Tanzimat'tan Cumhuriyet'e Türk edebiyatında Kâğıthane (1839 - 1923 roman - şiir ve anı türlerinde)
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bilinen tarihi Roma İmparatorluğu’na dayanan İstanbul’un Kâğıthane bölgesi, en hareketli yıllarını III. Ahmet zamanında yaşar. “Lâle Devri” olarak isimlendirilen bu on üç yıllık dönem Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda yenileşme adına pek çok adımın ilk defa atıldığı, kimilerine göre ise Batılılaşmanın başladığı dönemdir. Lâle Devri’nde Damat İbrahim Paşa tarafından Kâğıthane’ye inşa edilen Sa’dâbâd Sarayı etrafında oluşturulan yapılanma çerçevesinde “Seyr-i Sa’dâbâd” olarak da anılan eğlence kültürü zirveye ulaşır. Tanzimat ve Servet-i Fünun dönemlerine gelindiğinde halk tarafından devam ettirilen bu eğlence kültürüne bağlı olarak Kâğıthane, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun geçirdiği sosyokültürel değişimlere tanıklık etmesi ve barındırdığı doğal güzellikler ile Türk edebiyatının ilk eserlerine konu edilir. Bu çalışmada, Yeni Türk edebiyatının kurgusal ve kurgusal olmayan içeriğinde “Kâğıthane” isminin geçtiği kaynaklar belirlenmiş ve bölgenin dönem eserlerine yansıyış biçimleri incelenmiştir.
İstanbul’s Kâğıthane district which has a history well-known based on Roman Empire lives its most active years in the time of Ahmet The III. period. This thirteen-year period called as “Tulip Era”, was the first time that many steps were taken in the name of modernization in the Ottoman Empire, and according to some people it was the beginning of Westernization. In the Tulip Era, the entertainment culture also known as “Seyr-i Sa’dâbâd” which is connected to Saadabad Palace built by Damat İbrahim Pasha in Kâgithane and the structuring around it, reaches its peak. When it comes to Tanzimat and Servet-i Fünun periods, depending on this entertainment culture continued by the people, Kâğıthane district becomes the subject of the first novels of Turkish literature with the witnessing of the sociocultural changes experienced by the Ottoman Empire and its natural beauties. In this study, the sources in which Kâgithane is mentioned in the fictional and nonfictional content of the New Turkish literature were determined and the ways of its reflection on the works of the period were examined.
İstanbul’s Kâğıthane district which has a history well-known based on Roman Empire lives its most active years in the time of Ahmet The III. period. This thirteen-year period called as “Tulip Era”, was the first time that many steps were taken in the name of modernization in the Ottoman Empire, and according to some people it was the beginning of Westernization. In the Tulip Era, the entertainment culture also known as “Seyr-i Sa’dâbâd” which is connected to Saadabad Palace built by Damat İbrahim Pasha in Kâgithane and the structuring around it, reaches its peak. When it comes to Tanzimat and Servet-i Fünun periods, depending on this entertainment culture continued by the people, Kâğıthane district becomes the subject of the first novels of Turkish literature with the witnessing of the sociocultural changes experienced by the Ottoman Empire and its natural beauties. In this study, the sources in which Kâgithane is mentioned in the fictional and nonfictional content of the New Turkish literature were determined and the ways of its reflection on the works of the period were examined.
Kâğıthane, Sa’dâbâd, Batılılaşma, III. Ahmet, Lâle Devri, Türk Edebiyatında Kâğıthane, Westernization, Tulip Era, Kâğıthane in Turkish Literature
Yurdakul, H. (2020). Tanzimat'tan Cumhuriyet'e Türk edebiyatında Kâğıthane (1839 - 1923 roman - şiir ve anı türlerinde). Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.