Katı atık düzenli depolama alanlarında gaz oluşumu ve enerji eldesi
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Katı atıklar depolama alanlarında anaerobik koşullar altında organik içeriklerinden dolayı biyolojik olarak ayrışırlar. Bu süreç sonunda depo gazı adı verilen gaz karışımı oluşur. Depo gazı, yüksek kalorifik değere sahip metan içeriği ile enerji üretiminde değerlendirilebilir. Böylece hem de enerji kazancı sağlanır hem de kirletici etkisi ve sera gazı etkisi bertaraf edilir. Bu amaçla, Bursa ilinde katı atıkların düzenli depolandığı Hamitler Kent Katı Atık Düzenli Depolama Alanı'nda Metan Gazından Enerji Üretim Tesisi kurulmuştur. Çalışma kapsamında, tesiste toplanan depo gazı ve üretilen elektrik enerjisi incelenmiştir. Temmuz 2012 ile Ağustos 2014 aylarını içeren döneme ait katı atık, sızıntı suyu ve bileşenleri, depo gazı ve bileşenleri ile elektrik enerjisinin birbirileri ile olan ilişkisi, zaman içinde değişimi, sıcaklık faktörü ve mevsimsel değişimlerin etkisi istatistiksel olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Ayrıca, Bursa ilinde 1998-2008 yılları arası hizmet veren Demirtaş Metan Gazından Enerji Üretim Tesisi enerji verileri de değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışma süresince Hamitler'de 1.773.122 ton katı atık depolanmış, 86.894.549 m3 depo gazı (45.021.570 m3 metan gazı ve 31.346.573 m3 karbondioksit gazı) ve 147.038.820 kW elektrik enerjisi üretilmiştir. Demirtaş'ta tesisin 10 yıllık ekonomik ömrü boyunca toplam 6.892.557 kW elektrik enerjisi üretilmiştir. Hamitler'de depo gazının, nüfus artışıyla artan katı atık miktarı ile yıllara bağlı yükseltidiği, dış hava sıcaklığı ile doğrudan ilişkisinin zayıf olduğu, sonbahar ve kış mevsimlerinde daha fazla miktarda oluştuğu, sızıntı suyu debisinin %5, BOİ ve KOİ konsantrasyonunun %8 ve %5, pH'nın %23, metan ve karbondioksit gazının sırayla %83 ve %40 etkili olduğu görülmüştür. Elektrik enerjisi üretimin %77'sinin depo gazı değeriyle ilişkili olduğu bulunmuştur.
Due to the organic contents of solid wastes decompose biologically in landfill. After this process, it is generated the gas named as landfill gas. Landfill gas can be evaluated in energy production owing to methane content with high calorific value. In this way, it is provided energy savings and both the adverse effects and greenhouse effects of gas are removed. To this end, Hamitler Methane Gas Power Generation Plant was installed in Hamitler Solid Waste Sanitary Landfill in Bursa City. This scope of work, the landfill gas and electricity energy in the plant were examined. For the period including the months of August 2014 and July 2012, solid waste, leachate, landfill gas and electricity's relationship with each other, tempature and the effect of seasons were evaluated by statistically. Also, it was evaluated that Demirtaş Methane Gas Power Generation Plant's energy datas between the years 1998-2008. In Hamitler during the study period, 1.773.122 tons of solid waste were stored, 86.894.549 m3 of landfill gas were collected (45.021.570 m3 methane gas and 31.346.573 m3 carbon dioxide gas) and 147.038.820 kW of electricity were producted. In Demirtaş during the 10-year economic life, 6.892.557 kW of electricity were producted. It was observed in hamitler, the landfill gas increased over the years with increasing the amount of solid wastes depends on population, had poor realitionship with temputure directly, more to occurred fall more then winter, the effects of leccate was %5, the effects of BOI was %8, the effects of KOI was %5, the effects of pH was %23, the effects of methane was %83, the effects of carbon dioxside was %40. It was found the effect of landfill gas on production of energy was %5.
Due to the organic contents of solid wastes decompose biologically in landfill. After this process, it is generated the gas named as landfill gas. Landfill gas can be evaluated in energy production owing to methane content with high calorific value. In this way, it is provided energy savings and both the adverse effects and greenhouse effects of gas are removed. To this end, Hamitler Methane Gas Power Generation Plant was installed in Hamitler Solid Waste Sanitary Landfill in Bursa City. This scope of work, the landfill gas and electricity energy in the plant were examined. For the period including the months of August 2014 and July 2012, solid waste, leachate, landfill gas and electricity's relationship with each other, tempature and the effect of seasons were evaluated by statistically. Also, it was evaluated that Demirtaş Methane Gas Power Generation Plant's energy datas between the years 1998-2008. In Hamitler during the study period, 1.773.122 tons of solid waste were stored, 86.894.549 m3 of landfill gas were collected (45.021.570 m3 methane gas and 31.346.573 m3 carbon dioxide gas) and 147.038.820 kW of electricity were producted. In Demirtaş during the 10-year economic life, 6.892.557 kW of electricity were producted. It was observed in hamitler, the landfill gas increased over the years with increasing the amount of solid wastes depends on population, had poor realitionship with temputure directly, more to occurred fall more then winter, the effects of leccate was %5, the effects of BOI was %8, the effects of KOI was %5, the effects of pH was %23, the effects of methane was %83, the effects of carbon dioxside was %40. It was found the effect of landfill gas on production of energy was %5.
Depolama alanı, Katı atık, Depo gazı, Metan, Enerji geri kazanımı, Elektrik enerjisi, Hamitler, Landfill, Solid waste, Landfill gas, Methane, Energy recovery, Electricity, Hamitler
Yiğit, S. İ. C. (2015). Katı atık düzenli depolama alanlarında gaz oluşumu ve enerji eldesi. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.