Kolin verilmesi sonrası çeşitli beyin bölgelerinde kolin dağılımının in vivo beyin mikrodiyalizi yöntemiyle belirlenmesi
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmada, in vivo beyin mikrodiyalizi yöntemiyle, intraserebroventriküler (i.s.v.) ya da intravenöz (i.v.) yolla verilen kolin ve CDP-kolin'in değişik beyin bölgelerindeki ekstrasellüler kolin düzeylerine olan etkileri incelendi. İ.s.v. yolla zerk edilen kolin (50,100 ve 150 µg), hipotalamusta ekstrasellüler kolin düzeylerini doza ve zamana bağlı olarak 5-30 kat kadar artırdı. Benzer şekilde i.s.v. yolla kolin (150 µg) verilmesi korpus striatumdaki ekstrasellüler kolin düzeylerini anlamlı olarak 5 kat kadar artırdı. İ.s.v. yolla zerk edilen CDP-kolin (244 ve 488 µg) lateral ventrikülde kolin düzeylerini doza ve zamana bağlı olarak sırasıyla 7 ve 9 kat kadar artırırken, eşdeğer dozda CDP-kolin (488 µg) hipotalamustaki kolin düzeylerini 5 kat kadar yükseltti. İ.v. yolla CDP-kolin (100 ve 250 mg/kg) verilmesi, hipotalamustaki ekstrasellüler kolin düzeylerinde doza ve zamana bağlı olarak 2-3 kat kadar artışa neden oldu. Kanatılarak hipotansiyon oluşturulmuş sıçanlarda, i.s.v. yolla kolin (50, 100 ve 150 µg) veya CDP-kolin (488 µg) verilmesi, kanatılmayan sıçanlara göre hipotalamusta daha fazla (~1.5-2 kat) ekstrasellüler kolin düzeyi artışına neden oldu. İ.v. uygulama sonrasında ise böyle bir fark gözlenmedi. Sonuç olarak; kolin ve CDP-kolin farklı dozlarda ve farklı uygulama şekillerinde beyindeki ekstrasellüler kolin düzeylerini artırmaktadır. Bu çalışmada kolin ve CDP-kolin tedavisi sonrası ekstrasellüler ortamda ulaşılan kolin konsantrasyonları kolinerjik nöronlarda nörotransmitter asetilkolin'in sentez ve salıverilmesini artırmaya yetecek düzeylerdedir.
In this study, the effects of intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) or intravenous (i.v.) administrations of choline and CDP-choline on extracellular choline levels were examined by in vivo microdialysis method. I.c.v. injected choline (50, 100 and 150 µg) increased extracellular choline levels in hypothalamus approximately 5-30 fold in a dose-and time-dependent manner. Similarly, i.c.v. choline (150 µg) administration increased extracellular choline levels in corpus striatum about 5 fold, significantly. I.c.v. injection of CDP-choline (244 and 488 µg) increased choline levels dose-and time-dependently in lateral ventricule 7 and 9 fold, respectively. The i.c.v. injection of equimolar dose of CDP-choline (488 µg) increased hypothalamic choline levels approximately 5 fold. I.v. CDP-choline administration (100 and 250 mg/kg) caused 2-3 fold increases in hypothalamic extracellular choline levels dose-and time-dependently. In rats made hypotensive by haemorrhage, the i.c.v. administration of choline (50, 100 and 150 µg) or CDP-choline (488 µg) caused higher increases in hypothalamic cholinelevels (-1.5-2 fold) when compared with those in the rats which were not subjected to haemorrhage. No such difference was observed after i.v. administration. In conclusion, choline and CDP-choline in different doses and by different administration ways increase brain extracellular choline levels. In this study, the obtained choline concentrations in extracellular space after choline and CDP-choline treatments are sufficient to increase the synthesis and release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in cholinergic neurons.
In this study, the effects of intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) or intravenous (i.v.) administrations of choline and CDP-choline on extracellular choline levels were examined by in vivo microdialysis method. I.c.v. injected choline (50, 100 and 150 µg) increased extracellular choline levels in hypothalamus approximately 5-30 fold in a dose-and time-dependent manner. Similarly, i.c.v. choline (150 µg) administration increased extracellular choline levels in corpus striatum about 5 fold, significantly. I.c.v. injection of CDP-choline (244 and 488 µg) increased choline levels dose-and time-dependently in lateral ventricule 7 and 9 fold, respectively. The i.c.v. injection of equimolar dose of CDP-choline (488 µg) increased hypothalamic choline levels approximately 5 fold. I.v. CDP-choline administration (100 and 250 mg/kg) caused 2-3 fold increases in hypothalamic extracellular choline levels dose-and time-dependently. In rats made hypotensive by haemorrhage, the i.c.v. administration of choline (50, 100 and 150 µg) or CDP-choline (488 µg) caused higher increases in hypothalamic cholinelevels (-1.5-2 fold) when compared with those in the rats which were not subjected to haemorrhage. No such difference was observed after i.v. administration. In conclusion, choline and CDP-choline in different doses and by different administration ways increase brain extracellular choline levels. In this study, the obtained choline concentrations in extracellular space after choline and CDP-choline treatments are sufficient to increase the synthesis and release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in cholinergic neurons.
Mikrodiyaliz, Hipotalamus, Korpus striatum, Kolin, CDP-kolin, Microdialysis, Hypothalamus, Corpus striatum, Choline, CDP-choline
Göktalay, G. (2002). Kolin verilmesi sonrası çeşitli beyin bölgelerinde kolin dağılımının in vivo beyin mikrodiyalizi yöntemiyle belirlenmesi. Yayınlanmamış tıpta uzmanlık tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.