Publication: Pre-service teachers' teaching-specific hopes and their motivational forces: The roles of efficacy beliefs and possible selves
Working with 725 pre-service teachers, this study examined the explanatory roles of efficacy beliefs, expected and feared teacher possible selves within a recently developed model of teaching-specific hopes. latent-factor correlation analysis showed significant and selective relationships between the research variables. Subsequent structural equation modeling analysis revealed that the research variables were conceptually and practically discernible. Efficacy beliefs and loss of control were found to affect teaching-specific hopes directly. Latent variable interaction modeling analysis showed that interactions between efficacy beliefs and learning to teach positively predicted motivational force, and that those between efficacy beliefs and uncaring teacher negatively predicted motivational force.
Optimism, Context, Model, Sense, Dispositional hopes, Teaching-specific hopes, Motivational forces, Possible selves, Efficacy beliefs, Social sciences, Education & educational research