Bursa Tophane seramikleri
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Hisar Bölgesi, geçmiş dönemlerde önemli bir yerleşim yeri olarak bilinmesine rağmen, yıllardır süre gelen yapılaşmaya maruz kalması nedeniyle oldukça tahrip edilmiştir. Değişik zaman dilimlerinde Bursa Arkeoloji Müze Müdürlüğü tarafından sondaj kazıları yapılmış ve bazı arkeolojik buluntular tespit edilmiştir. Ancak ilk defa bu kapsam dâhilinde 2015 yılında yapılan Bursa Osmangazi Belediyesinin desteği ile bölgede arkeopark yapılmak üzere Bursa Müze Müdürlüğü başkanlığında, Uludağ Üniversitesi, Arkeoloji Bölümünün katkılarıyla sistemli alan kazıları gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kazı çalışmalarında Erken Hellenistik dönemden –Geç Osmanlı dönemine kadar yoğun miktarda seramik, lüle, sikke, cam, kemik, bronz ve demirden yapılmış objeler bulunmuştur. İçerisinde Klasik ve Hellenistik dönemlere ait tabak/kase, günlük kullanım kapları, Hellenistik döneme ait olabilecek Kos Amphoraları, kandil, pişmiş toprak figürin, ağırlık ve ağırşaklar vb. buluntu grubu oluşturmaktadır. Bu makalede Hisararkeopark kazılarında açmalarda bulunan seramik buluntuları seviyeler doğrultusunda incelenmiştir.
Hisar district, although it is known as an important settlement place in previous periods, is quite blasted because of the ongoing structuring for years. Some archeological excavations are made in several times by Bursa Archeology Museum and some archeological findings were found. But for the first time within this scope some systematic field excavations were made in 2015 with the help of Bursa Osmangazi Municipality to make an Archeopark in the area with the scholarship of Bursa Museum authority and with the contributions of Uludağ University Archeology Department. In the excavations lots of pottery, pipe, coins, glasses, bones and objects made of iron and bronze dated from Hellenistic period to late Ottoman Period were found. Finding group includes, plates/cups dated to Hellenistic Period, daily use dishes, Kos amphoras might belong to Hellenistic Period, candles, pot figurines, weights and discs and etc. This article studied ceramic findings found in the Hisararcheopark excavations in accordance with levels.
Hisar district, although it is known as an important settlement place in previous periods, is quite blasted because of the ongoing structuring for years. Some archeological excavations are made in several times by Bursa Archeology Museum and some archeological findings were found. But for the first time within this scope some systematic field excavations were made in 2015 with the help of Bursa Osmangazi Municipality to make an Archeopark in the area with the scholarship of Bursa Museum authority and with the contributions of Uludağ University Archeology Department. In the excavations lots of pottery, pipe, coins, glasses, bones and objects made of iron and bronze dated from Hellenistic period to late Ottoman Period were found. Finding group includes, plates/cups dated to Hellenistic Period, daily use dishes, Kos amphoras might belong to Hellenistic Period, candles, pot figurines, weights and discs and etc. This article studied ceramic findings found in the Hisararcheopark excavations in accordance with levels.
Bithynia, Hisararkeopark, Seramik, Lüle, Hisararcheopark, Pottery, Pipe
Şahin, D. ve Gülsefa G. (2017). “Bursa Tophane seramikleri”. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 18(32), 77-104.