Endokrin bozucular
Yeşilkaya, Ediz
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Endokrin bozucular, endokrin sistem tarafından sentezlenen endojen kimyasalların aktivitelerini bir şekilde taklit ettikleri, blokladıkları ya da değiştirdikleri için özel ilgi konusudurlar. Diğer birçok organın yanında, özellikle üriner sistemi ve tiroid bezlerini etkilemektedirler. Endokrin bozucu kimyasallar östrojen ve androjen reseptörleri ile reaksiyona girip, endojen hormonların agonist ya da antagonistleri olarak etki gösterebilirler. Son on yılda reprodüktif organ anomalileri, testiküler kanser, erkek doğum oranlarında azalma ve semen kalitesinde düşme rapor eden birçok çalışma yayınlanmıştır. Bu derlemede, endokrin bozucuların reprodüktif sağlık üzerine olan etkileri yakın döneme ait literatür ışığında tartışılmıştır.
Endocrine disruptors are of special interest because they mimic, block, or in some way alter the activity of endogenous chemicals that are synthesized by the endocrine system. Besides many other organs, they especially affect the urinary system and the thyroid glands. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals are typically identified as compounds that can interact with oestrogen or androgen receptors and thus act as agonists or antagonists of endogenous hormones. During the last decade, numerous studies have been published, reporting an increase in reproductive organ anomalies, as well as in testicular cancer, and a decline in the relative number of male births, and in semen quality. In this review, the effects of endocrine distruptors on the reproductive health are discussed in the light of the recent literature.
Endocrine disruptors are of special interest because they mimic, block, or in some way alter the activity of endogenous chemicals that are synthesized by the endocrine system. Besides many other organs, they especially affect the urinary system and the thyroid glands. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals are typically identified as compounds that can interact with oestrogen or androgen receptors and thus act as agonists or antagonists of endogenous hormones. During the last decade, numerous studies have been published, reporting an increase in reproductive organ anomalies, as well as in testicular cancer, and a decline in the relative number of male births, and in semen quality. In this review, the effects of endocrine distruptors on the reproductive health are discussed in the light of the recent literature.
Endokrin bozucular, Üreme sistemi, Çocuk, Endocrine disruptors, Reproductive system, Child
Yeşilkaya, E. (2008). "Endokrin bozucular". Güncel Pediatri, 6(2), 76-82.