Hibrit (güneş paneli / rüzgar türbini) enerji sistemi destekli endüstriyel tip bir kurutucunun tasarımı ve performansı
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Yapılan bu tez çalışması kapsamında hibrit (güneş paneli / rüzgar türbini) enerji sistemi destekli endüstriyel tip bir kurutucunun tasarımı, üretimi ve performans denemeleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Geliştirilen kurutucu farklı işletme koşulları altında çalıştırılmıştır. Denemeler esnasında kurutma performansının araştırılması amacıyla üç farklı kurutma havası sıcaklığı (50, 60 ve 70 °C) ve iki farklı kurutma havası hızının (3 ve 4 m/s) mısır ve bezelye üzerindeki enerji tüketimi, kuruma zamanı, renk ve rehidrasyon özelliklerine etkileri incelenmiştir. Mısır kurutma denemeleri 02.09.2015 ile 19.09.2015 tarihleri arasında yapılmış ve kuruma süreleri boyunca gerekli toplam enerji tüketiminin %23,00 - %9,81'i güneş enerjisinden, %2,17 - %0,77'si ise rüzgar enerjisinden karşılanmıştır. Özgül enerji tüketim değerlerinin 0,62 ile 1,22 kWh/kgsu°C arasında değiştiği tespit edilmiştir. Kurutma süresine göre mısır denemelerinin 340 ile 565 dakika arasında sürdüğü belirlenmiştir. Renk parametrelerinden sarılık değerleri incelendiğinde taze örnekler 44,54±1,72 olarak ölçülürken, en düşük değer 50 °C sıcaklık ve 3 m/s hava hızı kurutma koşulları sonucunda 35,14±1,16 ve en yüksek değer 42,77±0,49 olarak 70 °C sıcaklık ve 4 m/s hava hızı kurutma koşullarında bulunmuştur. Rehidrasyon kapasitesinin 1,23±0,49 - 1,38±0,08 arasında artan kurutma sıcaklığı ve hava hızı ile yükseldiği sonucuna varılmıştır. Bezelye kurutma denemeleri 01.07.2016 ile 14.07.2016 tarihleri arasında gerçekleştirilmiş ve kuruma süreleri boyunca gerekli toplam enerji tüketiminin %20,74 - %9.84'i güneş enerjisinden, %2,01 - %0,85'si ise rüzgar enerjisinden karşılanmıştır. Özgül enerji tüketim değerlerinin 0,41 ile 0,88 kWh/kgsu°C arasında olduğu belirlenmiştir. Kurutma süresine göre bezelye denemeleri 360 ile 600 dakika arasında değişmiştir. Yeşil renk değerleri incelendiğinde taze örnekler -5,69±0,02 olarak ölçülürken, en düşük değer 50 °C sıcaklık ve 3 m/s hava hızı kurutma koşulları sonucunda -2,51±0,57 ve en yüksek değer -0,15±0,10 olarak 70 °C sıcaklık ve 4 m/s hava hızı kurutma koşullarında tespit edilmiştir. Rehidrasyon kapasitesinin 1,23±0,49 - 1,38±0,08 arasında olduğu ancak istatistiksel analizde denemeler arasındaki farkın önemsiz olduğu belirlenmiştir (p<0.05). Geliştirilen kurutucu ile yapılacak uygulamalardan önce çalışılacak bölgenin iklimsel değerlerini bilmek, kurutulacak ürüne uygun kurutma sıcaklığını ve hava hızı seçimi doğru tespit etmek, kurutma işlemi için harcanacak zamanı ve tüketilecek enerjiyi doğrudan etkileyecektir. Ayrıca kaliteli nihai ürün elde etmek için birçok parametreyi (renk, rehidrasyon vb.) birlikte dikkate almak oldukça önemli olacaktır. Sonuç olarak kurutma süreleri boyunca tüketilen enerjinin tamamı güneş ve rüzgar enerjilerinden karşılanamamış olsa da sistemin şebeke bağlantılı çalıştırılması ile sürekli elektrik üretmesi ve tüketimin tamamının mahsuplaşma sonucu karşılanabilceğini göstermektedir. Ayrıca geliştirilen kurutucunun diğer birçok tarımsal ürünlerin kurutulmasında kullanılabileceği öngörülmektedir.
