Kentlileşme sürecinde sosyo-kültürel ve dini değişme: Bursa Belenören köylüleri örneği
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Kentler, binlerce yıldır insanlık tarihinin önemli bir parçasıdır. Ancak 19. yüzyıl itibariyle kentler, önemli bir problem haline gelmiştir. Başta Sanayi Devrimi ve Fransız İhtilali olmak üzere yaşanan önemli olaylar, hızlı sosyal değişimlere sebep olmuştur. Kırsal bölgelerden ve kentlerin çeperlerinden kent merkezine yönelen yoğun göçler; bir yandan kentleri şekillendirirken diğer yandan kentler yaşanan toplumsal değişim üzerinde belirleyici olmuştur. Türkiye'de de özellikle 1970'li yıllarla birlikte kırdan kente doğru yoğun göçler yaşanmıştır. Bu süreç başta sosyal, ekonomik, kültürel ve dini olmak üzere pek çok değişime sebep olmuştur. Çalışmamız, Türkiye'deki kentlileşme sürecinde yaşanan sosyal, kültürel ve dini değişimi üç nesil üzerinde görmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışma, Bursa'nın Keles ilçesine bağlı Belenören köylüsü olan 13 aileden toplam 42 katılımcıyla yapılan derinlemesine görüşmelerle şekillenmiştir. Katılımcı ailelerin ilk nesilleri, kentle ilişkiler kurmaya başlayarak kentlileşme sürecini başlatmışlardır. İkinci ve üçüncü nesilde ise kentle bütünleşme büyük oranda tamamlanmıştır. Bu süreçte yaşanan sosyal, kültürel ve dini değişimi görebilmek adına her ailenin üç nesliyle de görüşmeler yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın birinci bölümünde; sosyal değişme, dini değişme, kent, kentleşme, kentlileşme ve göçe dair kavramsal ve kuramsal bir çerçeve sunulmuştur. İkinci bölümde ise katılımcılara dair kişisel ve demografik bilgilere yer verilmiştir. Ayrıca katılımcıların sosyo-kültürel ve dini değişimlerinde etkili olan unsurlar ile katılımcıların kente göç süreçlerinin nasıl şekillendiği ele alınmıştır. Son olarak katılımcıların dindarlık düzeyleri inanç, ibadet, tecrübe, bilgi ve etkileme boyutları üzerinden ele alınmıştır. Üçüncü bölümde kentlileşme sürecinde; bir takım dini pratiklerde, kadın-erkek ilişkilerinde, aile yapısında ve düğün merasimlerinde bir değişim olup olmadığı varsa bu değişimin seyri anlaşılmaya çalışılmıştır. Nikahsız birliktelikler, flört, aile reisliği, akraba evliliği gibi bir dizi hususa bu kapsamda yer verilmiştir. Ayrıca katılımcıların dini otorite olarak gördükleri kişi, kurum ve kaynaklar ele alınarak kentlileşme sürecindeki seyir üç nesil üzerinden görülmeye çalışılmıştır. Dini otorite konusu kapsamında katılımcıların, dini gruplara nasıl baktıkları, anılan grupları dini bir otorite olarak görüp görmedikleri üzerinde durulmuştur. Kentler, kır toplumlarının aksine, farklı kültüre, inanca, dile ve yaşam tarzına sahip insanları bir araya getiren heterojen bir toplum yapısına sahiptir. Çalışmamızda kentlileşme sürecinde katılımcıların farklılıklarla karşılaşma durumları ve farklılıklar karşısında takındıkları tutumlar ele alınmıştır.
