Salvage of the lower leg using a reversed long free fibular flap

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Lippincott Williams & Wilkins


The advantages of end-to-side anastomoses have been well documented in microvascular surgery. The vessels of the fibular flap do not usually permit end-to-side anastomosis to recipient vessels in the proximal part of the lower leg because the pedicle length of the free fibular Rap is usually too short. Therefore, vein grafts are used to elongate the vessels, If a harvested long free fibular flap that is used to bridge a massive defect of the tibia is reversed and placed into the medullary cavity of the tibia, the flap vessels can be anastomosed, using the end-to-side technique, to the recipient vessels without vein grafts in the distal part of the lower leg. Thus, the flap artery (the peroneal artery) fills in a retrograde fashion. The patient reported was reconstructed with a reversed long free fibular Rap. The postoperative period was uneventful. The patient can stand and walk with a protective shoe 2 years postoperatively.



Surgery, Traumatized leg, Bone-graft, Reconstruction


Akın, S. ve Özcan, M. (1999). "Salvage of the lower leg using a reversed long free fibular flap". Annals of Plastic Surgery, 42(2), 170-173.