Kozmetiklere baǧlı kontakt dermatit şüpheli olgularda standart ve kozmetik seri yama testi sonuçları
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Türk Dermatoloji Veneroloji Derneği
Bursa ve Güney Marmara Bölgesi’nde kozmetiklere bağlı kontakt dermatitten kuşkulanılan olgularda kozmetik kimyasallara karşı hassasiyeti Avrupa standart yama testi (ASYT) ve kozmetik seri yama testi (KSYT) sonuçları ile değerlendirmek. Gereç ve Yöntem: Kozmetik kullanımına bağlı kontakt dermatit şüphesi olan 73 hastaya ASYT ve KSYT yapıldı. Yama testi sonuçları yüzdelik olarak analiz edildi. Kozmetik ürünler ile kozmetik alerjenlerin ilişkisini göstermek için x2 testi kullanıldı. Bulgular: Çalışmaya alınan hastaların %90,4’ü kadın, %9,6’sı erkek; yaş ortalaması 37,5 (16-71) idi. Alerjik kontakt dermatitin (AKD) en sık yerleşim yerleri yüz (%49,3), el (%16,4), göz çevresi (%6,8), dudak (%6,8) ve boyun (%5,5) idi. Bu bölgelerde gelişen AKD’lere en sık neden olan kozmetik ürünler ise sabunlar ve temizleyici tonikler (%32,8), nemlendiriciler (%21,9), makyaj malzemeleri (%15,0) ve saç boyaları (%9,6) idi. Hastaların %41,0’inde standart veya kozmetik seriye ait en az bir kozmetik alerjen ile yama testi pozitifliği saptandı. ASYT serisinin kozmetiklerle ilişkili maddeleri ve bunlarla görülen pozitiflik oranları sırasıyla: fragrans miks (%6,8), lanolin (%5,5), fenilendiamin (%2,7), kolofoni (%1,4), paraben miks (%1,4), formaldehit (%1,4) ve metilkloroizotiazolinon (Kathon CG) (%1,4) idi. KSYT alerjenlerinden en sık pozitiflik saptanan alerjenler ise lanolin (%5,5), oktil gallat (%5,5), metildibromoglutaronitril/ pentoksietanol (%5,5), timerosal (%4,1), kokamidopropil betain (%4,1) ve tert-bütilhidrokinon (%4,1) idi. En sık yama testi pozitifliği saptanan kozmetik alerjen grupları koruyucular (%21,9), antioksidanlar (%8,2) ve kokular (%6,8) oldu. Sonuç: Yüz, boyun, göz kapakları, dudaklar, saçlı deri ve ellerde yerleşen egzema olgularında kozmetiklere bağlı alerjik veya iritan kontakt dermatitler düşünülmelidir. ASYT’ye ek olarak KSYT yapmak sorumlu alerjenlerin ortaya çıkarılmasında daha yararlı olabilir.
Background and Design: Our aim was to evaluate the hypersensitivity to cosmetic chemicals in patients with clinically suspected cosmetic-induced contact dermatitis in Bursa and the South Marmara Region (Turkey) by patch testing with standard and cosmetic series. Material and Method: Seventy-three patients with clinically suspected contact dermatitis due to cosmetics were patch tested by the European standard series and cosmetic series. The patch test results were analyzed as percentages. x(2) test was used to demonstrate the relationship between cosmetic products and cosmetic allergens. Results: 90.4% of patients in our study group were female and 9.6% were male; the median age was 37.5 (range 16-71) years. The most commonly involved parts of the body were the face (49.3%), hands (16.4%), periocular region (6.8%), lips (6.8%), and the neck (5.5%). The most common offending cosmetic products causing allergic contact dermatitis were soaps and cleansing lotions (32.8%), moisturizer creams (21.9%), make-up (15.0%), and hair dyes (9.6%). 41.0% of patients showed positive reaction to at least one cosmetic allergen included in either standard or cosmetic series. The cosmetic allergens in the standard series and the rates of positivity were as follows: fragrance mix (6.8%), lanolin alcohols (5.5%), paraphenylenedaimine (2.7%), colophony (1.4%), paraben mix (1.4%), formaldehyde (1.4%), and methylchloroisothiazolinone (Kathon CG) in descending order. The most common offending cosmetic allergen groups were preservatives (21.9%), antioxidants (8.2%) and fragrances (6.8%). Conclusion: Allergic or irritant contact dermatitis due to cosmetics should be considered in cases of eczema involving face, neck, eyelids, lips, scalp or hands. Patch testing with cosmetic series beside standard series would be more helpful in detecting the responsible allergen(s). (Turkderm 2010; 44: 193-9)
Background and Design: Our aim was to evaluate the hypersensitivity to cosmetic chemicals in patients with clinically suspected cosmetic-induced contact dermatitis in Bursa and the South Marmara Region (Turkey) by patch testing with standard and cosmetic series. Material and Method: Seventy-three patients with clinically suspected contact dermatitis due to cosmetics were patch tested by the European standard series and cosmetic series. The patch test results were analyzed as percentages. x(2) test was used to demonstrate the relationship between cosmetic products and cosmetic allergens. Results: 90.4% of patients in our study group were female and 9.6% were male; the median age was 37.5 (range 16-71) years. The most commonly involved parts of the body were the face (49.3%), hands (16.4%), periocular region (6.8%), lips (6.8%), and the neck (5.5%). The most common offending cosmetic products causing allergic contact dermatitis were soaps and cleansing lotions (32.8%), moisturizer creams (21.9%), make-up (15.0%), and hair dyes (9.6%). 41.0% of patients showed positive reaction to at least one cosmetic allergen included in either standard or cosmetic series. The cosmetic allergens in the standard series and the rates of positivity were as follows: fragrance mix (6.8%), lanolin alcohols (5.5%), paraphenylenedaimine (2.7%), colophony (1.4%), paraben mix (1.4%), formaldehyde (1.4%), and methylchloroisothiazolinone (Kathon CG) in descending order. The most common offending cosmetic allergen groups were preservatives (21.9%), antioxidants (8.2%) and fragrances (6.8%). Conclusion: Allergic or irritant contact dermatitis due to cosmetics should be considered in cases of eczema involving face, neck, eyelids, lips, scalp or hands. Patch testing with cosmetic series beside standard series would be more helpful in detecting the responsible allergen(s). (Turkderm 2010; 44: 193-9)
Cosmetic, Allergic contact dermatitis, Cosmetic series patch test, Retrospective analysis, Fragrance mix, Allergy, Sensitivity, Ingredients, Dermatology, Kozmetik, Alerjik kontakt dermatit, Kozmetik seri yama testi
Hacıoğlu, Ş. vd. (2010). "Kozmetiklere baǧlı kontakt dermatit şüpheli olgularda standart ve kozmetik seri yama testi sonuçları". Türkderm, 44(4), 193-199.