Cities have been an important part of human history for thousands of years. However, as of the 19th century, cities became an important problem. Important events, especially the Industrial Revolution and the French Revolution, caused rapid social changes. Intense migrations from rural areas and the peripheries of cities to the city center; While shaping the cities on the one hand, on the other hand, the cities have been a determinant on the social change. In Turkey, especially with the 1970s, there has been intense migration from rural to urban areas. This process has led to many changes, especially social, economic, cultural and religious. Our research aims to see the social, cultural and religious change experienced in the urbanization process in Turkey over three generations. The research was shaped by in-depth interviews with a total of 42 participants from 13 families from Belenören villagers in Bursa's Keles district. The first generations of the participating families started the urbanization process by starting to establish relations with the city. In the second and third generations, the integration with the city has been completed to a large extent. In order to see the social, cultural and religious change experienced in this process, interviews were held with three generations of each family. In the first part of the study; a conceptual and theoretical framework on social change, religious change, the city, urbanization, urbanization and migration is presented. In the second part, personal and demographic information about the participants is given. In addition, the factors affecting the socio-cultural and religious changes of the participants and how the migration processes of the participants were shaped were discussed. Finally, the religiosity levels of the participants were discussed over the dimensions of belief, worship, experience, knowledge and influence. In the third part, in the urbanization process; If there is a change in some religious practices, male-female relations, family structure and wedding ceremonies, the course of this change has been tried to be understood. A number of issues such as common-law unions, dating, head of family, consanguineous marriage are included in this context. In addition, the course of the urbanization process has been tried to be seen over three generations by considering the people, institutions and resources that the participants see as religious authorities. Within the scope of religious authority, it was focused on how the participants viewed religious groups and whether they saw the aforementioned groups as a religious authority. Cities, unlike rural societies, have a heterogeneous social structure that brings together people of different cultures, beliefs, languages and lifestyles. In our study, the situation of the participants in the urbanization process and their attitudes towards the differences were discussed.
Cities have been an important part of human history for thousands of years. However, as of the 19th century, cities became an important problem. Important events, especially the Industrial Revolution and the French Revolution, caused rapid social changes. Intense migrations from rural areas and the peripheries of cities to the city center; While shaping the cities on the one hand, on the other hand, the cities have been a determinant on the social change. In Turkey, especially with the 1970s, there has been intense migration from rural to urban areas. This process has led to many changes, especially social, economic, cultural and religious. Our research aims to see the social, cultural and religious change experienced in the urbanization process in Turkey over three generations. The research was shaped by in-depth interviews with a total of 42 participants from 13 families from Belenören villagers in Bursa's Keles district. The first generations of the participating families started the urbanization process by starting to establish relations with the city. In the second and third generations, the integration with the city has been completed to a large extent. In order to see the social, cultural and religious change experienced in this process, interviews were held with three generations of each family. In the first part of the study; a conceptual and theoretical framework on social change, religious change, the city, urbanization, urbanization and migration is presented. In the second part, personal and demographic information about the participants is given. In addition, the factors affecting the socio-cultural and religious changes of the participants and how the migration processes of the participants were shaped were discussed. Finally, the religiosity levels of the participants were discussed over the dimensions of belief, worship, experience, knowledge and influence. In the third part, in the urbanization process; If there is a change in some religious practices, male-female relations, family structure and wedding ceremonies, the course of this change has been tried to be understood. A number of issues such as common-law unions, dating, head of family, consanguineous marriage are included in this context. In addition, the course of the urbanization process has been tried to be seen over three generations by considering the people, institutions and resources that the participants see as religious authorities. Within the scope of religious authority, it was focused on how the participants viewed religious groups and whether they saw the aforementioned groups as a religious authority. Cities, unlike rural societies, have a heterogeneous social structure that brings together people of different cultures, beliefs, languages and lifestyles. In our study, the situation of the participants in the urbanization process and their attitudes towards the differences were discussed.
Sosyal değişme, Dini değişme, Kültürel değişme, Kent, Kentlileşme, Göç, Aile, Social change, Religious change, Cultural change, City, Urbanization, Migration, Family
Sağlam, M. T. (2022). Kentlileşme sürecinde sosyo-kültürel ve dini değişme: Bursa Belenören köylüleri örneği. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.