Uludağ köyleri kültürel peyzajının korunması ve tarım turizmi ile sürdürülebilirliğinin sağlanması
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Sahip oldukları sosyo-ekonomik, kültürel özellikleri ile mimari doku ve peyzaj değerlerini yansıtan kırsal yerleşimler mevcut özellikleri ile kültürel miras değeri taşıdığı ve kırsal mirasın gelecek nesillere ışık tutması gerekliliği çok açıktır. Ancak bu alanlar farklı sebeplerle kırdan kente göç nedeniyle insansızlaşmakta, değişmekte ve yok olmaktadır. Son yıllarda nüfus, tarım ve hayvancılık giderek azalmış, geleneksel yapılar kullanılmamaya başlanmıştır. Yanlış onarımlar, yapı ustalarının azalması, imarlı ve imarsız yapılaşma sorunları gibi nedenler kırsal mimarinin korunması açısından birçok sorunu beraberinde getirmektedir. İnsanlar ve çevreleri arasındaki karşılıklı etkileşimlerden oluşan büyük bir çeşitlilik barındıran, geleneksel kültürlerin, üretim yöntemlerinin hala devam ettiği kültürel peyzaj alanlarından olan kırsal peyzajlarda; doğal alanlar insanlar tarafından dönüştürülerek özgün dokular üretilmektedir. Geçmişten günümüze değişik toplumların bir arada yaşadığı, farklı kültür katmanlarını barındıran, tarihin, kültürün, gelenek ve göreneklerin hala yaşadığı Bursa, çevresindeki pek çok köy çeşitli kırsal peyzaj tipolojilerini barındırmaktadır. Tez kapsamında, Uludağ’ın güney eteklerinde bulunan ve çeşitli kültürel ve doğal niteliklere sahip kırsal yerleşimler; toplam 23 köyde arazi çalışmaları ve fotoğrafik belgeleme gerçekleştirilmiş, literatür ve arşiv taramaları, TKGM verileri ve Google Earth görüntülerinden yararlanılarak köy envanter fişleri hazırlanmış ve köylerin kültürel miras değerleri saptanmıştır. Daha sonra haritalama çalışmaları yapılarak köylerin sorunları, potansiyelleri, değerleri ve tehditleri analiz edilmiş ve kırsal mirasın korunması için öneriler geliştirilmiştir. Özünde karşılıklı etkileşim ve dayanışmayı barındıran tarım turizmi (agri/ agroturizm) ile tarımı canlandırmak, yerel gıdayı ön plana çıkarmak, yerel halkı tüketiciyle buluşturmak kırsalda istihdam sağlayıp göçün önüne geçerek, kırsal peyzajların sürdürülebilirliğini sağlamaktadır. Uludağ köylerinin içerdiği değerlere özgü doğal alanlarda yürüyüş, kamp, geleneksel gıda, kırsal mimari, üretim peyzajı deneyim rotası gibi rotalar oluşturulmuş, âtıl durumda olan samanlık gibi geleneksel yapılar önerilen senaryoya göre yeniden işlevlendirilmiştir.
It is very clear that rural settlements, which reflect their socio-economic, cultural characteristics, architectural texture and landscape values, have cultural heritage value with their existing characteristics and that rural heritage should shed light on future generations. However, these areas are depopulated, changing and disappearing due to migration from rural to urban for different reasons. In recent years, population, agriculture and animal husbandry have gradually decreased, and traditional structures have begun to be dispensed with. Causes such as wrong repairs, decrease in master builders, and construction problems with and without zoning bring along many problems in terms of the preservation of rural architecture. In rural landscapes, which are cultural landscape areas where traditional cultures and production methods still continue, which contain a great variety of mutual interactions between people and their environment; natural areas are transformed by people and original textures are produced. Many villages around Bursa, where different societies have lived together from past to present, which hosts different cultural layers, where history, culture, traditions and customs still live, contain various rural landscape typologies. Within the scope of the thesis, rural settlements located on the southern skirts of Uludağ and having various cultural and natural qualities; Field studies and photographic documentatio n were carried out in a total of 23 villages, village inventory slips were prepared using literature and archive scans, TKGM data and Google Earth images, and the cultural heritage values of the villages were determined. Afterwards, mapping studies were conducted to analyze the problems, potentials, values and threats of the villages and suggestions were developed for the protection of rural heritage. With agricultural tourism (agri / agrotourism), which has mutual interaction and solidarity at its core, revitalizing agriculture, bringing local food to the fore, bringing local people together with consumers, provides employment in the countryside and prevents migration, and ensures the sustainability of rural landscapes. In this context, routes such as hiking, camping, traditional food, rural architecture, production landscape experience route were created in the natural areas specific to the values included in Uludağ villages, and traditional structures such as barnyards, which were idle, were re-functionalized according to the proposed scenario.
It is very clear that rural settlements, which reflect their socio-economic, cultural characteristics, architectural texture and landscape values, have cultural heritage value with their existing characteristics and that rural heritage should shed light on future generations. However, these areas are depopulated, changing and disappearing due to migration from rural to urban for different reasons. In recent years, population, agriculture and animal husbandry have gradually decreased, and traditional structures have begun to be dispensed with. Causes such as wrong repairs, decrease in master builders, and construction problems with and without zoning bring along many problems in terms of the preservation of rural architecture. In rural landscapes, which are cultural landscape areas where traditional cultures and production methods still continue, which contain a great variety of mutual interactions between people and their environment; natural areas are transformed by people and original textures are produced. Many villages around Bursa, where different societies have lived together from past to present, which hosts different cultural layers, where history, culture, traditions and customs still live, contain various rural landscape typologies. Within the scope of the thesis, rural settlements located on the southern skirts of Uludağ and having various cultural and natural qualities; Field studies and photographic documentatio n were carried out in a total of 23 villages, village inventory slips were prepared using literature and archive scans, TKGM data and Google Earth images, and the cultural heritage values of the villages were determined. Afterwards, mapping studies were conducted to analyze the problems, potentials, values and threats of the villages and suggestions were developed for the protection of rural heritage. With agricultural tourism (agri / agrotourism), which has mutual interaction and solidarity at its core, revitalizing agriculture, bringing local food to the fore, bringing local people together with consumers, provides employment in the countryside and prevents migration, and ensures the sustainability of rural landscapes. In this context, routes such as hiking, camping, traditional food, rural architecture, production landscape experience route were created in the natural areas specific to the values included in Uludağ villages, and traditional structures such as barnyards, which were idle, were re-functionalized according to the proposed scenario.
Kırsal peyzaj, Tarımsal peyzaj, Tarım turizmi, Koruma, Agriturizm, Agroturizm, Uludağ, Uludağ köyleri, Rural landscape, Agricultural landscape, Conservation, Agritourism, Agrotourism, Uludag villages
Arslanoğlu, İ. (2022). Uludağ köyleri kültürel peyzajının korunması ve tarım turizmi ile sürdürülebilirliğinin sağlanması. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.