Kronik myeloid lösemi tanılı hastaların tedavi yanıtlarının retrospektif değerlendirilmesi
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Kronik miyeloid lösemi (KML), miyeloid seri hücrelerinin aşırı ve kontrolsüz çoğalmasıyla karakterize, primitif hematopoetik kök hücrenin klonal bir hastalığıdır. Tirozin kinaz inhibitörlerinden imatinib mesilat (STI-571) KML'nin tedavisine girmesiyle KML'de yeni bir milad oluşturmuştur.İmatinib tedavisi ile kronik faz KML olgularında sitogenetik ve moleküler yanıt oranları oldukça yüksek oranda artmış ve molekler yanıt oranları ile birlikte sağkalım oranları da yüksek oranda artmıştır. Bugün için 2. ve 3. kuşak tirozin kinaz inhibitörleri KML'nin standart tedavisine girme aşamasına gelinmiştir. Bu çalışmamızda Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi İç Hastalıkları Ana Bilim Dalı Hematoloji Bilim Dalında takip ve tedavi altında olan KML'li olguların klinik bulguları ile tedavi sonuçlarını retrospektif olarak değerlendirmeyi ve gerek Ülkemiz verisi olarak gerekse uluslararası alanda KML'li olguların sonuçları ile tıbba katkıda bulunmayı amaçladık. Çalışmamızda toplam 194 hasta bulunduğu bu hastalardan imatinib kullananların yaş ortalamasının 49,96 nilotinib kullanan hastaların ise 52,21. olduğu, imatinib kullanan hastaların 40'ında (%44,94) düşük, 39'unda (%43,82) orta10'unda (%11,23) yüksek Sokal risk profili içerisinde olduğu saptandı. Nilotinib kullanan hastaların ise 9'unun (%60) düşük, 4'ünün (%26,7) orta 2'sinin (%6,5) ise yüksek risk grunda olduğu görüldü.Oguların 185'i imatinib, 40'ı nilotinib, 6'sı dasatinib tedavisi altında olduğu tespit edildi. Tedavilere yanıt kriteri olarak; tam hematolojik yanıt (THY), majör sitogenetik yanıt (MSY), tam sitogenetik yanıt (TSY), major moleküler yanıt (MMY), derin moleküler yanıt (DMY) kriterleri alındı. İmatinib kullanan hastalarda THY'ın 6. ayda %95, 12. ayda%96,7 oranında olduğu, 6. ayda MSY'ın %89,2, 12. ayda %92,9 olduğu, 6. ayda TSY'ın %68,8, 12. ayda ise %82,7 olduğu belirlendi. altıncı ayda MMY'ın %22,6 DMY'ın %14,5ve 12. ayda da MMY'ın%41 DMY'ın %23,1olduğu görüldü. Nilotinib kullanan hasta sayısının 40 olduğu tespit edildi. Bu olguların hepsinde THY elde edilirken 6. ayda TSY'ın67,9 12. ayda %69,6 olduğu ve 12. ayda MMY'ın %38,9 olduğu tespit edildi. Dasatinib kullanan 6 hastaya bakıldığında ise 12. ayda 2 hastada MSY, 1 hastada TSY elde edilirken, 18. ayda MSY'ın, 3 TSY'ın 1 olduğu belirlendi, 2 hastada ise yanıtın olmadığı görüldü. Tanı anında 4 hastanın(%2,16) akselere fazda 1 hastanın (%0,54) blastik fazda olduğu tespit edildi. Bosutinib, ponatinib kullanan hasta belirlenmedi. Bu bulgular doğrultusunda imatinib 1. basamak tedavisinde ilk ilaç olması gerektiği, ancak orta ve yüksek Sokal risk skoruna sahip hastalarda takibin daha dikkatli yapılması ve takip sırasına yanıtsızlık yada yanıt kaybı gözlenmesi halinde zaman kaybetmeden 2. kuşak TKİ tedavisine geçilmesi gerektiği fikri ağırlık kazanmıştır.
Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a clonal illness of primitive hematopoetic stem cell and it is characterized by excessive and uncontrolled reproduction of myeloid serie cells. Imatinib mesylate (STI-571) as a tyrosine kinase inhibitor started a new era in CML after it had been introduced in CML treatment. Cytogenetic and molecular response rate in chronic phase CML cases have been increased with quite high rate and molecular response rate has been increased as well as survival rates. Now, second and third generation tyrosine kinase inhibitors are about to involve into standart treatment of CML. In this study, we aimed to retrospectively evaluate clinical and treatment results of CML cases followed and treated by Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine and Field of Hematology; and to contribute to both national and international medical literature. A total of 194 patients were enrolled in this study and it was found that mean age of patients received imatinib and patients used nilotinib were 49,96 and 52,21; respectively. 40 (%44,94), 39 (%43,82) and 10 (%11,23) patients were in low, intermediate and high Sokal risk profile; respectively. 9 (%60), 4 (%26,7) and 2 (%6,5) of patients using nilotinib were in low, intermediate and high risk group; respectively. It was found that 185, 40 and 6 patients received imatinib, nilotinib and dasatinib; respectively. Complete hematologic response (CHR), major cytogenetic response (MCR), complete cytogenetic response (CCR), major molecular response (MMR) and deep molecular response (DMR) were used as response criteria to the treatment. In patients received imatinib, it was found that CHR was %95 at 6th month and %96,7 at 12th month; MCR was %89,2 at 6th month and %92,9 at 12th month; CCR was %68,8 at 6th month and %82,7 at 12th month; MMR was %22,6, DMR was %14,5 at 6th month and MMR was %41 at 12th month and DMR was %23,1 at 12th month. There were 40 patients receiving nilotinib and all of these cases had CHR; then it was found that CCR was %67,9 at 6th month and %69,6 at 12th month as well as MMR was %38,9 at 12th month. Among 6 patients receiving dasatinib, 2 patients had MCR and 1 patient had TCR at 12th month whereas there were 3 patients with MCR and 1 patient with TCR at 18th month along with 2 refractory patients. It was found that 4 (%2,16) patients were in accelerated phase whereas 1 patient (%0,54) was in blastic phase at the time of diagnosis. There was no patient receiving bosutinib or ponatinib. In the light of these results, it was concluded that imatinib must be the first drug in first step treatment; however monitoring must be more carefully performed in patients with intermediate-high Sokal risk score and second generation TKI treatment must be switched immediately when refractoriness or loss of response are observed.
Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a clonal illness of primitive hematopoetic stem cell and it is characterized by excessive and uncontrolled reproduction of myeloid serie cells. Imatinib mesylate (STI-571) as a tyrosine kinase inhibitor started a new era in CML after it had been introduced in CML treatment. Cytogenetic and molecular response rate in chronic phase CML cases have been increased with quite high rate and molecular response rate has been increased as well as survival rates. Now, second and third generation tyrosine kinase inhibitors are about to involve into standart treatment of CML. In this study, we aimed to retrospectively evaluate clinical and treatment results of CML cases followed and treated by Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine and Field of Hematology; and to contribute to both national and international medical literature. A total of 194 patients were enrolled in this study and it was found that mean age of patients received imatinib and patients used nilotinib were 49,96 and 52,21; respectively. 40 (%44,94), 39 (%43,82) and 10 (%11,23) patients were in low, intermediate and high Sokal risk profile; respectively. 9 (%60), 4 (%26,7) and 2 (%6,5) of patients using nilotinib were in low, intermediate and high risk group; respectively. It was found that 185, 40 and 6 patients received imatinib, nilotinib and dasatinib; respectively. Complete hematologic response (CHR), major cytogenetic response (MCR), complete cytogenetic response (CCR), major molecular response (MMR) and deep molecular response (DMR) were used as response criteria to the treatment. In patients received imatinib, it was found that CHR was %95 at 6th month and %96,7 at 12th month; MCR was %89,2 at 6th month and %92,9 at 12th month; CCR was %68,8 at 6th month and %82,7 at 12th month; MMR was %22,6, DMR was %14,5 at 6th month and MMR was %41 at 12th month and DMR was %23,1 at 12th month. There were 40 patients receiving nilotinib and all of these cases had CHR; then it was found that CCR was %67,9 at 6th month and %69,6 at 12th month as well as MMR was %38,9 at 12th month. Among 6 patients receiving dasatinib, 2 patients had MCR and 1 patient had TCR at 12th month whereas there were 3 patients with MCR and 1 patient with TCR at 18th month along with 2 refractory patients. It was found that 4 (%2,16) patients were in accelerated phase whereas 1 patient (%0,54) was in blastic phase at the time of diagnosis. There was no patient receiving bosutinib or ponatinib. In the light of these results, it was concluded that imatinib must be the first drug in first step treatment; however monitoring must be more carefully performed in patients with intermediate-high Sokal risk score and second generation TKI treatment must be switched immediately when refractoriness or loss of response are observed.
Kronik miyeloid lösemi, Tedavi, İmatinib, Nilotinib, Dasatinib, Bosutinib, Ponatinib, Omacetaxine, Chronic myeloid leukemia, Treatment, Imatinib, Nliotinib
Karaduman, R. Kronik myeloid lösemi tanılı hastaların tedavi yanıtlarının retrospektif değerlendirilmesi. Yayınlanmamış uzmanlık tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.