Wiskott Aldrich sendromu
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Wiskott Aldrich Sendromu (WAS) X’e bağlıresesif geçen, mikrotrombositopeni, egzema, sekonder piyojenik enfeksiyonlar, otoimmün hastalıklar ve lenforetiküler neoplazi riskinin arttığıiyi tanımlanmış immun yetmezlik sendromudur. WAS ve X’e bağlıgeçiş gösteren trombositopeniden sorumlu gen WASP genidir. WASP mutasyonlarının tipine göre hastalığın ağırlığıdeğişmektedir. WAS’lıolgularda kök hücre transplantasyonu veya gen tedavisi kür sağlayan tek tedavi yöntemidir. Sekonder enfeksiyonlara karşıprofilaktik antimikrobiyal tedavinin gelişmesi ve profilaktik IVIG tedavisi beklenen yaşam süresini uzatmaktadır.
The Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome (WAS) is a well defined X-linked recessive disorder associated with microplatelet thrombocytopeniae, eczema, secondary pyogenic infections, and an increased risk of autoimmunity and lymphoreticular neoplasia. The responsible mutations that are associated with WAS and X-linked thrombocytopeniae are mutations in the WAS protein. Severity of the disease varies with types of WASP mutations. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantations or gene therapy is the only curative therapy for WAS patients. Improved profilactic antimicrobial therapy againts secondary infections and prophylactic use of IVIG have markedly prolonged the life expectancy of WAS patients.
The Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome (WAS) is a well defined X-linked recessive disorder associated with microplatelet thrombocytopeniae, eczema, secondary pyogenic infections, and an increased risk of autoimmunity and lymphoreticular neoplasia. The responsible mutations that are associated with WAS and X-linked thrombocytopeniae are mutations in the WAS protein. Severity of the disease varies with types of WASP mutations. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantations or gene therapy is the only curative therapy for WAS patients. Improved profilactic antimicrobial therapy againts secondary infections and prophylactic use of IVIG have markedly prolonged the life expectancy of WAS patients.
Wiskott Aldrich sendromu, Trombositopeni, İmmün yetmezlik, Wiskott Aldrich syndrome, Thrombocytopeniae, İmmunodeficiency
Yapıcı, Ş. ve Kılıç, S. Ş. (2008). "Wiskott Aldrich sendromu". Güncel Pediatri, 6(3), 119-123.