Bir köpekte malassezia dermatitisi
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Malassezia dermatitisi, Malassezia pachydermatitis tarafından meydana getirilen bir maya enfeksiyonudur. Kulak kepçesi, dış kulak kanalı, yüz, karın altı ve interdigital bölgeler en yaygın olarak etkilenen kısımlardır. Köpeklerdeki başlıca semptomları şiddetli kaşıntı, eritem, liknifikasyon ve hiperpigmentasyon oluşturur. Olgumuzu U.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Kliniklerine getirilen 3 yaşlı, erkek, Pointer ırkı bir köpek oluşturdu. Anamnezde 2 ay süresince sefazolin, ivermectin ve klorfenoksamin uygulanmasına rağmen düzelmenin olmadığı bildirildi. Otitis eksterna ile birlikte kulaklarda şiddetli kaşıntı, eritem, liknifikasyon ve hiperpigmentasyon gözlendi. Mikolojik inceleme için, deriden selofan bant yapıştırılarak örnekler alındı. Selofan bant yöntemi ile patojenik mantarlar için selektif besiyerinde Malassezia pachydermatitis izole edildi.. Tedavide dört hafta boyunca günde iki kez oral yolla 10 mg/kg dozunda ketakonozol verildi. Tedaviye başladıktan sonra ikinci haftada lezyonlar belirgin olarak azaldı ve dördüncü haftada tam olarak düzeldi. Sonuç olarak, rutin tedaviye cevap vermeyen eritematöz, hiperpigmentasyon, liknefikasyon ve şiddetli kaşıntıya sahip dermatitis ve otitis eksternada, Malassezia dermatitisi göz önünde bulundurulmasının gerektiği ve tedavide ketakonozol’un etkili olduğu görüşüne varıldı.
Malassezia dermatitis is a yeast infection that is occurs by Malassezia pachydermatitis. Ears, external ear canal, face, ventrum, interdigital zones are the most affected areas. The main symptoms in dogs are severe pruritis, erythema, lichenification and hyperpigmentation. In this study, a 3 years-old male pointer dog was admitted to the Clinic of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Uludag University was evaluated for Malassezia pachydermatitis. In history, although it was reported that although cefazoline, ıvermectine and chlorphnexamine were administered for two months, ıt wasn’t recovered. Clinical sings were erytheme, hyperpigmentation, lichenification and intense pruritis on the ears along with otitis externa. Samples for mycological examination from the skin were taken by stripping, using cellophane tape. In the “tape-method” Malassezia pachydermatitis was isolated on the selective agar for pathogenic fungi. For the treatmeant, ketaconazole was given orally at 10 mg/kg twice a day for 4 weeks. Lesions were noticeably reduced in 2 weeks after the start of therapy, and then fully resolved in 4 weeks. As a result, it was concluded that Malasseszia dermatitis should be considered in non- responsive dermatological cases characterized with erythema, hyperpigmentation, lichenification and intense pruritis dermatitis and otitis externa. Also ketaconozole is effective in treatmeant of Malassezia dermatitis.
Malassezia dermatitis is a yeast infection that is occurs by Malassezia pachydermatitis. Ears, external ear canal, face, ventrum, interdigital zones are the most affected areas. The main symptoms in dogs are severe pruritis, erythema, lichenification and hyperpigmentation. In this study, a 3 years-old male pointer dog was admitted to the Clinic of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Uludag University was evaluated for Malassezia pachydermatitis. In history, although it was reported that although cefazoline, ıvermectine and chlorphnexamine were administered for two months, ıt wasn’t recovered. Clinical sings were erytheme, hyperpigmentation, lichenification and intense pruritis on the ears along with otitis externa. Samples for mycological examination from the skin were taken by stripping, using cellophane tape. In the “tape-method” Malassezia pachydermatitis was isolated on the selective agar for pathogenic fungi. For the treatmeant, ketaconazole was given orally at 10 mg/kg twice a day for 4 weeks. Lesions were noticeably reduced in 2 weeks after the start of therapy, and then fully resolved in 4 weeks. As a result, it was concluded that Malasseszia dermatitis should be considered in non- responsive dermatological cases characterized with erythema, hyperpigmentation, lichenification and intense pruritis dermatitis and otitis externa. Also ketaconozole is effective in treatmeant of Malassezia dermatitis.
Köpek, Dog, Dermatitis, Mal, Malassezia
Şentürk, S. vd. (2001). "Bir köpekte malassezia dermatitisi". Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 20(3), 79-83.