Adrenal insidentalomalı hastalarda subklinik Cushing sendromu tanısında insülin hipoglisemi testinin yeri
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Adrenal insidentalomalı hastalarda subklinik Cushing sendromu (SCS) önemli bir metabolik risk oluşturmasına karşın tanı kriterleri tam olarak belirlenmemiş durumdadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı adrenal insidentalomalı olgularda SCS’nin tanısal yöntemlerini ve metabolik risk faktörlerini değerlendirmek, insülin hipoglisemi testinin (İHT) SCS tanısı konulmasında duyarlılığını incelemektir. Çalışmaya bilgisayarlı tomografi (BT) görüntüsü benign adrenokortikal adenom ile uyumlu olan, belirgin hormonal hiperfonksiyonu olmayan 20 adrenal insidentalomalı hasta alındı. Hastaların sabah bazal kortizol, DHEA-S, ACTH seviyeleri ölçülüp, diürnal kortizol ritmi ve 24 saatlik idrarda kortizol itrahı belirlendikten sonra İHT ve deksametazon supresyon testleri (DST) uygulandı. Bu testler sonucunda kortizol bazal seviyelerinde veya idrar itrahında yükseklik, kortizolün diürnal ritminde bozukluk, deksametazon ile yeterli baskılanamama veya DHEA-S ve ACTH seviyelerindeki düşüklük kriter olarak ele alınarak; hastalar kesin SCS, olası SCS veya normal olarak gruplandırıldı. Çalışmaya dahil edilen 20 adrenal insidentaloma hastasının 2’sinde (%10) kesin SCS tanısı, 5’inde (%25) ise olası SCS tanısı kondu. Adrenal insidentalomalı hastalar arasında hipertansiyon sıklığı %60, obezite sıklığı %75, bozulmuş glukoz toleransı %40, tip 2 diyabet sıklığı %10, osteoporoz sıklığı ise %5 olarak saptandı. SCS tanı kriterlerine göre gruplar arasında antropometrik ve biyokimyasal parametreler karşılaştırıldığında istatiksel olarak anlamlı fark saptanmadı. İnsülin hipoglisemi testinin değerlendirilmesinde kesin SCS’li olgularda bazal serum kortizol konsantrasyonunun diğer iki gruba göre anlamlı farklılık gösterdiği (p=0,0115), uyarılmış maksimum serum kortizol artışının (∆F) ise anlamlılık sınırına yakın olduğu gözlendi (p=0,053). Uyarılmış maksimum serum kortizol artışı (∆F) hipotalamus-hipofiz-adrenal aksı inceleyen diğer parametreler içinde sadece 3 mg DST ile anlamlı korelasyon (r=-0,463; p=0,04) gösterdiği izlendi. İHT bazal plazma ACTH konsantrasyonu ve uyarılmış maksimum plazma ACTH artışının ise gruplar arasında anlamlı farklılık göstermediği saptandı. Uyarılmış maksimum plazma ACTH artışının ise hastalar arasında büyük değişkenlikler gösterdiği ve HPA aksını inceleyen parametreler ile korelasyonunun olmadığı görüldü. İnsülin hipoglisemi testi ∆F’in SCS tanısı konulmasındaki duyarlılığı %42, özgüllüğü ise %84 olarak belirlendi. Bu bulgularla adrenal insidentalomalı olgularda subklinik cushing sendromu tanısı için insülin hipoglisemi testinin hassasiyeti ve özgüllüğünün yüksek olmadığı ve çeşitli riskleri de olması nedeni ile rutin uygulamada yeri olmadığına karar verildi.
