Determination of required core temperature for thermal comfort with steady-state energy balance method

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Pergamon-Elsevier Science


In this study, apart from the other studies related to thermal comfort, it is combined that the fundamental equations given in the steady-state energy balance and the empirical relations expressing effects of the thermoregulatory control mechanisms of the body. In the first section of this simulation, body core temperature is calculated by using the equations expressing thermoregulatory control mechanism, the required skin temperature and sweat rate values. Variation of the calculated body core temperature is investigated with the activity level based on required skin temperature and sweat rate values. In the second section of the simulation, heat losses from the body (convection, radiation, evaporation, and respiration) and ratio of the each heat loss mechanism to total heat loss are calculated and discussed in detail.



Thermodynamics, Mechanics, Thermal comfort, Energy balance, Core temperature, Model, Automobile, Human-body, Thermodynamics, Temperature, Respiratory mechanics, Mathematical models, Heat radiation, Heat losses, Heat convection, Evaporation, Computer simulation, Biomechanics, Steady-state energy method


Kılıç, M. vd. (2006). ''Determination of required core temperature for thermal comfort with steady-state energy balance method''. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 33(2), 195-201.