Osmanlı kadın dergilerine göre aile algısı (19. yüzyılın ikinci yarısı)
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Toplumun en küçük birimi olan aile var olduğu her dönemde önemini korumuştur. Bulunduğu zaman dilimine göre dinî, kültürel, ekonomik ve siyasî birçok etkene göre şekil almıştır. Bu etkenlerden dolayı farklı toplumlarda farklı aile yapıları görülürken bazen de aynı toplumda bile farklılıklar oluşabilmektedir. Tanzimat’la birlikte modernleşme ve yenileşme hareketinde bulunan Osmanlı Devleti’nde de aile hayatı her zaman önemli bir konuma sahip olmuştur. Çünkü Osmanlı toplumunda aile kurmak hem tabii bir ihtiyaç hem de dinî bir gereklilik olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu sebepten ötürü Osmanlı’da aile, mahrem ve kapalı bir kutudur. Peki, toplumun en küçük çekirdeği olan aile, Osmanlı toplumunda nasıl teşekkül etmiştir? Çalışmamızda kadın dergileri vasıtasıyla kısmen de olsa bu konuyu açıklığa kavuşturmayı amaçlamaktayız. Bu çalışmanın amacı; Tanzimat döneminde neşredilen dergilerden hareketle müphem konumda olan aile hayatı ile ilgili konulara ışık tutmaktır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda 19. yüzyıl öncesi toplumlarda aile hayatının tarihsel gelişimi ele alınmış, dergiler tanıtılmış ve Tanzimat’ta değişmeye başlayan aile hayatına geçiş sağlanmıştır. Bu çerçevede dönemin yenilikçi yapısıyla ortaya çıkan kadın dergileri, aile hayatı ile ilgili sunduğu zengin bilgiler ve örneklerle araştırmamıza kaynaklık etmektedir. Dergilerde; ailenin tanımı ve çeşitlerinden, kadın ve erkeğin birbirine muhtaç olarak yaratılmasından, evliliğin aşamalarından, iyi geçinmenin sırlarından, çocuk yetiştirmenin inceliklerine kadar kapalı konumda olan aile hayatı ile ilgili birçok konu hakkında detaylı bilgiler yer almaktadır.
The family, the smallest unit of society, has maintained its importance in every period of its existence. It has taken shape according to many religious, cultural, economic, and political factors according to the time period it was in. Due to these factors, different family structures are seen in different societies, and sometimes even in the same society, differences can occur. Family life has always had an important position in the Ottoman Empire, which was in the movement of modernization and innovation with the Tanzimat. Because in Ottoman society, starting a family is both a natural need and a religious necessity. For this reason, the family in the Ottoman Empire was a private and closed box. So, how was the family, the smallest nucleus of society, formed in Ottoman society? In our study, we aim to clarify this issue, albeit partially, through women's magazines. The aim of this study is to shed light on the issues related to family life, which are in a vague position based on the magazines published during the Tanzimat period. For this purpose, the historical development of family life in societies before the 19th century was discussed, magazines were introduced, and the transition to family life, which started to change in the Tanzimat, was ensured. In this context, women's magazines, which emerged with the innovative structure of the period, are the source of our research with the rich information and examples they provide about family life. In magazines; there is detailed information about many issues related to the closed family life, from the definition and types of the family, the creation of men and women in need of each other, the stages of marriage, the secrets of getting along, and the subtleties of raising children.
The family, the smallest unit of society, has maintained its importance in every period of its existence. It has taken shape according to many religious, cultural, economic, and political factors according to the time period it was in. Due to these factors, different family structures are seen in different societies, and sometimes even in the same society, differences can occur. Family life has always had an important position in the Ottoman Empire, which was in the movement of modernization and innovation with the Tanzimat. Because in Ottoman society, starting a family is both a natural need and a religious necessity. For this reason, the family in the Ottoman Empire was a private and closed box. So, how was the family, the smallest nucleus of society, formed in Ottoman society? In our study, we aim to clarify this issue, albeit partially, through women's magazines. The aim of this study is to shed light on the issues related to family life, which are in a vague position based on the magazines published during the Tanzimat period. For this purpose, the historical development of family life in societies before the 19th century was discussed, magazines were introduced, and the transition to family life, which started to change in the Tanzimat, was ensured. In this context, women's magazines, which emerged with the innovative structure of the period, are the source of our research with the rich information and examples they provide about family life. In magazines; there is detailed information about many issues related to the closed family life, from the definition and types of the family, the creation of men and women in need of each other, the stages of marriage, the secrets of getting along, and the subtleties of raising children.
Aile, Osmanlı toplumunda aile, Kadın dergileri, Dergilerde aile, Family, Family in Ottoman society, Women's magazines, Family in magazines
Ünal, H. (2022). Osmanlı kadın dergilerine göre aile algısı (19. yüzyılın ikinci yarısı). Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.