Osmanlı klasik döneminde Çandarlı Ailesi
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Osmanlı Klasik Döneminde Çandarlı Ailesi konulu çalışmamız, Çandarlıların etkin olduğu yaklaşık yüz elli yıllık bir dönemi kapsamaktadır. Bu dönemde siyasî, sosyal ve kültürel hayatta büyük gelişmeler yaşanmıştır. Fetihlerle sınırlarını genişleten Osmanlılar, Anadolu Selçuklularından aldıkları teşkilât yapısını geliştirip padişahın işlerini kolaylaştırmışlardır. Osmanlılar ilk yıllarından itibaren kuvvetler ayrılığına özen göstermiştir. Gücün bir elde toplanmasının risklerini göz önünde bulundurarak askerî ve idarî konuları ayrı tutmuşlardır. Bu dönemde vezirlik ve vezîriâzamlık makamlarına getirilen Çandarlı ailesinin seçkin bazı fertleri, siyasî, sosyal ve kültürel alanlarda birçok yeniliğin mimarı olmuşlardır. Bu bağlamda özellikle ilk Osmanlı vezirlerinden Çandarlı Kara Halil Hayreddin Paşa ile oğulları Ali, İlyas ve İbrahim paşalar, İbrahim Paşa’nın büyük oğlu Halil Paşa ile oğlu II. İbrahim Paşa dikkati çekmektedir. Çandarlı Kara Halil Hayreddin Paşa’nın Sultan Orhan zamanında vezirliğe tayin edilmesi ile bahtı açılan Çandarlı ailesi, Ali ve Halil Paşalarla gücünün zirvesini yakalamıştır. Osmanlı Devleti’nin kuruluş ve iii imparatorluğa geçiş sürecinde devlet idaresindeki başarılarıyla tanınan Çandarlı ailesi, Halil Paşa’nın idam edilmesiyle devletteki gücünü kaybetmiştir. Osmanlı devlet teşkilâtında padişah, eşleri ve kızları ile birlikte birçok vezir ve devlet adamı gibi Çandarlı ailesi de cami, medrese, hamam, zâviye, imâret, köprü ve suyolu gibi birçok hayır işleri yaptırıp sosyal ve kültürel hayata katkı yapmışlardır. Devlet görevinden kazandıkları gelirlerin bir kısmını halkın yararına işlerde kullanarak halkın kendileri hakkında iyi bir kanaat sahibi olmasını sağlamışlardır. Vakıf eserlerinin devamlılığını sağlamak düşüncesiyle gelir getiren birçok tarla, dükkân ve hamam gibi şeylerin gelirlerini buralara aktarmışlardır. Böylece vakıfların devlete yük olmasının önüne geçmişlerdir. Bu eser ve vakıflardan bazıları günümüze kadar hizmetlerini sürdürmelerine rağmen, bunların bazılarından hiçbir eser kalmamıştır.
Our study on the “Candarlı Family in the Classic Period Of Ottoman” covers a period of approximately one hundred and fifty years in which the Candarlı family was influential. In this period, there has been significant improvements in the political, social and cultural life. By expanding their borders with the conquests, the Ottomans faciliated the Sultan’s work by improving the organizational structure inherited from Anatolian Seljuks. The Ottomans paid attention to the separation of powers as from the early years. They divided the executive and military tasks in order to prevent abuse of power. Some distinguished members of the Candarlı family, appointed to the office of vizier and grand vizier in this period, were the architects of many innovations in political, social and cultural domains. In this context, one of the first Ottoman viziers Candarlı Kara Halil Hayreddin Pasha and his three sons Ali, Ilyas and Ibrahim Pashas, Ibrahim Pasha's eldest son Halil Pasha and his son Ibrahim Pasha II can be stated as remarkable figures of this family. The Candarlı family gained influence when Candarlı Kara Halil Hayreddin Pasha was appointed to the office of vizier during Sultan Orhan period and the family enjoyed their v most powerful period at the time of Ali and Halil Pashas. Candarlı family, known for their success in state administration from the foundation to the emperial period of the Ottoman Empire, lost its power in the state by the execution of Halil Pasha. As sultans, their wives and daughters, and many viziers and statesmen, Candarlı family also did many charity works such as mosques, madrasas, Turkish baths, lodges, imarets, bridges and waterways, and contributed to social and cultural life. They spent a portion of the income earned from State duty in the public interest so that people have a good opinion about themselves. In order to ensure the sustainability of the charitable foundations, the income of many farms, shops and bathhouses was transferred to these foundations. Thus, these foundations were ceased to be burden on the state budget. Although some of these monuments and foundations have been in service until today, some of them have been destroyed.
Our study on the “Candarlı Family in the Classic Period Of Ottoman” covers a period of approximately one hundred and fifty years in which the Candarlı family was influential. In this period, there has been significant improvements in the political, social and cultural life. By expanding their borders with the conquests, the Ottomans faciliated the Sultan’s work by improving the organizational structure inherited from Anatolian Seljuks. The Ottomans paid attention to the separation of powers as from the early years. They divided the executive and military tasks in order to prevent abuse of power. Some distinguished members of the Candarlı family, appointed to the office of vizier and grand vizier in this period, were the architects of many innovations in political, social and cultural domains. In this context, one of the first Ottoman viziers Candarlı Kara Halil Hayreddin Pasha and his three sons Ali, Ilyas and Ibrahim Pashas, Ibrahim Pasha's eldest son Halil Pasha and his son Ibrahim Pasha II can be stated as remarkable figures of this family. The Candarlı family gained influence when Candarlı Kara Halil Hayreddin Pasha was appointed to the office of vizier during Sultan Orhan period and the family enjoyed their v most powerful period at the time of Ali and Halil Pashas. Candarlı family, known for their success in state administration from the foundation to the emperial period of the Ottoman Empire, lost its power in the state by the execution of Halil Pasha. As sultans, their wives and daughters, and many viziers and statesmen, Candarlı family also did many charity works such as mosques, madrasas, Turkish baths, lodges, imarets, bridges and waterways, and contributed to social and cultural life. They spent a portion of the income earned from State duty in the public interest so that people have a good opinion about themselves. In order to ensure the sustainability of the charitable foundations, the income of many farms, shops and bathhouses was transferred to these foundations. Thus, these foundations were ceased to be burden on the state budget. Although some of these monuments and foundations have been in service until today, some of them have been destroyed.
Çandarlı ailesi, Candarlı family, Sosyal ve kültürel hayat, Vezir, Vakıf, Social and cultural life, Vizier, Foundation, İmaret
Bardakçı, V. V. (2019). Osmanlı klasik döneminde Çandarlı Ailesi. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.