Modelling of the pressure drop in tangential inlet cyclone separators

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Taylor & Francis


This article introduces a new mathematical model that predicts the pressure drop in a tangential inlet cyclone. The model calculates the pressure drop from the frictional losses in the cyclone body, using a wall friction coefficient based on the surface roughness and Reynolds number. The entrance and exit losses are also included in the model by defining new geometrical parameters. The pressure drop coefficient is obtained as a function of cyclone dimensions and operating conditions. The model is validated by studying 12 different cyclones presented in the literature. Comparison of the model results with predictions and measurements published in the literature show that the new model predicts the experimental results quite well for a wide range of operating conditions covering a flow rate of 0.3-220 l/s and a temperature range of 293-1200 degrees K, in different cyclones. The pressure drop coefficient is also examined in view of the outlet pipe diameter, friction coefficient, surface roughness, and Reynolds number.



Collection efficiency, Samplers, Performance, Flow, Solids, Design, Engineering, Environmental sciences & ecology, Meteorology & atmospheric sciences


Karagöz, I. ve Avcı, A. (2005). "Modelling of the pressure drop in tangential inlet cyclone separators". Aerosol Science and Technology, 39(9), 857-865.
