Response of a cool-season turf mixture to composted chicken manure in a mediterranean environment

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Taylor and Francis


The current study addresses the effects of topdressing composted chicken manure on established turf and comparing the composted chicken manure to a chemical nitrogen (N) fertilizer. Turf color, quality and clipping yields were correlated with N sources and application timing. Monthly fertilization resulted in a more uniform color and turf quality and less clipping yields than did comparable amounts of all N sources applied each as a single application in spring and spring and fall (S + F). The monthly and/or S + F topdressing of chicken manure composts increased the color and quality ratings of the turf mixture during the growing season but did not greatly affect the clipping production.



Plant sciences, Nitrogen fertilization, Chicken manure, Clipping yield, Color, Composts, Nitrogen fertilization, Quality, Turf, Kentucky bluegrass, Physiological-responses, Turfgrass establishment, Tall fescue, Growth, Quality, Fertilization, Soil, Cultivars, Irrigation


Bilgili, U. vd. (2013). “Response of a cool-season turf mixture to composted chicken manure in a mediterranean environment”. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 36(10), 1533-1548.