Within this thesis; design, production and performance experiments of hybrid (solar panel/wind turbine) energy system assisted industrial type dryer were applied. The developed dryer was operated under different operating conditions. The effects of three different drying air temperatures (50, 60 and 70 °C) and two different drying air velocities (3 and 4 m/s) on drying time, energy consumption, color and rehydration properties of maize and peas were investigated. Maize drying experiments were conducted between 02.09.2015 and 19.09.2015. Between 23.00% - 9.81% and 2.17% - 0.77% of the total energy consumption was met by solar and wind energy during the drying times, respectively. It was determined that the specific energy consumption values varied between 0.62 and 1.22 kWh/kgwater°C. According to the drying time, the maize experiments took between 340 and 565 minutes. When yellowness color values were examined, fresh samples were measured as 44.54±1.72. The lowest value was found of drying conditions of 50 °C and airspeed of 3 m/s with 35.14±1.16 and the highest value was 42.77±0.49 at 70 °C and 4 m/s air velocity drying conditions. It was concluded that the rehydration capacity was between 1.23±0.49 - 1.38±0.08 and increased with the increasing drying temperature and air velocity. Peas drying experiments were conducted between 01.07.2016 and 14.07.2016. Between 20.74% - 9.84% and 2.01% - 0.85% of the total energy consumption was met by solar and wind energy during the drying times, respectively. It was determined that the specific energy consumption values varied between 0.41 and 0.88 kWh/kgwater°C. Drying times were changed between 360 and 600 minutes. The greenness color values were examined and fresh samples were found as -5.69±0.02. The lowest and highest values were determined with 50 °C and airspeed of 3 m/s drying conditions (-2.51±0.57) and 70 °C and 4 m/s air velocity drying conditions (-0.15±0.10), respectively. The rehydration capacity was found between 1.23±0.49 - 1.38±0.08, but the difference between the experiments in the statistical analysis was not significant (p<0.05). To know the climatic values of the region and to select proper drying temperature and air velocity will directly affect the drying time and the energy consumption of developed dryer. It would be also significant to consider several parameters (color, rehydration, etc.) together to obtain a high-quality final product. As a conclusion, although the energy consumption during drying periods was not met by solar and wind energy, it has to known that the system can generate continuous electricity by grid-connected operation and all consumption can be met by feed-in-tariff. In addition, the developed dryer can be used for drying many other agricultural products.
Within this thesis; design, production and performance experiments of hybrid (solar panel/wind turbine) energy system assisted industrial type dryer were applied. The developed dryer was operated under different operating conditions. The effects of three different drying air temperatures (50, 60 and 70 °C) and two different drying air velocities (3 and 4 m/s) on drying time, energy consumption, color and rehydration properties of maize and peas were investigated. Maize drying experiments were conducted between 02.09.2015 and 19.09.2015. Between 23.00% - 9.81% and 2.17% - 0.77% of the total energy consumption was met by solar and wind energy during the drying times, respectively. It was determined that the specific energy consumption values varied between 0.62 and 1.22 kWh/kgwater°C. According to the drying time, the maize experiments took between 340 and 565 minutes. When yellowness color values were examined, fresh samples were measured as 44.54±1.72. The lowest value was found of drying conditions of 50 °C and airspeed of 3 m/s with 35.14±1.16 and the highest value was 42.77±0.49 at 70 °C and 4 m/s air velocity drying conditions. It was concluded that the rehydration capacity was between 1.23±0.49 - 1.38±0.08 and increased with the increasing drying temperature and air velocity. Peas drying experiments were conducted between 01.07.2016 and 14.07.2016. Between 20.74% - 9.84% and 2.01% - 0.85% of the total energy consumption was met by solar and wind energy during the drying times, respectively. It was determined that the specific energy consumption values varied between 0.41 and 0.88 kWh/kgwater°C. Drying times were changed between 360 and 600 minutes. The greenness color values were examined and fresh samples were found as -5.69±0.02. The lowest and highest values were determined with 50 °C and airspeed of 3 m/s drying conditions (-2.51±0.57) and 70 °C and 4 m/s air velocity drying conditions (-0.15±0.10), respectively. The rehydration capacity was found between 1.23±0.49 - 1.38±0.08, but the difference between the experiments in the statistical analysis was not significant (p<0.05). To know the climatic values of the region and to select proper drying temperature and air velocity will directly affect the drying time and the energy consumption of developed dryer. It would be also significant to consider several parameters (color, rehydration, etc.) together to obtain a high-quality final product. As a conclusion, although the energy consumption during drying periods was not met by solar and wind energy, it has to known that the system can generate continuous electricity by grid-connected operation and all consumption can be met by feed-in-tariff. In addition, the developed dryer can be used for drying many other agricultural products.
Güneş enerjisi, Rüzgar enerjisi, Kurutma, Mısır, Bezelye, Solar energy, Wind energy, Drying, Maize, Pea
Taşkın O. (2018) Hibrit (güneş paneli / rüzgar türbini) enerji sistemi destekli endüstriyel tip bir kurutucunun tasarımı ve performansı. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.