Abraham ibn Daud’un İbn Hazm’ın Nesih ve tahrif eleştirisine karşı Tevrat savunusu
Meral, Yasin
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Abraham ibn Daud (ö. 1180) İspanyalı önde gelen Yahudi âlimlerdendir. Onun yaşadığı dönemde İspanya toprakları Murabıtlar, Muvahhidler ve Hıristiyan krallıklar arasında savaşlara sahne olmuştur. İbn Daud, Müslümanlar ve Hıristiyanlar tarafından Yahudiliğe yöneltilen eleştirilere karşı Yahudiliği savunmuştur. İbn Daud, ayrıca Karaî Yahudilerin Rabbani Yahudilere yönelik eleştirilerine de cevap vermiştir. İbn Daud, Yahudiliği savunmak üzere biri inanca dair diğeri de Rabbani geleneğin otantikliğine dair iki temel eser yazmıştır. Bunlardan biri Arapça kaleme aldığı el-ʿAḳīdetu’rRāfiʿa, diğeri de İbranice Sefer haKabala’dır. Sefer ha-Kabala, Karaîlerin eleştirilerine karşı Rabbani Yahudiliğin Musa’dan itibaren kesintisiz bir şekilde geldiğini ispatlamaya gayret eden bir eserdir. İlk Aristocu Yahudi düşünür olarak bilinen İbn Daud, başyapıtı olan elʿAḳīdetu’r-Rāfiʿa adlı eserinde ise Aristo felsefesi ışığında Yahudi inancının üstünlüğünü göstermeye çalışmakta, aynı zamanda Müslümanların nesih ve tahrif iddialarına cevap vermektedir. Elinizdeki makalede, İbn Daud’un nesih ve tahrifle ilgili cevapları incelenecektir. Bunu yaparken İbn Daud’un muhtemel kaynakları ve istifade ettiği eserler de tespit edilmeye çalışılacaktır. Diğer taraftan İbn Daud’un nesih ve tahrif iddialarını hangi Müslüman âlimin eserleri üzerinden okuduğuna dair soru da bu makalede cevaplandırılmaya çalışılacaktır.
Abraham ibn Daud (d. 1180) was one of the leading Jewish scholars of Spain. The Spanish lands witnessed wars among Almoravids, Almohads, and Christian kingdoms during his lifetime. Ibn Daud defended Judaism against the criticism leveled against Judaism by Muslims and Christians. Apart from this, Ibn Daud also responded to the criticism of the Karaite Jews against the Rabbinic Jews. Ibn Daud wrote two main works in defense of Judaism, one on faith and the other on the authenticity of the Rabbinic tradition. One of them is al-ʿAḳīdetu'rRāfiʿa, which he wrote in Arabic, and the other is Sefer ha-Qabbalah, which he wrote in Hebrew. Sefer ha-Qabbalah, written against the criticisms of the Karaites, tries to prove that Rabbinic Judaism came uninterruptedly from Moses. Ibn Daud, known as the first Aristotelian Jewish thinker, tries to show the superiority of Jewish belief in the light of Aristotelian philosophy in his main work entitled al-ʿAḳīdetu'r-Rāfiʿa. In this work, the author replies to the Muslim claims of abrogation and falsification. This article examines Ibn Daud’s answers about abrogation and falsification. While doing this, it tries to determine the possible sources of Ibn Daud and the works from which he benefited. This article also attempts to answer which Muslim author Ibn Daud read the claims about abrogation and falsification.
Abraham ibn Daud (d. 1180) was one of the leading Jewish scholars of Spain. The Spanish lands witnessed wars among Almoravids, Almohads, and Christian kingdoms during his lifetime. Ibn Daud defended Judaism against the criticism leveled against Judaism by Muslims and Christians. Apart from this, Ibn Daud also responded to the criticism of the Karaite Jews against the Rabbinic Jews. Ibn Daud wrote two main works in defense of Judaism, one on faith and the other on the authenticity of the Rabbinic tradition. One of them is al-ʿAḳīdetu'rRāfiʿa, which he wrote in Arabic, and the other is Sefer ha-Qabbalah, which he wrote in Hebrew. Sefer ha-Qabbalah, written against the criticisms of the Karaites, tries to prove that Rabbinic Judaism came uninterruptedly from Moses. Ibn Daud, known as the first Aristotelian Jewish thinker, tries to show the superiority of Jewish belief in the light of Aristotelian philosophy in his main work entitled al-ʿAḳīdetu'r-Rāfiʿa. In this work, the author replies to the Muslim claims of abrogation and falsification. This article examines Ibn Daud’s answers about abrogation and falsification. While doing this, it tries to determine the possible sources of Ibn Daud and the works from which he benefited. This article also attempts to answer which Muslim author Ibn Daud read the claims about abrogation and falsification.
Dinler tarihi, Yahudilik, Abraham ibn Daud, Tevrat, Tahrif, İbn Hazm, Musa, History of religions, Judaism, Abraham ibn Daud, Torah, Falsification, Abrogation, Moses, Nesih
Meral, Y. (2022). ''Abraham ibn Daud’un İbn Hazm’ın Nesih ve tahrif eleştirisine karşı Tevrat savunusu''. Oksident: Yahudilik, Hıristiyanlık ve Batı Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4(1), 1-35