Fetüs papyraceus ile ilişkili aplazia kutis konjenita
Özdemir, Ahmet
Baştuğ, Osman
Alçı, Serra
Korkmaz, Levent
Halis, Hülya
Korkut, Sabriye
Öztürk, Mehmet Adnan
Güneş, Tamer
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Aplazia kutis konjenita (AKK) derinin lokalize veya geniş alanlar şeklinde yokluğu ile karakterize nadir bir anomalidir. Genellikle skalpta görülmekle birlikte, tek veya multipl lezyonlar şeklinde vücudun herhangi bir yerinde bulunabilir. On bin doğumda bir görülen AKK izole bir lezyon olarak ortaya çıkabildiği gibi, yarık damak/dudak, sindaktili, parmakların yokluğu, göz anomalileri ve konjenital kalp hastalıkları ile birlikte görülebilir. AKK’nin oldukça nadir görülen bir formu da intrauterin ex olan ikiz eşine bağlı gelişen formudur. Büyük lezyonlar cerrahi onarıma gerek duyarken, küçük defektler spontan re-epitelizasyon ile iyileşebilir. Bu yazıda; nadir olarak görülen, fetüs papyraceus ile ilişkili olarak gövdesinde AKK gelişen erkek olgu sunulmuştur.
Aplasia cutis congenita (ACC) is a rare malformation characterized by localized or a wide area absence of tissue. The disease may involve any site of the body, although usually seen on the scalp. Observed one in 10.000 births, it can occur as the ACC as an isolated lesion and may be associated with cleft palate/lip, syndactyly, absence of fingers, eye abnormalities and congenital heart disease. ACC’s a rare form due to intrauterine twin, which is a form of ex. Large lesions that require surgical repair small defects heal spontaneously with re-epithelialization. We present a rare case of newborn male with truncal ACC associated with fetus papyraceus.
Aplasia cutis congenita (ACC) is a rare malformation characterized by localized or a wide area absence of tissue. The disease may involve any site of the body, although usually seen on the scalp. Observed one in 10.000 births, it can occur as the ACC as an isolated lesion and may be associated with cleft palate/lip, syndactyly, absence of fingers, eye abnormalities and congenital heart disease. ACC’s a rare form due to intrauterine twin, which is a form of ex. Large lesions that require surgical repair small defects heal spontaneously with re-epithelialization. We present a rare case of newborn male with truncal ACC associated with fetus papyraceus.
Aplazia kutis konjenita, Re-epitelizasyon, İkiz, Aplasia cutis congenita, Re-epithelialization, Twins
Özdemir, A. vd. (2015). "Fetüs papyraceus ile ilişkili aplazia kutis konjenita". Güncel Pediatri, 13(2), 147-150.