Penning transfer in argon-based gas mixtures

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IOP Publishing


Penning transfers, a group of processes by which excitation energy is used to ionise the gas, increase the gas gain in some detectors. Both the probability that such transfers occur and the mechanism by which the transfer takes place, vary with the gas composition and pressure. With a view to developing a microscopic electron transport model that takes Penning transfers into account, we use this dependence to identify the transfer mechanisms at play. We do this for a number of argon-based gas mixtures, using gain curves from the literature.



Gaseous detectors, Ionization and excitation processes, Charge transport and multiplication in gas, Detector modelling and simulations II (electric fields, charge transport, multiplication and induction, pulse formation, electron emission, etc), Filled proportional-counters, Cross-sections, Oscillator-strengths, Radiative lifetimes, Excited-states, Ar-I, Transition-probabilities, Molecular-structure, Energy resolution, Kinetic-analysis, Instruments & instrumentation, Electric fields, Gas mixtures, Mixtures, Electron transport, Excitation process, Gain curve, Gas compositions, Gas gain, Modelling and simulations, Transfer mechanisms, Ionization of gases


Şahin, Ö. vd. (2010). "Penning transfer in argon-based gas mixtures". Journal of Instrumentation, 5, 1-30.