A novel reaction of α-carbonyl oxime and amido alcohol: Synthesis, characterization, crystal structure, and thermal studies of an amido alcohol, a new oximino alcohol ligand, and its metal complexes

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Taylor & Francis


In this study, a novel reaction was observed between isonitrosoacetophenone and 1-phenylethanol amine. Acetophenone was used as a starting material to synthesize isonitrosoacetophenone by reaction of acetophenone with n-butyl nitrite in the presence of sodium ethoxide and to synthesize 1-phenylethanol amine by reduction of isonitrosoacetophenone with LiAlH4 in diethyl ether. When the isonitrosoacetophenone reacted with 1-phenylethanol amine, (3E)-3-aza-5-(hydroxyimino)1,4-diphenylpent-3-en-1-ol monohydrate, a new oximino alcohol ligand and amido alcohol were obtained as associated product interestingly. Four complexes were prepared by treatment of oximino alcohol with metal salts such as Cu-II, Ni-II, Zn-II, and Co-II. Amido alcohol was characterized by single-crystal x-ray diffraction, and all complexes were characterized by using spectroscopic techniques and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA).



Chemistry, Science & technology - other topics, Oximino alcohol, Reduction, Amido alcohol, Schiff-base ligands, Cu(II), Copper(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Nickel(II), Cobalt(II), Zinc(II), Dioxime


Kaya, Y. vd. (2011). ''A novel reaction of α-carbonyl oxime and amido alcohol: Synthesis, characterization, crystal structure, and thermal studies of an amido alcohol, a new oximino alcohol ligand, and its metal complexes''. Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic Metal-Organic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 41(7), 754-762.