Kuzeydoğu Marmara Bölgesinde kedi ve köpeklerin helmint enfeksiyonları
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışma 1996-2001 yılları arasında Kuzeydoğu Marmara bölgesinde yaşayan sahipli sahipsiz kedi-köpeklerdeki helmint türlerini ve yayılış oranlarım belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmada; 50 sahipli, 130 barınak kedisi, 40 sahipli, 150 barınak köpeği dışkı bakılan ( Fülleborn doymuş tuzlu su, sedimantasyon, Modifîye Mc Master ) ile, 16 sokak kedisi, 11 sokak köpeği otopsi ve dışkı muayene yöntemleriyle incelenmiş olup, 196 kedi, 201 köpek kullanılmıştır. Dışkı bakılarında; sahipli 50 kedinin % 22'sinin, 130 barınak kedisinin % 37.7'sinin sırasıyla Toxocara cati (% 14, % 36.1), Dipylidium caninum (% 8, % 1.5) ile enfekte olduğu, 16 sokak kedisinin dışkı bakılarında % 31.2'sinin T.cati ile, otopsi bakılarında ise % 87.5'inin T.cati (% 56.2), D.caninum (% 43.7), Joyeuxiella pasqualei (% 12.5) ve Taenia spp. (% 6.2) ile enfekte olduğu görülmüştür. Dışkı bakılarında sahipli 40 köpeğin % 35'inin, 150 barınak köpeğinin % 72.6'sınm sırasıyla Uncinaria stenocephala (% 2.5, % 40.6), Toxocara canis, (% 20, % 32), Trichuris vulpis (% 2.5, % 8.6), Toxascaris leonina (% 0, % 6.6), D.caninum (% 15, % 3.3), Taenia spp. (% 0, % 2) ile, 1 1 sokak köpeğinin dışkı bakılarında % 45.5 'inin sırasıyla T.canis ve U.stenocephala (% 27.3), T. vulpis ve T.leonina (% 9.1) ile otopsi bakılarında ise % 72.2'sinin U.stenocephala (% 54.5), T.canis (% 36.4), T.leonina ve D.caninum (% 27.3), T. vulpis ( % 18.2), Filaridae spp., Taenia spp. ve Echinococus granulosus ( % 9.1) ile enfekte olduğu saptanmıştır. Helmint enfeksiyonların yayılışında kedi-köpeklerin yaş ve cinsiyetlerinin istatistiksel yönden önemli olmadığı, gözlenmiştir ( PO.05). Bu çalışmada, sokak, sahipli ve barınak hayvanlarının helmint parazitlerle göz ardı edilemeyecek düzeyde enfekte olduğu saptanmıştır.
The aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence of the helminthic infections in stray and well-cared cats and dogs in the Northeast Marmara region. The survey was done from 1996 to 2001. Determination of the prevalence of the infections was based either on feacal examinations (Fulleborn's flotation technique, sedimentation technique and Mc Master technique) or worm counts at post mortem examinations. A total of 196 cats and 201 dogs was classified in the 3 groups according to their kept environment ( owned, kennel, stray). Feacal samples of 50 owned and 130 feacal samples from 3 cat colonies the infection rates were 22 % and 37.7 % and the prevalence of Toxocara cati and Dipylidium caninum were found to be (14 %, 36.1 %) and (8 %, 1.5 %), respectively. Of 16 feacal samples of stray cats 31.2 % were positive for T.cati, but necroscopy of the stray cats revealed that, 14 cats (87.5 %) were infected with T.cati (56.2 %), D.caninum (43.7 %), Joyexuella pasqualei (12.5 %) and Taenia spp. (6.2 %), respectively. Out of 40 owned dogs, 35 % were found to be positive for Uncinaria stenocephala (2.5 %), Toxocara canis (20 %), Trichuris vulpis (2.5 %) and D.caninum (15 %). Out of 150 dogs ( randomly selected from 3 kennels) 72.6 % were positive for U.stenocephala (40.6 %), T.canis (32 %), T.vulpis (8.6 %), Toxascaris Ieonina (6.6 %), D.caninum (3.3 %) and Taenia spp. (2 %). Of 1 1 feacal samples of stray dogs 45.5 % were positive for T.canis and U.stenocephala (27.3 %), T.vulpis and T.leonina (9.1 %). However, necroscopy of the 1 1 stray dogs revealed that 8 dogs (72.7 %) were infected with T.canis (36.4 %), U.stenocephala (54.5 %), T.leonina (27.3 %), T.vulpis (18.2 %), D.caninum (27.3 %), Filaridae spp., Taenia spp., and Echinococus granulosus (9.1 %) respectively.. The overall fate of infections did not show any significant difference concerning sex or age in cats and dogs (PO.05). The result indicates that helmintic infections in stray and well-cared cats and dogs are at a rate that should not be overlooked.
The aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence of the helminthic infections in stray and well-cared cats and dogs in the Northeast Marmara region. The survey was done from 1996 to 2001. Determination of the prevalence of the infections was based either on feacal examinations (Fulleborn's flotation technique, sedimentation technique and Mc Master technique) or worm counts at post mortem examinations. A total of 196 cats and 201 dogs was classified in the 3 groups according to their kept environment ( owned, kennel, stray). Feacal samples of 50 owned and 130 feacal samples from 3 cat colonies the infection rates were 22 % and 37.7 % and the prevalence of Toxocara cati and Dipylidium caninum were found to be (14 %, 36.1 %) and (8 %, 1.5 %), respectively. Of 16 feacal samples of stray cats 31.2 % were positive for T.cati, but necroscopy of the stray cats revealed that, 14 cats (87.5 %) were infected with T.cati (56.2 %), D.caninum (43.7 %), Joyexuella pasqualei (12.5 %) and Taenia spp. (6.2 %), respectively. Out of 40 owned dogs, 35 % were found to be positive for Uncinaria stenocephala (2.5 %), Toxocara canis (20 %), Trichuris vulpis (2.5 %) and D.caninum (15 %). Out of 150 dogs ( randomly selected from 3 kennels) 72.6 % were positive for U.stenocephala (40.6 %), T.canis (32 %), T.vulpis (8.6 %), Toxascaris Ieonina (6.6 %), D.caninum (3.3 %) and Taenia spp. (2 %). Of 1 1 feacal samples of stray dogs 45.5 % were positive for T.canis and U.stenocephala (27.3 %), T.vulpis and T.leonina (9.1 %). However, necroscopy of the 1 1 stray dogs revealed that 8 dogs (72.7 %) were infected with T.canis (36.4 %), U.stenocephala (54.5 %), T.leonina (27.3 %), T.vulpis (18.2 %), D.caninum (27.3 %), Filaridae spp., Taenia spp., and Echinococus granulosus (9.1 %) respectively.. The overall fate of infections did not show any significant difference concerning sex or age in cats and dogs (PO.05). The result indicates that helmintic infections in stray and well-cared cats and dogs are at a rate that should not be overlooked.
Kedi, Köpek, Helmint, Yayılış, Cat, Dog, Helminth, Prevalence
Başaran, E. (2002). Kuzeydoğu Marmara Bölgesinde kedi ve köpeklerin helmint enfeksiyonları. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü.