Farklı sulama aralığı ve sulama suyu seviyelerinin salçalık domatesin verim ve kalitesi üzerine etkisi
Elmas, İlker
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışma, Güney Marmara koşullarında yetiştirilen salçalık domateste farklı sulama aralığı ve sulama seviyelerinin meyve verim ve kalite parametreleri üzerine etkilerini araştırmak amacıyla 2019 yılı yetiştiricilik döneminde yürütülmüştür. Tesadüf bloklarında bölünmüş parseller deneme desenine göre kurulan araştırmada, ana parselleri 4 gün sulama aralığı (SA4) ve 8 gün sulama aralığı (SA8) konuları, alt parselleri ise A sınıfı buharlaşma kabında meydana gelen yığışımlı buharlaşmanın %100 (S100), %80 (S80) ve %60 (S60)’ının uygulandığı sulama seviyeleri oluşturmuştur. Deneme sonucunda konulara uygulanan mevsimlik sulama suyu miktarı 259-412 mm arasında değişim göstermiş ve en yüksek bitki su tüketimi SA4xS100 konusundan 527 mm ile elde edilirken en düşük ise SA8xS60 konusundan 419 mm ile elde edilmiştir. En yüksek verim değerine 111,65 t ha-1 ile SA4xS100 konusunda ulaşılmıştır. Meyve verimi (MV) ile sulama suyu (S) arasındaki ilişki MV=-0,002S2 + 1,681S - 228,01 (R² = 0,9859), meyve verimi ile mevsimlik bitki su tüketimi (ETa) arasındaki ilişki ise MV=0,4105ETa - 100,55 (R² = 0,8826) regresyon eşitliği ile tanımlanmıştır. Domates su üretkenliği (WP) değeri en yüksek 22,4 kg m-3 ile SA4xS80 konusundan en düşük ise 16,1 kg m-3 ile SA8xS60 konusundan elde edilmiştir. En yüksek sulama suyu üretkenliği (IWP) 31,4 kg m-3 ile SA4xS80 konusunda, en düşük ise 26,0 kg m-3 ile SA8xS60 konusunda belirlenmiştir. Yapılan araştırmada farklı sulama suyu seviyelerinin kalite parametrelerinde Briks ve tek meyve ağırlığı üzerine etkileri istatistiksel olarak %1 düzeyinde önemli görülürken pH, renk ve meyve sertliği üzerine etkileri önemsiz bulunmuştur. Araştırma sonucunda, verim, kalite ve su üretkenliği değerleri birlikte değerlendirildiğinde salçalık domatesin sulanmasında SA4xS80 konusu önerilebilir.
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of different irrigation levels and intervals on fruit yield and quality parameters in processing tomato grown under South Marmara conditions, in 2019. In the study, which was established in split plot design there were main plots which determined as 4-day irrigation interval (SA4) and 8-day irrigation interval (SA8), and the sub-plots which created according to 100% (S100), 80% (S80) and 60% (S60) of the cumulative evaporation occurring in the Class A pan. The amount of seasonal irrigation water applied to the treatments varied between 259- 412 mm, and the highest evapotranspiration (ETa) was obtained with 527 mm from SA4xS100, while the lowest ETa was obtained with 419 mm from SA8xS60. The highest fruit yield (FY) value was reached in SA4xS100 with 111,65 t ha-1. The relationship between FY and irrigation water amount (S) is FY = -0,002S2 + 1,681S – 228,01 (R² = 0,9859), the relationship between FY and seasonal ETa is FY = 0,4105ETa – 100,55 (R² = 0,8826) was defined by the regression equation. The highest tomato water productivity (WP) value was obtained from the treatment SA4xS80 with 22,4 kg m-3 and the lowest WP one from the treatment SA8xS60 with 16,1 kg m-3. The highest irrigation water productivity (IWP) was determined for SA4xS80 with 31,4 kg m-3 and the lowest IWP for SA8xS60 with 26,0 kg m-3. In the study, the effects of different irrigation water levels on the quality parameters of Brix and single fruit weight were found to be statistically significant at the level of 1%, while the effects on pH, color and fruit hardness were found to be insignificant. As a result of the research, when the yield, quality and water productivity values are evaluated together, SA4xS80 treatment can be suggested for irrigation of processing tomatoes.
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of different irrigation levels and intervals on fruit yield and quality parameters in processing tomato grown under South Marmara conditions, in 2019. In the study, which was established in split plot design there were main plots which determined as 4-day irrigation interval (SA4) and 8-day irrigation interval (SA8), and the sub-plots which created according to 100% (S100), 80% (S80) and 60% (S60) of the cumulative evaporation occurring in the Class A pan. The amount of seasonal irrigation water applied to the treatments varied between 259- 412 mm, and the highest evapotranspiration (ETa) was obtained with 527 mm from SA4xS100, while the lowest ETa was obtained with 419 mm from SA8xS60. The highest fruit yield (FY) value was reached in SA4xS100 with 111,65 t ha-1. The relationship between FY and irrigation water amount (S) is FY = -0,002S2 + 1,681S – 228,01 (R² = 0,9859), the relationship between FY and seasonal ETa is FY = 0,4105ETa – 100,55 (R² = 0,8826) was defined by the regression equation. The highest tomato water productivity (WP) value was obtained from the treatment SA4xS80 with 22,4 kg m-3 and the lowest WP one from the treatment SA8xS60 with 16,1 kg m-3. The highest irrigation water productivity (IWP) was determined for SA4xS80 with 31,4 kg m-3 and the lowest IWP for SA8xS60 with 26,0 kg m-3. In the study, the effects of different irrigation water levels on the quality parameters of Brix and single fruit weight were found to be statistically significant at the level of 1%, while the effects on pH, color and fruit hardness were found to be insignificant. As a result of the research, when the yield, quality and water productivity values are evaluated together, SA4xS80 treatment can be suggested for irrigation of processing tomatoes.
Bitki su tüketimi, Su üretkenliği, Salçalık domates, Briks, Renk, Sulama aralığı, Evapotranspiration, Water productivity, Processing tomatoes, Brix, Color, Irrigation intervals
Elmas, İ. (2021). Farklı sulama aralığı ve sulama suyu seviyelerinin salçalık domatesin verim ve kalitesi üzerine etkisi. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.