Mass absorption and mass energy transfer coefficients for 0.4-10 MeV gamma rays in elemental solids and gases

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Pergamon-Elsevier Science


The mass energy absorption, the mass energy transfer and mass absorption coefficients have been widely used for problems and applications involving dose calculations. Direct measurements of the coefficients are difficult, and theoretical computations are usually employed. In this paper, analytical equations are presented for determining the mass energy transfer and mass absorption coefficients for gamma rays with an incident energy range between 0.4 and 10 MeV in nitrogen, silicon, carbon, copper and sodium iodide. The mass absorption and mass energy transfer coefficients for gamma rays were calculated, and the results obtained were compared with the values reported in the literature.



Mass absorption coefficient, Mass energy transfer coefficient, Photon, Attenuation, Chemistry, Nuclear science & technology, Radiology, nuclear medicine & medical imaging, Absorption, Copper, Electromagnetic waves, Energy transfer, Gamma rays, Ionizing radiation, Silicon, Sodium, Stars, Transport properties, X ray cameras, Analytical equations, Direct measurements, Dose calculations, Incident energies, Mass absorption coefficient, Mass absorption coefficients, Mass absorptions, Mass energies, Mass energy transfer coefficient, Sodium iodides, Transfer co-efficient, Gas absorption


Gürler, O. vd. (2009). "Mass absorption and mass energy transfer coefficients for 0.4-10 MeV gamma rays in elemental solids and gases". Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 67(1), 201-205.