Arıtma çamuru uygulanan topraklarda sulamadan kaynaklanan kirliliǧin azot mineralizasyonuna etkisi
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Çevre Koruma ve Araştırma Vakfı
Bu araştırmada, Bursa-Özlüce bölgesinden alınan toprak örneklerine üç farklı orijinli arıtma çamuru 100t/ha oranında uygulanmış ve 12 aylık bir inkübasyon çalışması yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada kullanılan fiziksel özellikleri benzer toprak örnekleri kirli Ayvalı deresi sularıyla sulanmış ve herhangi bir sulama yapılmamış iki farklı tarım arazisinden alınmıştır. Topraklara yapılan çamur uygulamaları, topraktaki toplam ve anorganik azot formları ile organik azot mineralizasyonu açısından kıyaslanmış ve sulamaya bağlı olası değişiklikler irdelenmiştir. Sonuçlar, arıtma çamuru uygulamasının her iki toprağın azot içeriklerini önemli ölçüde arttırdığı yönündedir. Topraklarda belirlenen mineralizasyon değerleri 3'er aylık inkübasyon dönemleri bazında incelendiğinde, çamur orijinine bağlı büyük farklılıklar gözlenmiştir (p<0,05). 12 aylık inkübasyon dönemi sonunda ise tüm uygulamalarda organik azotun %48-66'sı mineralize olmuştur. Çalışma sonuçları, Ayvalı deresinden sulanan ve sulanmayan topraklar açısından değerlendirildiğinde, sulanmayan toprakta belirlenen nitrat azotu konsantrasyonlarının inkübasyon periyodu süresince daha yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir (p<0,001). 12 aylık inkübasyon dönemi sonunda hesaplanan organik azot mineralizasyon yüzdeleri kirli dere suyuyla sulanan toprakta (ortalama %54) ve sulanmayan toprakta (ortalama %64) p<0,05 düzeyinde farklı bulunmuştur.
In this research, three wastewater sludges which were different in origin were amended to soil samples taken from Bursa-Ozluce region at rates equivalent to 100t/ha and an incubation study was performed during a period of 12 months. Soil samples which have similar physical properties were taken from two agricultural lands: nonirrigated and irrigated from polluted Nilufer-Ayvali stream. Total and anorganic nitrogen forms and nitrogen mineralization ratios in sludge amended soils were compared and probable differences which might occur due to irrigation were studied. The results of the study indicated that wastewater sludge amendments apparently increased the total nitrogen contents of both soil samples. The nitrogen mineralization occurred during the first three months were significantly differentiated with respect to the origin of wastewater sludge (p<0.05). At the end of the total incubation period, 48-66% of the sludge organic nitrogen was mineralized in all amended pots. When the results of the study were evaluated with respect to irrigated and nonirrigated soil samples, it was determined that the nitrate nitrogen concentrations in nonirrigated soils were significantly higher than those in irrigated soils for all sludge amendments (p<0.001). The calculated percentages of organic nitrogen mineralization at the end of 12 months in irrigated and polluted soils (average 54%) were significantly (p<0.05) different from calculated values in nonirrigated soils (average 64%) for all sludge amendments.
In this research, three wastewater sludges which were different in origin were amended to soil samples taken from Bursa-Ozluce region at rates equivalent to 100t/ha and an incubation study was performed during a period of 12 months. Soil samples which have similar physical properties were taken from two agricultural lands: nonirrigated and irrigated from polluted Nilufer-Ayvali stream. Total and anorganic nitrogen forms and nitrogen mineralization ratios in sludge amended soils were compared and probable differences which might occur due to irrigation were studied. The results of the study indicated that wastewater sludge amendments apparently increased the total nitrogen contents of both soil samples. The nitrogen mineralization occurred during the first three months were significantly differentiated with respect to the origin of wastewater sludge (p<0.05). At the end of the total incubation period, 48-66% of the sludge organic nitrogen was mineralized in all amended pots. When the results of the study were evaluated with respect to irrigated and nonirrigated soil samples, it was determined that the nitrate nitrogen concentrations in nonirrigated soils were significantly higher than those in irrigated soils for all sludge amendments (p<0.001). The calculated percentages of organic nitrogen mineralization at the end of 12 months in irrigated and polluted soils (average 54%) were significantly (p<0.05) different from calculated values in nonirrigated soils (average 64%) for all sludge amendments.
Arıtma çamuru, Azot formları, Mineralizasyon, Toprak kirliliği, Mineralization, Nitrogen forms, Soil pollution, Wastewater sludge, Sewage-sludge, Organic-matter, Dynamics, Waste, Availability, Bursa [Turkey], Eurasia, Turkey, Irrigation, Mineralization, Nitrogen, Sludge, Soil amendment, Soil pollution, Wastewater
Dindar, E. vd. (2008). "Arıtma çamuru uygulanan topraklarda sulamadan kaynaklanan kirliliǧin azot mineralizasyonuna etkisi". Ekoloji, 17(66), 31-38.