Tip 1 diyabetin uzun dönem izlemi
Abacı, Ayhan
Böber, Ece
Büyükgebiz, Atilla
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Retinopati, nefropati ve nöropati tip 1 diyabetin sık görülen mikrovasküler komplikasyonlarıdır. Makrovasküler komplikasyonlar, periferik ve iskemik vasküler hastalıklardan oluşmakta olup, 30 yaş altında nadir görülmektedir. Tip 1 diyabet ile ilişkili diğer komplikasyonlar, büyüme yetersizliği, puberte gecikmesi, psikiatrik bozukluklar, dermatolojik komplikasyonlar (Lipoatrofi, lipohipertrofi, necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum), otoimmun hipotiroidizm ve celiac hastalığıdır. Çocukluk ve adolesan dönemde erken komplikasyonların ilerlemesinde ve gelişiminin önlenmesinde glisemik kontrol ve izlem en önemli tedavi yaklaşımıdır.
The most common microvascular complications of type 1 diabetes include retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy. Macrovascular complications that predispose to ischemic and peripheral vascular disease are rare under the age of 30 years. In addition, growth retardation, delay of puberty, psychiatric disorders, dermatologic complications (lipoatrophy, lipohypertrophy, necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum), autoimmune hypothyroidism, and celiac disease are the other complications associated with type 1 diabetes mellitus. In childhood and adolescence, monitoring and optimizing glycemic control is most important in management for preventing the development and progression of early complications.
The most common microvascular complications of type 1 diabetes include retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy. Macrovascular complications that predispose to ischemic and peripheral vascular disease are rare under the age of 30 years. In addition, growth retardation, delay of puberty, psychiatric disorders, dermatologic complications (lipoatrophy, lipohypertrophy, necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum), autoimmune hypothyroidism, and celiac disease are the other complications associated with type 1 diabetes mellitus. In childhood and adolescence, monitoring and optimizing glycemic control is most important in management for preventing the development and progression of early complications.
Tip 1 diabetes mellitus, Mikrovasküler komplikasyonlar, Tarama, Type 1 diabetes mellitus, Microvascular complications, Screening
Abacı, A. vd. (2008). "Tip 1 diyabetin uzun dönem izlemi". Güncel Pediatri, 6(3), 111-118.