“Human tail”; olgu sunumu
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Human tail”; lumbosakrokoksigeal kaudal bölgede, üzeri cilt ile kaplı protrüzyon olarak gözlenen, nadir görülen, konjenital, embriyonik, vestigial benign bir anomalidir. Klinik, radyolojik, histopatolojik incelemelerle “true tail” ve “pseudo tail” olarak birbirinden ayırd edilmeleri gerekir. Özellikle radyolojik incelemeler preoperatif dönemde bu ayrıcı tanıyı yapmakta büyük öneme sahiptir. Human tail’e diğer konjenital anomaliler eşlik edebilir, spinal disrafizm bu anomalilerde en büyük paya sahiptir ki bu da iyi bir klinik yönetim gerektirmektedir. Bu olgu sunumunda, “true tail” ile doğmuş, sağlıklı bir yenidoğan olgusundan bahsedildi.
Human tail is a rare, congenital, embryonic, vestigial benign anomaly observed as a skin covered protrusion in lumbosacrococcygeal region. True tail and pseudotail should be distinguished from each other by clinical, radiological and histopathological examinations. Particularly radiological examinations have great importance in making this differential diagnosis in the preoperative period. Human tail may be accompanied by other congenital anomalies, spinal dysraphism has the largest share in these anomalies, which requires good clinical management. In this case report, a healthy newborn with human tail was mentioned.
Human tail is a rare, congenital, embryonic, vestigial benign anomaly observed as a skin covered protrusion in lumbosacrococcygeal region. True tail and pseudotail should be distinguished from each other by clinical, radiological and histopathological examinations. Particularly radiological examinations have great importance in making this differential diagnosis in the preoperative period. Human tail may be accompanied by other congenital anomalies, spinal dysraphism has the largest share in these anomalies, which requires good clinical management. In this case report, a healthy newborn with human tail was mentioned.
Türk Nöroşirürji Derneği 30. Bilimsel Kongresi’nde (19-24 Nisan 2018, Antalya) Elektronik Poster Bildirisi olarak sunulmuştur.
True tail, Human tail, Kaudal uzantı, Spinal disrafizm, Spinal dysraphism, Spina bifida, Spina bifida, Caudal appendage
Kaya, İ. S. ve Taşkapılıoğlu, Ö. (2018). ''“Human tail”; olgu sunumu''. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 44(3), 205-208.