Polysomnographic (Examination) evaluation and cap scoring of patients with continuous spikes and waves during slow sleep syndrome

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Journal Neurological Sciences-Turkish


Objective: In our study, we aimed to demonstrate presence of sleep disorder which may associate with Continuous Spike and Waves during Slow Sleep Syndrome (CSWS) clinical picture and to define changes in sleep structure of those patients by recording polysomnographs and full night sleep electroencephalogram (EEG) in our patients. Methods: The study population included totally 10 patients (7 boys and 3 girls) with diagnosis of followed by Pediatric Neurology Department, Uludag University and a control group consisted of 10 healthy individuals with similar age and sex distribution. Results: It is observed that there is no statistical difference between CSWS patients and control group in terms of total sleep time, Non-REM 1 (Stage-1), Non-REM 2 (Stage-2) and Non-REM 3+ Non-REM 4(Stage-3, Stage-4). It was found that REM period was shorter and the difference was statistically significant (p < 0.05). It was observed that 60 % of patients with CSWS had non-scored epochs. Mean Cyclic alternating pattern (CAP) value in patients with CSWS was 45 % and it was 25.8 % in control group and it was found to be statistically significant in patients. (p < 0,001). Conclusions: We found that sleep EEG records of patients with CSWS were more pathologic than that of control group and that integrity of sleep is deteriorated in patient group. However, we could not find any pathology related with primary sleep disorder. We believe that this study may clear up a way for future studies which may make contributions.
Çalışmamızda Yavaş uykuda Elektriksel Status Epileptikus (ESES=CSWS)'lu hastaların uyku yapısındaki değişiklikleri tanımlamak, eşlik edebilecek uyku bozukluğunu gözlemlemek amacıyla tüm gece polisomnografi kaydı yapıldı. Yöntem: Çalışmaya Uludağ Üniversitesi Pediatri-Nöroloji Bölümümde Yavaş uykuda Elektriksel Status Epileptikus tanısıyla takip edilen 10 hasta (7'si erkek, 3'ü kız) ve benzer yaş ve cinsiyet dağılımına sahip sağlıklı 10 kontrol olgu alındı. Bulgular: CSWS' li hastaların kontrol grubuyla yapılan istatistiksel analizlerinde total uyku süresi, evre-1, evre-2 ve evre-3+ evre-4 uyku oranlarında bir farklılık olmadığı gözlendi. Uykunun REM dönemi ile ilgili yapılan çalışmalarda CSWS' li hastalarda kontrol grubuna göre daha kısa zaman olduğu istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulundu.(p<0.05) CSWS'li hastaların % 60'ında skorlanamayan epokların olduğu gözlendi. CSWS hastalarda ortalama CAP değeri% 45 ve kontrol grubunda% 25.8 idi ve istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulundu. CSWS hastaların uyku EEG kayıtları uyku o bütünlüğü açısından kontrol grubuna göre bozulmuş olduğu bulundu. Ancak, patolojiye yönelik eşlik eden bir uyku bozukluğu gözlemlemedik. Biz bu çalışma ile gelecekte yapılabilecek diğer çalışmalara katkıda bulunabileceğimize inanıyoruz.



Neurosciences & neurology, Continuous Spikes and Waves During Slow Sleep Syndrome (CSWS), Polysomnography, Cyclic alternating pattern (CAP), Electrical status epilepticus, Eeg, Children, Prevalence, Disorders, Childhood, Seizures, Spectrum, Yavaş uykuda elektriksel status epileptikus (CSWS=ESES), Polisomnografi, Siklik alternan patern


Özdemir, Ö. vd. (2011). "Polysomnographic (Examination) evaluation and cap scoring of patients with continuous spikes and waves during slow sleep syndrome". Journal of Neurological Sciences-Turkish, 28(2), 168-180.