Impact of four-wave mixing on the downlink channel performance of dense wavelength division multiplexed gigabit-capable passive optical networks
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In this paper, FWM impacton the downlink channel performance ofdense wavelength division multiplexed gigabit-capable passive optical networks (DWDM-GPONs) has been analyzed. Simulations have been performed on center downlink channels of 7-, 15-, 29- and 35-channel DWDM-GPON systems having 12.5 GHz, 25 GHz, 50 GHz and 100 GHz channel spacings. The downlink channel performance has been evaluated focusing on signal-to-crosstalk ratio (SXR) variations due to FWM impacts. Simulation results obtained for severe FWM impacts give hints about system parameters satisfying a minimum 23 dB SXR, i.e. an appropriate value for system reliability under FWM impacts in current GPON applications.
Materials science, Optics, Four-wave mixing, Dense wavelength division multiplexing, Gigabit-capable passive optical network, Downlink, Optical fiber, Fwm, Crosstalk, Systems, Fiber, Allocation, Dense wavelength division multiplexing, Four wave mixing, Mixer circuits, Optical fibers, Optical signal processing, Passive networks, 100 GHz, Channel spacings, Dense wavelength-division multiplexed, Downlink, Downlink channels, Gigabit capable passive optical networks, Signal to crosstalk ratios, System reliability, Passive optical networks
Saleh, A. Y. S. ve Karlık, S. E. (2018). ''Impact of four-wave mixing on the downlink channel performance of dense wavelength division multiplexed gigabit-capable passive optical networks''. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications, 12(7-8), 460-466.