Influence of bull seminal plasma on post-thaw ram semen parameters and fertility




Manolov, Ivan
Kaptan, Cüneyt
Akpınar, Latif

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Natl Veterinary Research Inst


The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect Of the addition of 20% bull seminal plasma to semen extenders on post-thaw sperm motility, morphology, and fertility. Two Merino rains at 3-5 years of age, 43 ewes, and one Holstein bull were used. Fourteen ejaculates Were collected by the use of an artificial vagina, twice a day, at 60 min interval. Six semen ejaculates were extended with Tris-egg yolk extender containing 20% bull seminal plasma (TEY-BSP group), and 8 ejaculates were extended with Tris-egg yolk (TEY group), at a rate to obtain 150 x 10(6) spermatozoa/straw. The owes in oestrous were divided at random into two groups. Twenty-two ewes were inseminated with TEY-BSP and 21 ewes were inseminated with TEY. The mean percentage of motility, defected acrosome, and total morphological defect for the equilibrated and post-thaw semen parameters of the TEY, were 69.4%, 8.6%, and 17.0% and 42.8%, 49.9%, and 51.2%, respectively. The mean percentage of non-return rate (NRR) (n=43) was 30.2% and for the semen frozen with TEY-BSP (n=22) and TEY (n=21) - 31.8%, and 28.6%, respectively. There were no significant differences between TEY-BSP and TEY for NRR. In Conclusion, the addition of the bull seminal plasma to freezing extender has a Supportive effect on extended, equilibrated, and thawed semen. Moreover, the addition of bull seminal plasma to ram semen extender improved fertility.



Ram, Frozen semen, Fertility, Bull seminal plasma, Cryopreservation, Motility, Integrity, Ewes, Spermatozoa, Frozen-semen, Liquid semen, Sperm membrane, Artificial-insemination, Cervical insemination


Günay, Ü. vd. (2006). ''Influence of bull seminal plasma on post-thaw ram semen parameters and fertility''. Bulletin of the Veterinary Institute in Pulawy, 50(4), 503-507.