Ebû nuaym ve Et-Tıbbu’n-Nebevî isimli eseri üzerine
Dönmez, Mustafa
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
H. IV-V./m.X-XI. asırlarda en dikkat çeken şahsiyetlerinden birisi hiç kuşkusuz Ebû Nuaym el-İsfahânîdir. Hadis ilmindeki şöhretinin yanında Ebû Nuaym’ın, fıkıh, akâid, tarih ve tasavvuf gibi diğer islâmî ilimlerde de önemli bir birikiminin olduğu bıraktığı eserlerden açıkça anlaşılmaktadır. Onun et-Tıbbu’nNebevî adlı eseri, Hz. Peygamber ve sahâbenin tıp bilgisi ve tıbbî uygulamalarına ilişkin, çok sayıda hadisi, geniş bir tasnif çerçevesinde toplayan, nebevî tıp literatüründe yerini almış ilk kaynaklardan birisidir. Eser tıp kitabı sistematiğine benzer tarzda ayrıntılı bir şekilde düzenlenmek suretiyle benzerleri arasında istifadesi kolaylaştırılmıştır. Her birine “ Makale” adı verilen yedi bölüm şeklinde yazılan eserdeki bölüm başlıkları şöyledir: birinci bölüm, “İlmin Fazileti ve Tıp Bilgisinin Üstünlüğü”; ikinci bölüm, “İnsan Anatomisi ve Sağlığın Korunması”; üçüncü bölüm, “Hastalıkların İsimleri ve Hastanın Tedavisi”; dördüncü bölüm,“İlaçlar ve Faydaları”; beşinci bölüm, “Hasta Bakımı, Nekâhat Dönemindeki Hastanın Beslenmesi ve Kuvvetli Gıdalar”; altıncı bölüm, “Meyveler” ve Yedinci bölüm, “Etler ve Etlerden Yararlanma”.Nebevi Tıbb’ın bütün yönlerini ele alan orijinal bir kaynak niteliğindeki bu eserde kullanılan 322 hadislerin büyük bir bölümü sahih olmakla beraber bazı zayıf ve uydurma hadislere de rastlanmaktadır.
In the Islamic world of the 4th-5th AH/10th-11th century, there lived important scholars not only in the study of hadith but also in other fields of religious knowledge. One such significant figure among the Hadith scholars of the time was Abu Nuaym alIsfahânî. From his writings one can clearly see his scholarly expertise not only in the field of hadith but in fiqh, aqaaid, history and tasawwof as well. Al-Tıbb An-Nabawî that is one of the major references in the literature of the Tibb an-Nabawî. It is a widely classified collection of a number of hadiths that narrate the reccommendations and practice of healing by the Prophet and the Sahaabah. One important feature of the book is that it has a systematic structure of content that can be likened to a medical treatise which in turn makes it an easy-to-use reference book. The book is composed of seven chapters each called ‘maqâlah’. The following are the titles of these ‘maqâlât’: 1.The Virtue of Knowledge and the superiority of the science of Medical Knowledge, 2. Human Anatomy and Health Protection, 3. Names of Ilnesses and the cure of patients, 4. Medicines and their benefits, 5.Taking care of and the feeding of patients, 6. Fruits, 7. Meats and their benefit to health. In this original reference work that deals with various aspects al-Tibb an-Nabawî, many ahadith are considered to be authentic though a few weak and fabricated ahadith also exist.
In the Islamic world of the 4th-5th AH/10th-11th century, there lived important scholars not only in the study of hadith but also in other fields of religious knowledge. One such significant figure among the Hadith scholars of the time was Abu Nuaym alIsfahânî. From his writings one can clearly see his scholarly expertise not only in the field of hadith but in fiqh, aqaaid, history and tasawwof as well. Al-Tıbb An-Nabawî that is one of the major references in the literature of the Tibb an-Nabawî. It is a widely classified collection of a number of hadiths that narrate the reccommendations and practice of healing by the Prophet and the Sahaabah. One important feature of the book is that it has a systematic structure of content that can be likened to a medical treatise which in turn makes it an easy-to-use reference book. The book is composed of seven chapters each called ‘maqâlah’. The following are the titles of these ‘maqâlât’: 1.The Virtue of Knowledge and the superiority of the science of Medical Knowledge, 2. Human Anatomy and Health Protection, 3. Names of Ilnesses and the cure of patients, 4. Medicines and their benefits, 5.Taking care of and the feeding of patients, 6. Fruits, 7. Meats and their benefit to health. In this original reference work that deals with various aspects al-Tibb an-Nabawî, many ahadith are considered to be authentic though a few weak and fabricated ahadith also exist.
et-Tıbbu’n-Nebevi, Ebû Nuaym, Hadis, Peygamber, Tıp, Prophetic medical, Abû Nuaym, Hadith, The prophet, Medical
Dönmez, M. (2007). "Ebû nuaym ve Et-Tıbbu’n-Nebevî isimli eseri üzerine". Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(1), 321-350.