Üst klivüs bölgesine orbitozigomatik-subtemporal yaklaşımda kavernöz sinüs, parasellar bölge ve dorsum sellanın anatomisi (kadaverik çalışma)
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Çalışmamızda sellar/ parasellar bölgelerin, anatomik özellikleri ve içinde bulunan kritik yapıların birbiriyle olan ilişkileri incelenmiştir. 20 adet erişkin kadaverik spesimen üzerinde yapılan çalışmada, aşağıdaki bulgular elde edilmiştir. Anterior klinoid çıkıntılar, bu bölgeye yaklaşımda önemli rol oynamaktadır. Uzunlukları ortalama sağda 11.51 mm (8.14 mm - 14.64 mm) ve solda 11.59 mm (8.57 mm - 14.21 mm) olarak saptanmıştır. Optik sinirler, dikkat edilmesi gereken önemli yapılardır. Uzunlukları ortalama sağda 10.25 mm (6.95 mm - 13.83 mm) ve solda 10.40 mm (7.25 mm - 12.51 mm) olarak saptanmıştır. Optik sinirler arasındaki açının ortalama değeri 81.03° ( 53.01° - 124.76°) olarak saptanmıştır. Hipofizer stalk açısı, hipofiz bezinin diafragma sella ile birleştiği açıyı ifade eder. Bu açının ortalama değeri 80.46° (54.59° - 120.75°) olarak saptanmıştır. Lamina terminalis, cerrahi yaklaşımda önemi olan yapıdır. Uzunluğu ortalama 10.26 mm (7.27 mm - 18.75 mm) ve genişliği ortalama 6.12 mm (4.01 mm - 8.77 mm) olarak saptanmıştır. Prefiks kiazma yaklaşım koridorunu daralttığı için, postfiks kiazma da hipofiz bezi ve stalk arasını kapattığından zorluk arz eder. Optik sinir uzunluğunun 8 mm altında olması prefiks kiazmayı, 8-10 mm arası normofiks kiazmayı ve 10 mm üzerinde olması anatomik olarak postfiks kiazmayı gösterdi. Benzer şekilde, hipofiz açısı 80°'den küçükse postfiks, 80°-100° arası ise normofiks, 100°'den büyükse prefiks yerleşimli kiazma olduğu görüldü. Çalışmamızda sunulan bulgular ve bilgiler, kafa tabanı ve parasellar bölgede cerrahların karmaşık anatomiyi daha iyi anlamalarına ve ameliyat planlarını optimize etmelerine yardımcı olabilir ve hasta yönetiminde kolaylık sağlayabilir.
In our study, the anatomical features of the sellar-parasellar regions and the relationships between the critical structures in them were examined. In the study conducted on 20 adult cadaveric specimens, the following findings were obtained. Anterior clinoid processes play an important role in the approach to this region. The mean length of the processes was 11.51 mm (8.14 mm - 14.64 mm) for the right and 11.59 mm (8.57 mm - 14.21 mm) for the left. Optic nerves are important structures to take into consideration. The mean lengths were 10.25 mm (6.95 mm - 13.83 mm) for the right and 10.40 mm (7.25 mm - 12.51 mm) for the left. The mean value of the angle between the optic nerves was 81.03° (53.01° - 124.76°). The pituitary stalk angle refers to the angle at which the pituitary gland meets the diaphragma sellae. The mean value of this angle was 80.46° (54.59° - 120.75°). The lamina terminalis is an important structure in surgical approach. The mean length was 10.26 mm (7.27 mm - 18.75 mm) and the mean width was 6.12 mm (4.01 mm - 8.77 mm). Prefix and postfix chiasm makes the surgical intervention more difficult by narrowing the approaching corridor, and by closing the gap between the pituitary gland and stalk respectively. Optic nerve length below 8 mm indicated prefix chiasm, between 8-10 mm normofix chiasm, and length above 10 mm anatomically postfix chiasm. Likewise, if the pituitary stalk angle was less than 80°, postfix chiasm was seen, normofix chiasm was seen when the angle was between 80°-100° and if the angle was greater than 100° a prefix chiasm was seen. The findings and the data presented in our study may help surgeons better understand the complex anatomy in the skull base and parasellar region and optimize surgical plans, thus making patient management easier.
In our study, the anatomical features of the sellar-parasellar regions and the relationships between the critical structures in them were examined. In the study conducted on 20 adult cadaveric specimens, the following findings were obtained. Anterior clinoid processes play an important role in the approach to this region. The mean length of the processes was 11.51 mm (8.14 mm - 14.64 mm) for the right and 11.59 mm (8.57 mm - 14.21 mm) for the left. Optic nerves are important structures to take into consideration. The mean lengths were 10.25 mm (6.95 mm - 13.83 mm) for the right and 10.40 mm (7.25 mm - 12.51 mm) for the left. The mean value of the angle between the optic nerves was 81.03° (53.01° - 124.76°). The pituitary stalk angle refers to the angle at which the pituitary gland meets the diaphragma sellae. The mean value of this angle was 80.46° (54.59° - 120.75°). The lamina terminalis is an important structure in surgical approach. The mean length was 10.26 mm (7.27 mm - 18.75 mm) and the mean width was 6.12 mm (4.01 mm - 8.77 mm). Prefix and postfix chiasm makes the surgical intervention more difficult by narrowing the approaching corridor, and by closing the gap between the pituitary gland and stalk respectively. Optic nerve length below 8 mm indicated prefix chiasm, between 8-10 mm normofix chiasm, and length above 10 mm anatomically postfix chiasm. Likewise, if the pituitary stalk angle was less than 80°, postfix chiasm was seen, normofix chiasm was seen when the angle was between 80°-100° and if the angle was greater than 100° a prefix chiasm was seen. The findings and the data presented in our study may help surgeons better understand the complex anatomy in the skull base and parasellar region and optimize surgical plans, thus making patient management easier.
Anterior klinoid çıkıntı, Lamina terminalis, Optik sinir, Parasellar bölge, Stalk açısı, Anterior clinoid proces, Optic nerve, Parasellar region, Stalk angle
Kasab, R. (2024). Üst klivüs bölgesine orbitozigomatik-subtemporal yaklaşımda kavernöz sinüs, parasellar bölge ve dorsum sellanın anatomisi (kadaverik çalışma). Yayınlanmamış tıpta uzmanlık tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.