Water resources management, allocation and pricing issues: The case of Turkey

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In recent years around the world, water-related problems such as water management, water allocation and water pricing have become a significant policy issue for sustainable development. This paper reviews three key issues of water-related problems: water management, water allocation and water pricing. In order to have more efficient management of water resources the countries have either to make reforms or to find new solutions to meet their needs, according to new exchanges and opportunites in water management. As to allocation issues, water supply and demand problems have a significant value. Third key issue and most important water-related problem is pricing policies. Water pricing can contribute to efficient management of water scarcity. Design and implementation of economic instruments for water management including water pricing have emerged as a challenging aspects for sustainable water use. Because of these, this critical resource is under threat around the world including Turkey as one of the countries under water-stress and water-related problems. This study also presents as part of global policies the water resource management case in Turkey.



Environmental sciences & ecology, Water resources, Management, Allocation, Pricing, Turkey, Pricing policy, Resource allocation, Sustainable development, Water demand, Water management, Water resource, Water supply


Uzel, G. ve Gürlük, S. (2016). "Water resources management, allocation and pricing issues: The case of Turkey". Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 17(1), 64-73.