Cerrahi geciktirmenin (delaying) distal pediküllü nörokutanöz fleplerin yaşayabilirliğine etkisi: Deneysel çalışma
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Plastik cerrahide doku defektlerinin örtümünde kullanılan nörokütanöz flepler son yıllarda kabul görmüş yeni bir kavramdır. Bu flepler bir kütanöz sinir, buna eşlik eden bir satellit arter ya da arteriol ve vene dayalı olarak kaldırılırlar. Çalışmayı yaptığımız distal pediküllü süral flep; süral sinir, eşlik eden süperfisial süral arter ve safen venden oluşur. Düşük akımlı bir flep olduğu için boyutları sınırlı planlanabilmektedir. Retrograd beslenen distal pediküllü süral fleplerde dolaşımı kuvvetlendirmek ve sonuçta flep yaşayabilirliğini cerrahi 'geciktirme' uygulanarak arttırılıp arttırılamayacağını araştırmak amacıyla bu çalışma planlandı. Ağırlıkları ortalama 2 kg olan, 4 aylık, toplam 15 adet New Zeland tipi laboratuar tavşanında çalışıldı. Tavşanların bacak arkasından, popliteal alana yakın bölgeden süral sinir, eşlik eden arteri ve vene dayalı olarak 2x2 cm boyutlarında 30 adet distal pediküllü süral flep planlandı. Sol alt ekstremitelerde planlanan, deney grubunu oluşturan 15 flebe ilk seansta cilt kesisi yapılıp, proksimal pedikülleri bağlandı ve tabana yapışık kalacak şekilde cerrahi geciktirme uygulandı. Geciktirme işleminden 5 gün sonra ikinci seans yapıldı. Flepler tabandan da kaldırılarak ve pedikülleri serbestleştirilerek, aşil tendonları üzerinde oluşturulan defektler örtüldü. İkinci seanstan 3 gün sonra fleplerin yaşayan alanları milimetrik kağıtlar ile ölçüldü ve fleplerin tamamı histopatolojik inceleme için eksize edildi. Defektli alanlar primer sütüre edildi. Kontrol grubunu oluşturan sağ alt ekstremitedeki 15 flebe geciktirme uygulanmadı ve ilk seansta yine aşil tendonu üzerinde oluşturulan defektler örtüldü. Deney grubuyla aynı süre sonunda yani 8. günde yaşayan alanlar milimetrik kağıtlarla ölçüldü ve flepler histopatolojik inceleme için eksize edildi. Yine oluşan defektli alanlar primer sütüre edildi. Deney ve kontrol grubundan alınan bu ölçümlerin "paired t" testi ile istatistiksel değerlendirmesi yapıldı. Sonucun, her iki grup arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olduğu görüldü (p<0.0004). Ayrıca eksize edilen flepler histopatolojik olarak değerlendirildi. Geciktirme uygulanan fleplerde yeni arter oluşumları gözlendi. Bu çalışmamızın ışığında geciktirme distal pediküllü fleplerin yaşayabilirliğini arttırır ve bu sonuca göre flebin boyutlarını arttırmada klinik olarak kullanılabilir.
Neurocutaneous flaps used for covering of tissue defects are recently accepted a new concept in plastic surgery.These flaps are raised based on a cutaneous nerve, a satellite artery or arterial accompanying the nerve and vena. Sura! flap with distal pedicled that we used in this study, consists of sural nerve and accompanying sural artery and vena saphena. As they are low-flow flaps, the dimensions are planned limitedly.This study was planned out in order to investigate whether an increase in the flap viability could be obtained with surgical 'delaying'. 15 New Zeland type laboratory rats weighing 2kg and 4 months of age were worked on. 30 distally based sural flaps , 2 x 2 cm in size, based on the sural nerve from the posterior cruris near the popliteal region of the rats and accompanying artery and vena were planned. In the first session, skin incision was made to 15 left low extremity flaps which were planned for the experimental group, then proximal pediculs were ligated and surgical delaying touching the bottom was applied. Second session was made 5 days after the delaying procedure. The defects we made on the achill tendon were covered by the flaps which were also raised from the bottom and had the pedicul free. 3 days after the second session, the living parts of the flaps were measured by milimetric paper and the flaps were exized totally for histopatological examination.The defected areas were sutured primarily. No delaying was applied to the 15 right lower extremity which formed the control group and in the first session, the defects formed on the achill tendon were also covered. In the same period with the experimental group, meaning the eight day, living areas were measured with milimetric paper and the flaps were exized for histopatological examination. Again the defected areas were sutured primarily. The statistical analysis of the measurements of the experimental and control group were made using' paired t' test. The results between the two groups were statistically significant (p<0.0004). At the same time, the exised flaps were examined histopatologically. New arterial formations were seen in the delayed used flaps. According to the results of our study, delaying increased the viability of distally raised flaps and could be used clinically to widen the dimension of the flap.
Neurocutaneous flaps used for covering of tissue defects are recently accepted a new concept in plastic surgery.These flaps are raised based on a cutaneous nerve, a satellite artery or arterial accompanying the nerve and vena. Sura! flap with distal pedicled that we used in this study, consists of sural nerve and accompanying sural artery and vena saphena. As they are low-flow flaps, the dimensions are planned limitedly.This study was planned out in order to investigate whether an increase in the flap viability could be obtained with surgical 'delaying'. 15 New Zeland type laboratory rats weighing 2kg and 4 months of age were worked on. 30 distally based sural flaps , 2 x 2 cm in size, based on the sural nerve from the posterior cruris near the popliteal region of the rats and accompanying artery and vena were planned. In the first session, skin incision was made to 15 left low extremity flaps which were planned for the experimental group, then proximal pediculs were ligated and surgical delaying touching the bottom was applied. Second session was made 5 days after the delaying procedure. The defects we made on the achill tendon were covered by the flaps which were also raised from the bottom and had the pedicul free. 3 days after the second session, the living parts of the flaps were measured by milimetric paper and the flaps were exized totally for histopatological examination.The defected areas were sutured primarily. No delaying was applied to the 15 right lower extremity which formed the control group and in the first session, the defects formed on the achill tendon were also covered. In the same period with the experimental group, meaning the eight day, living areas were measured with milimetric paper and the flaps were exized for histopatological examination. Again the defected areas were sutured primarily. The statistical analysis of the measurements of the experimental and control group were made using' paired t' test. The results between the two groups were statistically significant (p<0.0004). At the same time, the exised flaps were examined histopatologically. New arterial formations were seen in the delayed used flaps. According to the results of our study, delaying increased the viability of distally raised flaps and could be used clinically to widen the dimension of the flap.
Nörokütan flep, Nörovenöz flep, Distal pediküllü süral flep, Geciktirme, Neurocutaneous flap, Neurovenous flap, Distaly based sural flap, Delaying
Sözer, M. K. (2002). Cerrahi geciktirmenin (delaying) distal pediküllü nörokutanöz fleplerin yaşayabilirliğine etkisi - Deneysel çalışma. Yayınlanmamış tıpta uzmanlık tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.