Although subclinical Cushing’s syndrome (SCS) is an important metabolic risk factor in patients with adrenal incidentaloma, the diagnostic criteria for SCS has not been established yet. The aim of this study is to evaluate the diagnostic procedures and metabolic risk factors of SCS in patients with adrenal insidentaloma and also to investigate the sensitivity of insülin hypoglycemia test (IHT) in the diagnosis of SCS. Twenty patients with adrenal incidentaloma with no overt hormonal hyperfunction and CT characteristics highly suggestive of benign adrenal adenoma were included in the study. Morning serum cortisol, DHEA-S and plasma ACTH concentrations, urinary free cortisol excretion, diurnal serum cortisol concentrations were measured. All of them underwent dexamethasone suppression tests (DST) and insülin hypoglycemia test (IHT). Increase in the basal serum cortisol concentration or in the urinary cortisol excretion, absence of diurnal cortisol rhythm, insufficient supression of cortisol with dexamethasone, decrease in the concentrations of DHEA-S or ACTH were determined as diagnostic criterias for SCS. According to these criterias, patients are grouped in definite, probable SCS and normal group. In 2 of 20 patients (10%) definite SCS; in 5 of 20 patients probable SCS were defined. In the patients with adrenal incidentaloma, the frequency of hypertension was %60, obesity was %75, impaired glucose tolerance was %40, type 2 diabetes was %10 and osteoporosis was %5. Anthropometric and biochemical parameters were not significantly different between groups. In the assesment of IHT, basal serum cortisol concentration in the definite SCS group was significantly higher than the other groups (p=0,0115). When compared the groups for the stimulated maximum increase in serum cortisol concentration (∆F), it was shown that there was difference between definite SCS and the other groups at borderline in significance (p=0,053). There was significant correlation between only ∆F and post 3 mg DST serum cortisol concentration (r=-0,463; p=0,04). Basal plasma ACTH concentration and stimulated maximum increase in plasma ACTH concentration were not significantly different between groups. There was great variation in ∆ACTH between patients and showed no correlation with the standart tests of HPA axis function. The sensitivity of IHT ∆F in SCS was %42, specifity was %84. In conclusion, according to these findings sensitivity and specifity of IHT are not high enough to be used as diagnostic test.also because of the risks of the test, IHT is not suitablein the routine practise.
Although subclinical Cushing’s syndrome (SCS) is an important metabolic risk factor in patients with adrenal incidentaloma, the diagnostic criteria for SCS has not been established yet. The aim of this study is to evaluate the diagnostic procedures and metabolic risk factors of SCS in patients with adrenal insidentaloma and also to investigate the sensitivity of insülin hypoglycemia test (IHT) in the diagnosis of SCS. Twenty patients with adrenal incidentaloma with no overt hormonal hyperfunction and CT characteristics highly suggestive of benign adrenal adenoma were included in the study. Morning serum cortisol, DHEA-S and plasma ACTH concentrations, urinary free cortisol excretion, diurnal serum cortisol concentrations were measured. All of them underwent dexamethasone suppression tests (DST) and insülin hypoglycemia test (IHT). Increase in the basal serum cortisol concentration or in the urinary cortisol excretion, absence of diurnal cortisol rhythm, insufficient supression of cortisol with dexamethasone, decrease in the concentrations of DHEA-S or ACTH were determined as diagnostic criterias for SCS. According to these criterias, patients are grouped in definite, probable SCS and normal group. In 2 of 20 patients (10%) definite SCS; in 5 of 20 patients probable SCS were defined. In the patients with adrenal incidentaloma, the frequency of hypertension was %60, obesity was %75, impaired glucose tolerance was %40, type 2 diabetes was %10 and osteoporosis was %5. Anthropometric and biochemical parameters were not significantly different between groups. In the assesment of IHT, basal serum cortisol concentration in the definite SCS group was significantly higher than the other groups (p=0,0115). When compared the groups for the stimulated maximum increase in serum cortisol concentration (∆F), it was shown that there was difference between definite SCS and the other groups at borderline in significance (p=0,053). There was significant correlation between only ∆F and post 3 mg DST serum cortisol concentration (r=-0,463; p=0,04). Basal plasma ACTH concentration and stimulated maximum increase in plasma ACTH concentration were not significantly different between groups. There was great variation in ∆ACTH between patients and showed no correlation with the standart tests of HPA axis function. The sensitivity of IHT ∆F in SCS was %42, specifity was %84. In conclusion, according to these findings sensitivity and specifity of IHT are not high enough to be used as diagnostic test.also because of the risks of the test, IHT is not suitablein the routine practise.
Adrenal insidentaloma, İnsülin hipoglisemi testi, Subklinik Cushing sendromu, Adrenal incidentaloma, Insulin hypoglycemia test, Subclinical Cushing’s syndrome
Öztürk, F. Y. (2007). Adrenal insidentalomalı hastalarda subklinik cushing sendromu tanısında insülin hipoglisemi testinin yeri. Yayınlanmamış uzmanlık tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.