Fetal intrakraniyal teratomun erken prenatal tanısı ve fetal intrakraniyal kitlelere yaklaşım
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Konjenital intrakraniyal tümörler, oldukça nadir görülen çocukluk çağı santral sinir sistemi tümörleridir. Bu tümörlerin önemli bir kısmını teratomlar oluşturmaktadır. İntrakraniyal teratomların prognozları kötüdür. Prenatal tanı konulabilen olguların sağ kalım ve canlı doğum oranları oldukça düşüktür. Obstetrik ultrasonografi öncelikli tanı yöntemidir; bununla birlikte seçilmiş vakalarda, manyetik rezonans görüntüleme (MRG) tanıya yardımcı olabilir. MRG, tümörün fetal beyinde yol açtığı hasarın ortaya konmasında ve gebeliğin prognozunun belirlenmesinde faydalı olabilir. Bu yazıda, 22. gebelik haftasında tanısı konulan fetal beyin teratomu vakası sunulmuştur. Bilgimize göre, bu olgu, literatürde yayınlanan 14. gebelik haftasında tanı almış olan intrakraniyal teratom olgusundan sonra en erken tanı alan ikinci intrakraniyal teratom olgusudur. Ultrasonografi ile fetal kraniyum içerisinde, heterojen eko sergileyen, düzgün sınırlı, yer kaplayan kitle ile birlikte sekonder obstrüktif hidrosefali saptanmıştır. Olgunun MRG ile elde edilen bulguları bu açıdan ultrasonografik bulgular ile benzerlik göstermiştir. Gebelik ailenin de onayı alınarak termine edilmiştir. Sunulan olguda MRG tanıya ve olgunun yönetimine ek katkı sağlayamamıştır. Bu sunumda, olgunun sonografi ve MRG bulguları ile birlikte bu vakalara obstetrik yaklaşım tartışılmaktadır.
Congenital intracranial tumors are infrequent lesions of central nervous system in pediatric age group. The most common lesion in this group is teratoma. The prognosis of intracranial teratomas is poor. Overall survival and live birth rates are low in cases that are diagnosed in prenatal period. Obstetric ultrasound is the preferred diagnostic method. However in selected cases, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) could be helpful in diagnosis. MRI may also be helpful for determining the degree of damage to the fetal brain and determining the prognosis of pregnancy. Current report presents a case of fetal brain teratoma which is diagnosed at 22th weeks of pregnancy. To our best knowledge, this case represents the second earliest case in medical literature, which follows the intracranial teratoma case diagnosed at 14th weeks of pregnancy. Space occupying mass in fetal cranium with smooth borders and heterogenous internal echogenity and secondary obstructive hydrocephalus were determined with ultrasonography. In this respect, the findings established with MRI were not beyond the ultrasonographical evidences. MRI did not give additional benefit in terms of diagnosis and management of the pregnancy in this case. Sonographic and MRI findings as well as obstetric approach are discussed in this report.
Congenital intracranial tumors are infrequent lesions of central nervous system in pediatric age group. The most common lesion in this group is teratoma. The prognosis of intracranial teratomas is poor. Overall survival and live birth rates are low in cases that are diagnosed in prenatal period. Obstetric ultrasound is the preferred diagnostic method. However in selected cases, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) could be helpful in diagnosis. MRI may also be helpful for determining the degree of damage to the fetal brain and determining the prognosis of pregnancy. Current report presents a case of fetal brain teratoma which is diagnosed at 22th weeks of pregnancy. To our best knowledge, this case represents the second earliest case in medical literature, which follows the intracranial teratoma case diagnosed at 14th weeks of pregnancy. Space occupying mass in fetal cranium with smooth borders and heterogenous internal echogenity and secondary obstructive hydrocephalus were determined with ultrasonography. In this respect, the findings established with MRI were not beyond the ultrasonographical evidences. MRI did not give additional benefit in terms of diagnosis and management of the pregnancy in this case. Sonographic and MRI findings as well as obstetric approach are discussed in this report.
General & internal medicine, Teratoma, Early diagnosis, Ultrasonography, prenatal, Magnetic resonance imaging, Resection, Erken tanı, Teratom, Ultrasonografi, prenatal, Manyetik rezonans görüntüleme
Kimya, Y. vd. (2011). "Early prenatal diagnosis of fetal intracranial teratoma and approach to fetal intracranial masses: Case report". Türkiye Klinikleri Tıp Bilimleri Dergisi, 31(5), 1306-1309.