Deneysel obstruktif sarılıkta renal patolojinin gelişimi ve mannitolün profilaktik etkisi
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmada deneysel koşullarda, sıçanların ana safra kanalları bağlanmak suretiyle oluşturulan ekstrahepatik kolestazın böbrekleri ne denli etkileyerek akut renal yetmezliğe neden olduğunu biyokimyasal ve histopatolojik olarak göstermeye çalıştık. Bir hafta süreyle kolestaz uygulanan grupta, tıkanma sarılığının akut renal yetmezliğe zemin hazırladığını gördük. İkinci ve üçüncü haftalık gruplarda renal yetmezliğin laboratuvar bulgularında tedrici azalma, buna karşın karaciğerde biliyer siroza gidiş ve böbreklerde dejeneresans gözlendi. Bir başka gruba ise intraperitoneal % 10 Mannitol uygulanarak, renal yetmezliğe gidişteki koruyucu etkisi araştırıldı. Bulgular literatür verileriyle tartışıldı.
In this study, we tried to investigate bioclıemical/y and histopatlıologically how extrahepatic cholestatis cause acute renal failure, by ligating the main biliary duct in the rats under experimental conditions. We detected that the group in which extrahepatic cholestasis was applied for one week. obstructive jaundice prepared a base for acute renal failure. In the group where ligation was kept for two weeks and three weeks, the laboratory findings of acute renal failure gradually regressed, but progression of biliary cirhosis of the liver and degeneration on the kidneys were observed. In another group where % 10 Mannitol solution intraperitoneally given, the protective effect on the progression of renal failure was investigated. The findings were discussed with the literature.
In this study, we tried to investigate bioclıemical/y and histopatlıologically how extrahepatic cholestatis cause acute renal failure, by ligating the main biliary duct in the rats under experimental conditions. We detected that the group in which extrahepatic cholestasis was applied for one week. obstructive jaundice prepared a base for acute renal failure. In the group where ligation was kept for two weeks and three weeks, the laboratory findings of acute renal failure gradually regressed, but progression of biliary cirhosis of the liver and degeneration on the kidneys were observed. In another group where % 10 Mannitol solution intraperitoneally given, the protective effect on the progression of renal failure was investigated. The findings were discussed with the literature.
Obstruktif sarılık, Renal, Patoloji, Mannitol, Prophylactic effect, Obstructive jaundice, Pathology, Profilaktik etki
Korun, N. vd. (1989). ''Deneysel obstruktif sarılıkta renal patolojinin gelişimi ve mannitolün profilaktik etkisi''. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(3), 515-527.