Kur'an-ı Kerim'de “Ey insanlar” hitabı ile başlayan ayetlerin din eğitimi ve dinî iletişim açısından tahlili
Doğan, Esra
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmada, Kur'an-ı Kerim’de yer alan “Ey İnsanlar” hitabı ile başlayan ayetlerin iletişim dili, din eğitimi açısından tahlil edildi ve incelendi. Çalışmamızda ağırlıklı olarak dokümantasyon metodu kullanıldı ve ilgili veriler üzerinde içerik analizi yapıldı. Birincil kaynak olarak Kur’an metnini anlamak ve yorumlamak için usul, meal ve tefsir kaynakları incelendi ve değerlendirildi. İkincil olarak ise iletişime dair ilgili dokümanların taranması ve incelenmesi yapıldı. Çalışmamız üç ana bölüm ve bir sonuçtan teşekkül etmektedir. Çalışmamızda birinci bölümde, iletişim biliminin verileri ve çağdaş iletişim paradigmalarının bakış açısı ile iletişime dair kavramsal ve teorik çerçeve oluşturulmaya çalışıldı. İletişim sürecine ve işleyişine dair genel bilgiler verildi. İkinci bölümde, vahiy ekseninde Kur’an’ı Kerim’de yer alan iletişim alanları ve aşamaları incelendi. Allah, kullarını iyiliğe davet edip, kötülükten sakındırmak maksadıyla maddî ve manevî yönlerine hitap ederek, hayatlarını Kur’an’ın ilke ve prensiplere göre inşa etmeleri hususunda vahiy vasıtası ile iletişimde bulunmaktadır. Bu noktada çalışmanın bu bölümünde iletişime vahiy ekseninde Kur’an perspektifinden bakarak genel başlıklar halinde değerlendirmeler yapıldı. Çalışmamızın üçüncü bölümünde ise, Kur’an-ı Kerim’de yer alan “Ey İnsanlar” ayetlerinin dinî iletişim yönü din eğitimi açısından tahlil edilerek, beşeriyetin yaratılışına, mahiyetine ve gayesine uygun olan dinî eğitimde istendik yönde gelişim ve dönüşüm sağlanabilmesi için iletişimde kullanılması gereken dil, üslup, ilke ve esaslar ortaya konmaya çalışıldı. Çalışmamız, Kur’an terminolojisi rehberliğinde “Ey İnsanlar” hitaplarının iletişimsel manada bizlere sunduğu evrensel mesajlar ile Kur’anî değer, inanç ve ahlak ilkelerinin muhatap kitleye aktarma ve öğretme aşamalarında, din eğitiminde istendik yönde değişim ve dönüşüm sağlanabilmesi adına beklenilen amaçları gerçekleştirebilmek için kurulacak dinî iletişime katkı sağlamayı amaçlamaktadır.
In this study, the communication language of the verses starting with the address “O People (Yâ eyyuha’n-nâs)” in the Holy Qur’an was analyzed and examined in terms of religious education. In our study, the documentation method was mainly used and content analysis was performed on the relevant data. In order to understand and interpret the text of the Qur’an as a primary source, methodology (the usul), translation and tafsîr sources were examined and evaluated. Secondly, relevant documents regarding communication were scanned and examined. Our study consists of three main parts and a conclusion. In the first part of the study, we tried to create a conceptual and theoretical framework for communication with the data of communication science and the perspective of contemporary communication paradigms. General information was given about the communication process and its functioning. In the second part, the communication areas and stages in the Holy Qur’an were examined on the axis of revelation. God communicates through revelation by appealing to the material and spiritual aspects of His servants in order to invite them to goodness and warn them to avoid evil, so that they can build their lives according to Qur’anic principles. At this point, in this part of the study, evaluations were made under general headings by looking at communication from the perspective of the Qur’an on the axis of revelation. In the third part of our study, the religious communication aspect of the verses "O People" in the Holy Qur’an is analyzed in terms of religious education, and the language, style and principles that should be used in communication in order to achieve the desired development and transformation in religious education, which is appropriate to the creation, nature and purpose of humanity were tried to be revealed. Our study aims to contribute to the religious communication to be established in order to achieve the expected goals in order to achieve the desired change and transformation in religious education in the stages of transferring and teaching the Qur’anic values, beliefs and moral principles to the target audience with the universal messages that the addresses "O People" offer us in a communicative sense, guided by the terminology of the Qur'an.
In this study, the communication language of the verses starting with the address “O People (Yâ eyyuha’n-nâs)” in the Holy Qur’an was analyzed and examined in terms of religious education. In our study, the documentation method was mainly used and content analysis was performed on the relevant data. In order to understand and interpret the text of the Qur’an as a primary source, methodology (the usul), translation and tafsîr sources were examined and evaluated. Secondly, relevant documents regarding communication were scanned and examined. Our study consists of three main parts and a conclusion. In the first part of the study, we tried to create a conceptual and theoretical framework for communication with the data of communication science and the perspective of contemporary communication paradigms. General information was given about the communication process and its functioning. In the second part, the communication areas and stages in the Holy Qur’an were examined on the axis of revelation. God communicates through revelation by appealing to the material and spiritual aspects of His servants in order to invite them to goodness and warn them to avoid evil, so that they can build their lives according to Qur’anic principles. At this point, in this part of the study, evaluations were made under general headings by looking at communication from the perspective of the Qur’an on the axis of revelation. In the third part of our study, the religious communication aspect of the verses "O People" in the Holy Qur’an is analyzed in terms of religious education, and the language, style and principles that should be used in communication in order to achieve the desired development and transformation in religious education, which is appropriate to the creation, nature and purpose of humanity were tried to be revealed. Our study aims to contribute to the religious communication to be established in order to achieve the expected goals in order to achieve the desired change and transformation in religious education in the stages of transferring and teaching the Qur’anic values, beliefs and moral principles to the target audience with the universal messages that the addresses "O People" offer us in a communicative sense, guided by the terminology of the Qur'an.
Din eğitimi, Kur’an, Dinî iletişim, İletişim dili, İletişim, Religious education, The Qur’an, Religious communication, Communication language, Communication