Türk iş hukukunda iş sözleşmesinin şüphe ile sona erdirilmesi
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
İş sözleşmesi, her iki tarafa sürekli borç yükleyen, işçinin kişiliğine bağlı bir sözleşmedir. Dolayısıyla iş sözleşmesinin kurulması ve sürdürülmesinde gerekli olan güven olgusu, büyük bir öneme sahip olmaktadır. Taraflar arasındaki güvenin yıkılması ya da ağır bir şekilde zedelenmesi, işçinin suç işlediğinden veya sözleşmeye aykırı olacak şekilde bir davranışta bulunduğundan şüphe duyulması sonucunda sözleşmenin feshedilmesi halinde şüphe feshi gündeme gelecektir. İş Kanunu’nda doğrudan bir düzenleme bulunmamakla birlikte Yargıtay kararıyla hukukumuza giren şüphe feshinin özünü, işçi tarafından işlendiği ispatlanamayan fakat işçinin işlediğine dair somut olguların varlığı oluşturmaktadır. Birtakım koşulları taşıması halinde şüphe feshinin geçerli olabileceği belirtilmektedir. Somut bir olay kapsamında bir olgunun var olması, objektif ve güçlü bir şüphenin varlığı, işverenin şüphe duymasına yol açan olayı aydınlatmak için gerekli olan bütün çabayı göstermesi söz konusu koşulları oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışmada; iş sözleşmesinin fesih yoluyla sona ermesi ve sonuçları, şüphe feshi ve kavramsal çerçevesi, şüphe feshinin geçerlilik koşulları ve şüphe feshinin hukukumuzdaki fesih türleri bakımından değerlendirilmesi ve sonuçları ele alınmıştır.
An employment contract is a contract that constantly imposes debts on both parties, depending on the personality of the employee. Therefore, the phenomenon of trust, which is necessary for the establishment and maintenance of the employment contract, is of great importance. If the contract is terminated as a result of the destruction or severe damage to the trust between the parties, the suspicion that the employee has committed a crime or has acted in a manner contrary to the contract, the termination of suspicion will come to the fore. Although there is no direct regulation in the Labour Law, the essence of the termination of suspicion, which has entered our law through the jurisprudence of the Court of Cassation, is the existence of concrete facts that cannot be proven to have been committed by the employee, but that the employee has committed. It is stated that the termination of doubt may be valid if certain conditions are met. The existence of a fact within the scope of a concrete incident, the existence of an objective and strong suspicion, and the employer's making all necessary efforts to illuminate the event that caused the suspicion to constitute the conditions in question. In this study; the termination of the employment contract by termination and its consequences, the termination of doubt and its conceptual framework, the validity conditions of the termination of the doubt and the evaluation of the termination of the suspicion in terms of the types of termination in our law and its consequences are discussed.
An employment contract is a contract that constantly imposes debts on both parties, depending on the personality of the employee. Therefore, the phenomenon of trust, which is necessary for the establishment and maintenance of the employment contract, is of great importance. If the contract is terminated as a result of the destruction or severe damage to the trust between the parties, the suspicion that the employee has committed a crime or has acted in a manner contrary to the contract, the termination of suspicion will come to the fore. Although there is no direct regulation in the Labour Law, the essence of the termination of suspicion, which has entered our law through the jurisprudence of the Court of Cassation, is the existence of concrete facts that cannot be proven to have been committed by the employee, but that the employee has committed. It is stated that the termination of doubt may be valid if certain conditions are met. The existence of a fact within the scope of a concrete incident, the existence of an objective and strong suspicion, and the employer's making all necessary efforts to illuminate the event that caused the suspicion to constitute the conditions in question. In this study; the termination of the employment contract by termination and its consequences, the termination of doubt and its conceptual framework, the validity conditions of the termination of the doubt and the evaluation of the termination of the suspicion in terms of the types of termination in our law and its consequences are discussed.
İş sözleşmesinin sona ermesi, İş sözleşmesinin şüphe ile feshi, Şüphe feshinin geçerlilik koşulları, İş sözleşmesinin geçerli nedenle feshi, Termination of the employment contract, Termination of the employment contract with doubt, The validity conditions of the termination of the doubt, Termination of the employment contract with valid reason
Miğal, S. (2023). Türk iş hukukunda iş sözleşmesinin şüphe ile sona erdirilmesi. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.