Effect of age, sex and season on the prevalence and intensity of helminth infections in domestic pigeons (Columba livia) from Bursa Province, Turkey

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Akademiai Kiado ZRT


The one-year study reported in this paper was carried out from April 2002 to March 2003 in domestic pigeons (Columba livia) of Bursa Province (Turkey) to determine the occurrence of helminth species and to evaluate the effect of host age, sex and season oil their prevalence and intensity. A total of 100 (3 1 Young and 69 adult) domestic pigeons were necropsied and examined. The results of necropsies revealed that 74 pigeons harboured helminth infections. Three helminth species were identified: Baruscapillaria obsignata (63%), Ascaridia columbae (42%) and Raillietina echinobothrida (1%). There were no significant differences in the prevalence of B. obsignata and A. columbae by host age and sex. Significantly the highest prevalence rate of A. columbae was observed in the autumn months, but there was no significant difference in the seasonal prevalence of B. obsignata. The mean intensity of B. obsignata and A. columbae was higher in adults than in young pigeons but it did not differ significantly between the two sexes. The highest mean intensity rate of B. obsignata was observed in the autumn, while there was no significant difference for A. columbae with regard to season. From the data obtained In this Study it can be concluded that in regions with similar climatic conditions as those ill the present study area, pigeon breeders Should be cautioned especially of B. obsignata and A. columbae infections of adult pigeons in the autumn months.



Helminth, Pigeon, Aga, Sex, Season, Veterinary sciences, Ascaridia, Ascaridia columbae, Columba, Columba livia, Columbae, Raillietina echinobothrida, Vermes


Senlik, B. vd. (2005). "Effect of age, sex and season on the prevalence and intensity of helminth infections in domestic pigeons (Columba livia) from Bursa Province, Turkey". Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, 53(4), 449-456.