Publication: Smyrna agorası heykeltraşlık buluntuları
Şahin, Mustafa
Taşlıalan, Mehmet
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Mersin Üniversitesi Kilikia Arkeoloji Araştırma Merkezi
Eski İzmir’de Namazgâh Mezarlığına giden yol üzerinde yer alan Smyrna Agorası, ayakta kalabilen birkaç sütunu nedeniyle kenti ziyaret eden ilk seyyahlardan başlayarak gözden kaçmamıştır. İlk kazılar 1932-1941 yılları arasında yapıldıktan sonra, alan uzun bir süre tekrar ele alınmamıştır. Ancak 1996 yılında İzmir Müze Müdürlüğü tarafından tekrar kazı ve restorasyon çalışmaları başlatılşmıştır ve halen de devam etmektedir. Burada ele alınan heykeller, Müze Müdürlüğünün kazılarından ele edilmiş olan eserleri kapsamaktadır. Ince beyaz grenli ve kaba grenli- gri damarlı olmak üzere iki farklı mermer türü kullanılmıştır. Heykellerin, Julius-Claudius sülalesinden, M.S. 5. yüzyıla kadar süreklilik gösterdikleri izlenmektedir. Ancak M.S. 2. yüzyıl heykellerin en çok dikildikleri yüzyıl olmuştur. Efes okulunun etkileri yoğundur. Ideal plastik örnekleri ise Klasik veya Helenistik dönem orijinallerine geri gitmektedirler. Agora, M.S 178 yılındaki depremde büyük zarar görmüştür. Marc Aurel’in yeniden yapılandırma çalışmaları sırasında, heykellerin çoğunun Tanrıları konu alması, önemli bir konsept değişikline işaret etmektedir
Sculptural Finds From the Agora of Smyrna The Agora of Smyrna situated on the road to Namazgah Cemetary in old Izmir has been one of the places to visit since the first travellers. First excavations done between 1932-1941, after the site was abandoned for a long time. The excavation and restoration work started again in 1996 by the Directorate of Archaeology Museum in Izmir which stil continues at present. The sculptures which compose our subject are the finds of excavations done by the Museum Directorate. Two different types of marble were used with the inclusion of fine grained white marble and big grained grey veined marble. According to the finds, the sculptures were erected from the Julius-Claudius Dynasty until 5th century AD. The middle of 2nd Century AD was the peak period of sculpture erection. In the executions, influence of Ephesos school draws attention. The ideal sculptures were copied from the Classic or Hellenistic Period originals. The Agora was damaged during the Ionia earthquake in 178 AD. After the restoration of Marc Aurel, the majority of the dedicated sculptures which reflect gods indicate a change of concept.
Sculptural Finds From the Agora of Smyrna The Agora of Smyrna situated on the road to Namazgah Cemetary in old Izmir has been one of the places to visit since the first travellers. First excavations done between 1932-1941, after the site was abandoned for a long time. The excavation and restoration work started again in 1996 by the Directorate of Archaeology Museum in Izmir which stil continues at present. The sculptures which compose our subject are the finds of excavations done by the Museum Directorate. Two different types of marble were used with the inclusion of fine grained white marble and big grained grey veined marble. According to the finds, the sculptures were erected from the Julius-Claudius Dynasty until 5th century AD. The middle of 2nd Century AD was the peak period of sculpture erection. In the executions, influence of Ephesos school draws attention. The ideal sculptures were copied from the Classic or Hellenistic Period originals. The Agora was damaged during the Ionia earthquake in 178 AD. After the restoration of Marc Aurel, the majority of the dedicated sculptures which reflect gods indicate a change of concept.
Smyrna, Agora, Sculpture, Portrait, İzmir, Archaeology, Heykel, Portre
Şahin, M. ve Taşlıalan, M. (2010). "Smyrna agorası heykeltraşlık buluntuları". Olba, 18(1), 175-240.