Afganistan toplumunda modern giyimli kadınlara yönelik önyargının kalıpyargı içeriği modeli, sistemi meşrulaştırma ve sosyal temas kuramları temelinde incelenmesi
Raoofy, Firooz
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmada, kadınlara yönelik kalıpyargıların ve algılanan sosyal mesafenin, giyimleriyle (geleneksel veya modern) bağlantılı olarak değişip değişmediği bir Afganistan örnekleminde incelenmiştir. Elli beş katılımcıdan (26 kadın, 29 erkek) veri toplanan bir pilot çalışma yapılarak kalıpyargıları değerlendirmede kullanılacak sıfatlar belirlendi. Ana çalışmada ise, Afganistan'da yaşayan 152 Müslüman katılımcıdan (55 erkek, 97 kadın), veri toplandı. Katılımcıların yarısına bir Afgan kadının geleneksel (hicap) giyimli fotoğrafı, diğer yarısına modern (başı açık) giyimli fotoğrafı sunuldu. Fotoğraftaki kadını sevecenlik ve yetkinlik açısından değerlendirmeleri istendi ve bu kadınla aralarında algıladıkları sosyal mesafe ölçüldü. Ek olarak, günlük yaşamlarında fotoğraftaki kadına benzer kadınlarla temas kurma sıklıkları soruldu. İki farklı koşuldakilerin fotoğraftaki kadına dair değerlendirmeleri karşılaştırıldı. Karma Varyans Analizi sonuçları, fotoğraftaki kadın geleneksel giyimli olduğunda, modern giyimli olduğu koşula kıyasla daha sevecen değerlendirildiğini gösterdi. Ayrıca geleneksel giyimli kadın koşulunda sevecenlik ve yetkinlik düzeyleri eşit algılanırken, modern giyimli kadın koşulunda yetkinlik sevecenlikten daha yüksek algılandı. Bulgular ayrıca, modern giyimli kadınlarla daha az sosyal temas kurulduğunu ve onlarla daha yüksek düzeyde sosyal mesafe algılandığını da gösterdi. Çalışmanın ikinci amacı, modern kadınlara yönelik algılanan sosyal mesafenin düzeyini sosyal temas sıklığı, cinsiyet sistemini meşru görme eğilimi, sevecenlik ve yetkinlik kalıpyargıları üzerinden açıklamayı öneren bir modeli sınamaktı. Yalnızca modern giyimli kadın koşulundaki katılımcıların verilerine uygulanan Yapısal Eşitlik Analizi sonuçlarına göre, modern giyimli kadınlarla temasın az olması katılımcıların toplumsal cinsiyet sistemini meşru görmeleriyle ve sistemi meşru görmeleri, algıladıkları sosyal mesafenin yüksek olmasıyla ilişkilidir. Sistemi meşru görmek, algılanan sosyal mesafe ile doğrudan ilişkili olduğu gibi, modern giyimli kadını sevecenliği düşük olarak kalıpyargılama üzerinden dolaylı olarak da ilişkilidir.
In the present study, the aim was to examine how the stereotypes and perceived social distance towards women are varied in relation to their clothing (traditional or modern) in an Afghanistan sample. Initially, a pilot study was conducted in which data from 55 participants (26 females, 29 males) were collected, and the adjectives that will be used as gender stereotypes were determined. In the main study, out of 152 Muslim Afghan participants (55 men, 97 women), half were presented with a photo of an Afghan woman wearing traditional clothes (hijap), while the other half were presented a photo of the same woman wearing modern clothes. They were asked to evaluate the woman in the photo in terms of warmth and competence. Also, participants’ perceived social distance with the woman in the photo was rated. In addition, the social contact frequency with women similar to the woman in the photo was asked. The ratings given by the participants in two different conditions were compared. The results of the Mixed Analysis of Variance showed that in the in the modern clothes condition, the woman in the photo was considered more competent but less warm compared to the condition in traditional clothing condition. The results also revealed that the participants had less social contact with women with modern clothes and their perceived social distance was larger towards those women. The second aim of the study was to test a model in which the variations in the perceived social distance for modern women is explained by those variables: the social contact frequency, the system justification tendency and the warmth and competence stereotypes. The model was tested on the data from the participants in the modern clothes condition. The Structural Equation Analysis was used for model testing. According to the results, the low frequency of contact with women in modern clothes is related to the higher tendency to justify traditional gender system, and a high level of justification of gender system is related to a higher level of perceived social distance. System justification is directly related to the perceived social distance, as well as indirectly related through stereotyping woman in modern clothes as less warmth.
In the present study, the aim was to examine how the stereotypes and perceived social distance towards women are varied in relation to their clothing (traditional or modern) in an Afghanistan sample. Initially, a pilot study was conducted in which data from 55 participants (26 females, 29 males) were collected, and the adjectives that will be used as gender stereotypes were determined. In the main study, out of 152 Muslim Afghan participants (55 men, 97 women), half were presented with a photo of an Afghan woman wearing traditional clothes (hijap), while the other half were presented a photo of the same woman wearing modern clothes. They were asked to evaluate the woman in the photo in terms of warmth and competence. Also, participants’ perceived social distance with the woman in the photo was rated. In addition, the social contact frequency with women similar to the woman in the photo was asked. The ratings given by the participants in two different conditions were compared. The results of the Mixed Analysis of Variance showed that in the in the modern clothes condition, the woman in the photo was considered more competent but less warm compared to the condition in traditional clothing condition. The results also revealed that the participants had less social contact with women with modern clothes and their perceived social distance was larger towards those women. The second aim of the study was to test a model in which the variations in the perceived social distance for modern women is explained by those variables: the social contact frequency, the system justification tendency and the warmth and competence stereotypes. The model was tested on the data from the participants in the modern clothes condition. The Structural Equation Analysis was used for model testing. According to the results, the low frequency of contact with women in modern clothes is related to the higher tendency to justify traditional gender system, and a high level of justification of gender system is related to a higher level of perceived social distance. System justification is directly related to the perceived social distance, as well as indirectly related through stereotyping woman in modern clothes as less warmth.
Kalıpyargı içeriği modeli, Cinsiyet sistemi meşrulaştırma, Sosyal temas kuramı, Cinsiyet kalıpyargıları, Stereotype content model, System justifying theory, Social contact theory, Gender stereotypes
Raoofy, F. (2021). Afganistan toplumunda modern giyimli kadınlara yönelik önyargının kalıpyargı içeriği modeli, sistemi meşrulaştırma ve sosyal temas kuramları temelinde incelenmesi. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.