Normal kilolu, kilolu ve obez bireylerde inflamasyon ve insülin direncinin göstergeleri olan nötrofil lenfosit, platelet lenfosit oranlarının trigliserit glukoz indeksinin ve fibrozis-4 skorunun retrospektif olarak değerlendirilmesi
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Obezite ve fazla kilo ülkemizde ve dünyada sıklığı giderek artan önemli bir halk sağlığı sorunudur. Normalden fazla kiloya sahip olmanın insülin direnci ve inflamasyonla ilişkisi bilinmektedir. Vücuttaki inflamasyonun göstergesi olarak nötrofil lenfosit oranı (NLO), tromboza eğilimin göstergesi olarak platelet lenfosit oranı (PLO) ve insülin direncinin göstergesi olarak trigliserit glukoz indeksi (TGİ) son yıllarda daha fazla kullanılmaya başlanan, kolay hesaplanan ve klinik pratikte yararlı hesaplama yöntemleridir. Fibrozisskor-4 (FİB-4) ise non alkolik yağlı karaciğer hastalığı (NAYKH) olgularında inflamasyon ve insülin direnci ile ilişkili fibrozis düzeyinin belirlenmesinde yaygın olarak kullanılan bir yöntemdir. Çalışmamızda normal kilolu, kilolu ve obez bireylerde inflamasyon ve insülin direncinin göstergeleri olan nötrofil lenfosit, platelet lenfosit oranlarının, trigliserit glukoz indeksinin ve fibrozis (FİB)-4 skorunun retrospektif olarak değerlendirilmesi ve karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi Endokrinoloji ve Metabolizma Hastalıkları Bilim Dalı polikliniklerinde 01/01/2019-20/03/2023 arasında takip edilen normal kilolu, kilolu ve obez kişiler çalışmaya alınmıştır. Toplam çalışma grubu 300 kişidir. ÇaIışmamızda obez grupta yalnızca trigliserit glukoz indeksi diğer gruplara göre anlamlı yüksek olduğu saptandı. Eşlik eden hastalık varlığına göre alt grup analizleri yapıldığında diyabet, hiper lipidemi, hipertansiyon, NAYKH, koroner arter hastalığı (KAH) ve sigara içiciliğinin varlığının beden kitle indeksinden bağımsız olarak özellikle trigliserit glukoz indeksi ve FİB-4skorunu artırdığı görüldü. Platelet lenfosit oranı sadece sigara kullanımı olan obez bireylerde daha düşük olarak görüldü.
Obesity and overweight are significant public health issues that are increasingly prevalent in our country and worldwide. The relationship between having excess weight and insulin resistance and inflammation is well-established. Neutrophil lymphocyte ratio (NLR) serves as an indicator of inflammation in the body, platelet lymphocyte ratio (PLR) indicates a tendency towards thrombosis, and the triglyceride glucose index is an indicator of insulin resistance. These calculation methods have gained more usage in recent years due to their easy calculation and practical clinical utility. Additionally, Fibrosis-4 score (FIB-4) is a commonly used method to determine the level of fibrosis associated with inflammation and insulin resistance in nonalcholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) cases. In our study, the retrospective evaluation and comparison of indicators of inflammation and insulin resistance, such as neutrophil lymphocyte and platelet lymphocyte ratios, triglyceride/glucose index, and fibrosis (FIB)-4 score, were aimed to be conducted in normal weight, overweight, and obese individuals. Individuals who were followed at the Bursa Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine Hospital, Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism outpatient clinics between 01/01/2019 and 20/03/2023, and classified as normal weight, overweight, and obese were included in the study. The total study group consisted of 300 individuals. In our study, it was found that only the triglyceride glucose index was significantly higher in the obese group compared to other groups. Subgroup analyses based on the presence of comorbidities showed that the presence of diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, NAFLD, CAD and cigarette smoking independently increased the triglyceride glucose index and fibrosis (FIB)-4 score, especially regardless of body mass index. Platelet lenfosit ratio was observed to be lower only in obese individuals who were smokers.
Obesity and overweight are significant public health issues that are increasingly prevalent in our country and worldwide. The relationship between having excess weight and insulin resistance and inflammation is well-established. Neutrophil lymphocyte ratio (NLR) serves as an indicator of inflammation in the body, platelet lymphocyte ratio (PLR) indicates a tendency towards thrombosis, and the triglyceride glucose index is an indicator of insulin resistance. These calculation methods have gained more usage in recent years due to their easy calculation and practical clinical utility. Additionally, Fibrosis-4 score (FIB-4) is a commonly used method to determine the level of fibrosis associated with inflammation and insulin resistance in nonalcholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) cases. In our study, the retrospective evaluation and comparison of indicators of inflammation and insulin resistance, such as neutrophil lymphocyte and platelet lymphocyte ratios, triglyceride/glucose index, and fibrosis (FIB)-4 score, were aimed to be conducted in normal weight, overweight, and obese individuals. Individuals who were followed at the Bursa Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine Hospital, Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism outpatient clinics between 01/01/2019 and 20/03/2023, and classified as normal weight, overweight, and obese were included in the study. The total study group consisted of 300 individuals. In our study, it was found that only the triglyceride glucose index was significantly higher in the obese group compared to other groups. Subgroup analyses based on the presence of comorbidities showed that the presence of diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, NAFLD, CAD and cigarette smoking independently increased the triglyceride glucose index and fibrosis (FIB)-4 score, especially regardless of body mass index. Platelet lenfosit ratio was observed to be lower only in obese individuals who were smokers.
Obezite, Nötrofil lenfosit oranı, Platelet lenfosit oranı, FİB-4 skoru, Trigliserit glukoz indeksi, Obesity, Neutrophil lymphocyte ratio, Platelet lymphocyte ratio, FIB-4 score, Triglyceride glucose index
Güdücü, H. (2023). Normal kilolu, kilolu ve obez bireylerde inflamasyon ve insülin direncinin göstergeleri olan nötrofil lenfosit, platelet lenfosit oranlarının trigliserit glukoz indeksinin ve fibrozis-4 skorunun retrospektif olarak değerlendirilmesi. Yayınlanmamış tıpta uzmanlık tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.