Ortopedik cerrahi geçirmiş nörolojik disfonksiyonu olan hastalarda anestezi yöntemi ile postoperatif morbidite ve mortalite ilşkisinin retrospektif olarak incelenmesi
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Cerrahi sonrası görülen nörolojik komplikasyonlar önemli morbidite ve mortalite nedenleridir. Bu çalışmanın amacı; nörolojik hastalık ve risk faktörüne sahip ortopedik cerrahi geçirmiş olgularda anestezi yöntemi ile postoperatif nörolojik morbidite ve mortalite ilişkisini araştırmaktır.Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Anabilim Dalı'nca opere edilmiş 2010 elektif olgunun retrospektif olarak cinsiyet, yaş, American Society of Anesthesiologist (ASA) sınıflaması, anestezi yöntemleri, eşlik eden nörolojik hastalık ve nörolojik risk faktörleri ile cerrahi sonrası görülen nörolojik komplikasyonlar incelendi.Toplam 30 (%1.4) olguda nörolojik komplikasyon geliştiği, yaşı ve ASA sınıflaması yüksek olan olgularda cerrahi sonrası nörolojik komplikasyon gelişme oranının yüksek olduğu bulunmuştur. Genel anestezi uygulanan 19 (%63.3) olguda, rejyonal anestezi uygulanan 11 (%36.7) olguda nörolojik komplikasyon saptanmıştır ve aralarında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark bulunmamıştır (p= 0.899).Nörolojik hastalık saptanan 148 (%7.4) olgu ve bunlarda komplikasyon görülen olgu sayısı 7 (%4.8) olarak saptanmıştır. Nörolojik hastalığı olmayıp komplikasyon gözlenen olgu sayısı 23 (%1.3) idi. Nörolojik hastalığı olanlarda nörolojik komplikasyon görülme sıklığı anlamlı olarak fazlaydı (p= 0.005).Nörolojik risk faktörü mevcut 363 (%18.1) olgu ve içinde nörolojik komplikasyon gelişen 18 olgu (%5) saptanmıştır. Nörolojik risk faktörü olmayıp nörolojik komplikasyon gözlenen olgu sayısı 12 (%1) idi. Nörolojik risk faktörü varlığı istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmuştur (p<0.001).Sonuç olarak; preoperatif dönemde dikkatli anestezi öncesi değerlendirme yapılmalıdır. Var olan nörolojik hastalıklar ve risk faktörleri dikkate alınmalı, yaşı ve ASA'sı yüksek olgularda nörolojik morbidite ve mortalite açısından dikkatli olunmalıdır.
Retrospective investigation of postoperative morbidity and mortality related to anaesthesia types on the patient with neurological dysfunction who underwent orthopedic surgeryPostoperative neurological complications are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study was to research the relationship between neurological disases, preoperative risk factors, neurological complications and the type of anaesthesia administered to patients in orthopedic surgery.Two thousand ten cases of elective surgery from the Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology of Uludag University Medical Faculty were retrospectively evaluated in respect of gender, age, clinical ASA status and anaesthesia type, existing neurological diseases and neurologic risk factors with postoperative neurological complications.Neurological complications were observed in 30 (1.4%) subjects. The rate of developing postoperative morbidity was estimated higher in patients older than mean age, with high ASA status. Neurological complications were observed in 19 (%63.3) subjects who had received general anaesthesia, and in 11 (%36.7) subjects who had received regional anaesthesia. There is no significant differences between the anesthesia types (p=0.8999).Of a total 148 (%7.4) cases with pre-existing neurological diseases and complications were seen in 7 (%4.8) cases. Neurological complications were observed in 23 (%1.3) cases without neurological disease. The frequency of neurological complications was more in patients who had neurological disease (p= 0.005).Of a total 363 cases have pre-existing neurological risk factor (%18.1) and neurological complications were seen in 18 (%5) cases. Neurological complications were observed in 12 (%1) cases without neurological risk factor. The presence of neurological risk factor was found statistically significant (p<0.001).As a result; adequate preanesthetic evaluation must be performed in preoperative period. Existing neurological diseases and risk factors must be considered, in elderly and patients with high ASA status it's recomended to be careful about neurological morbidity and mortality.
Retrospective investigation of postoperative morbidity and mortality related to anaesthesia types on the patient with neurological dysfunction who underwent orthopedic surgeryPostoperative neurological complications are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study was to research the relationship between neurological disases, preoperative risk factors, neurological complications and the type of anaesthesia administered to patients in orthopedic surgery.Two thousand ten cases of elective surgery from the Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology of Uludag University Medical Faculty were retrospectively evaluated in respect of gender, age, clinical ASA status and anaesthesia type, existing neurological diseases and neurologic risk factors with postoperative neurological complications.Neurological complications were observed in 30 (1.4%) subjects. The rate of developing postoperative morbidity was estimated higher in patients older than mean age, with high ASA status. Neurological complications were observed in 19 (%63.3) subjects who had received general anaesthesia, and in 11 (%36.7) subjects who had received regional anaesthesia. There is no significant differences between the anesthesia types (p=0.8999).Of a total 148 (%7.4) cases with pre-existing neurological diseases and complications were seen in 7 (%4.8) cases. Neurological complications were observed in 23 (%1.3) cases without neurological disease. The frequency of neurological complications was more in patients who had neurological disease (p= 0.005).Of a total 363 cases have pre-existing neurological risk factor (%18.1) and neurological complications were seen in 18 (%5) cases. Neurological complications were observed in 12 (%1) cases without neurological risk factor. The presence of neurological risk factor was found statistically significant (p<0.001).As a result; adequate preanesthetic evaluation must be performed in preoperative period. Existing neurological diseases and risk factors must be considered, in elderly and patients with high ASA status it's recomended to be careful about neurological morbidity and mortality.
Ortopedik cerrahi, Preoperatif değerlendirme, Nörolojik hastalıklar, Postoperatif morbidite ve mortalite, Orthopedic surgery, Preoperative evaluation, Neurologic diseases, Postoperative morbidity and mortality
Yeniaydoğmuş, T. (2012). Ortopedik cerrahi geçirmiş nörolojik disfonksiyonu olan hastalarda anestezi yöntemi ile postoperatif morbidite ve mortalite ilşkisinin retrospektif olarak incelenmesi. Yayınlanmamış uzmanlık tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.