş liflerden Tencel A-100 ve Viskon’un kopma yükü değeri artmış, diğer liflerin kopma yükü değeri ise azalmıştır. Sürünme deneylerinde işlem görmemiş liflerden en fazla sürünme gösteren lif, Viskon iken, fibrilleştirilmiş liflerden en fazla sürünme gösteren lif Modal’dır. Çekme deneyleri sonucunda yapılan SEM çalışmalarından liflerin kopma mekanizmaları tespit edilmiştir. Selülozik esaslı lifler, fibrilsel ve tanelenerek kopma mekanizması gösterirler. Buna göre, Viskon, Modal ve Tencel Standart lifleri tanelenerek kopma mekanizması, Tencel A-100 ve Lyocell LF lifleri ise fibrilsel kopma mekanizması göstermişlerdir.
In this study we used 5 different types of regenerated cellulosic fibers that includes cellulose commodity. These fibers are ; Viscone and Modal which are produced conventionaly and alternatively to them Tencel Standart, Tencel A-100 and Lyocell LF fibers produced according to NMMO Process that are environment friendly, economic, have superior mechanic and physical characteristics. In the experiments we used the fiber form of the material. In this study we used the forms of the fibers which are not processed and fibrillated with the age-mechanic effects. Creeping and along 24 hours testrite tests and after testrite test again creeping test are applied to the both fiber forms respectively. After theese tests the SEM Process is applied for displaying the broken edge and fiber surface images.During experiments, breaking extensioncreeping extension and breaking load-after creeping breaking load values of the both forms of fibers are examined relatively for each forms of fibers. After these studies it is examined that the fibrillation has significant effects on testrite, creeping, testrite because of creeping and surface properties. Central skin effects of these fibers have so important efficiency on the results of the study performed. Normal fibers and the fibers which are not processed in the testrite experiments after creeping perform more extension than the fibers which are exposed to fibrillation. The fiber which performes the most breaking extension is the Viscone through the fibers which are not processed and fibrillated. In the end of normal testrite experiments and after creeping testrite experiments the fiber which has the most testrite load is the Tencel Standart during the no process fiber study and the Tencel A-100 during the fibrillated fiber study. While the breaking load values after creeping of the fibers which are not processed decrease, the breaking values of the fibers Tencel A-100 and Viscone which are fibrillated increase and the values of the other fibres decrease. During the creeping experiments the fiber which performed the most amount of creeping through the fibers that are not processed is the Viscone whereas the fiber which performed the most amount of creeping is the Modal through the fibrillated fibers. The breaking mechanisms of the fibers are achieved from the SEM studies that are performed after testrite experiments. The cellulosic fibers exhibit fibril based and granulated breaking mechanism. Accordingly the Viscone, Modal and Tencel Standart fibers exhibit granulated breaking mechanism and the Tencel A-100 and Lyocell LF fibers exhibit fibril based breaking mechanism.
In this study we used 5 different types of regenerated cellulosic fibers that includes cellulose commodity. These fibers are ; Viscone and Modal which are produced conventionaly and alternatively to them Tencel Standart, Tencel A-100 and Lyocell LF fibers produced according to NMMO Process that are environment friendly, economic, have superior mechanic and physical characteristics. In the experiments we used the fiber form of the material. In this study we used the forms of the fibers which are not processed and fibrillated with the age-mechanic effects. Creeping and along 24 hours testrite tests and after testrite test again creeping test are applied to the both fiber forms respectively. After theese tests the SEM Process is applied for displaying the broken edge and fiber surface images.During experiments, breaking extensioncreeping extension and breaking load-after creeping breaking load values of the both forms of fibers are examined relatively for each forms of fibers. After these studies it is examined that the fibrillation has significant effects on testrite, creeping, testrite because of creeping and surface properties. Central skin effects of these fibers have so important efficiency on the results of the study performed. Normal fibers and the fibers which are not processed in the testrite experiments after creeping perform more extension than the fibers which are exposed to fibrillation. The fiber which performes the most breaking extension is the Viscone through the fibers which are not processed and fibrillated. In the end of normal testrite experiments and after creeping testrite experiments the fiber which has the most testrite load is the Tencel Standart during the no process fiber study and the Tencel A-100 during the fibrillated fiber study. While the breaking load values after creeping of the fibers which are not processed decrease, the breaking values of the fibers Tencel A-100 and Viscone which are fibrillated increase and the values of the other fibres decrease. During the creeping experiments the fiber which performed the most amount of creeping through the fibers that are not processed is the Viscone whereas the fiber which performed the most amount of creeping is the Modal through the fibrillated fibers. The breaking mechanisms of the fibers are achieved from the SEM studies that are performed after testrite experiments. The cellulosic fibers exhibit fibril based and granulated breaking mechanism. Accordingly the Viscone, Modal and Tencel Standart fibers exhibit granulated breaking mechanism and the Tencel A-100 and Lyocell LF fibers exhibit fibril based breaking mechanism.
Rejenere selülozik lifler, Lyocell, Modal, Viskon, Sürünme davranışı, Kopma mekanizması, Çekme davranışı, Regenerated cellulosic fibers, Viscone, Creep test, Fracture mechanism, Testrite test
Ardıç, Y. (2007). Selülozik liflerin farklı şartlarda fibrilleşme ve yorulma davranışlarının incelenmesi. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.