Yield and quality of forage type pea lines of contrasting leaf types




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Two semi-leafless and five leafed pea (Pisium sativum L.) lines were evaluated for 4 years for dry matter, seed and crude protein yield under rainfed conditions in the Bursa region of Turkey. All the lines used in this study were forage, type with indeterminate growing habit. Several yield components such as spring vigor, plant height. lodging scores, pods/plant, seeds/pod, seeds/plant. 1000-seed weight, and harvest index were measured. Fora-e, dry matter and seed yield, and dry matter digestibility of the lines were determined. Under humid conditions and cool temperatures in early spring, high forage production was observed in all the lines. Fall seeded peas attained average 1.5 m height and produced 8.4 t ha(-1) dry matter. Dry matter yields varied significantly among lines, however, leaf type had no effect on forage yield. Significant differences in seed yield were found among the lines. An overall seed yield averaged 1.4 t ha(-1). Prior to flowering. semi-leafless lines had significantly better standing ability than leafed peas. Leaf-type had no effect on lodging scores at seed harvesting stage. Dry matter digestibility percentages were similar between leafed and semi-leafless pea lines.



Pea, Evapotranspiration, Pisum sativum L, Leafed, Semi-leafless, Yield, Dry matter digestibility, Pisum-sativum l., Competition, Dried peas, Growth, Performance, Mixtures, Traits, Seed, Oats, Agriculture


Uzun, A. vd. (2005). "Yield and quality of forage type pea lines of contrasting leaf types". European Journal of Agronomy, 22(1), 85-94.
